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Manage Packages with Micromamba

In situations where root privileges are not available to install required packages, Micromamba can be a useful tool. Here's a simple guide on how to use Micromamba to manage packages:

Install with:

"${SHELL}" <(curl -L

Export the existing environment to a YAML file named oldenv.yaml using the following command:

micromamba env export --name oldenv > oldenv.yaml

Create a new environment named newenv using the exported YAML file oldenv.yaml:

micromamba env create --name newenv --file oldenv.yaml

Dockerize the Dotfiles

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to reconfigure your development environment every time you face a new machine? The relentless cycle of package installations, dotfile transfers, and occasionally wrestling with network proxies can be downright maddening. But worry not, we can harnessed the power of Docker, to deliver a solution that will forever change the way you set up your development environment. With just one command, you can wave goodbye to the days of manual configuration.

Quick Start

First, ensure that you have Docker installed. If you're using the apt package manager, you can do so with the following command:

sudo apt install

Now, you're ready to begin using our Dockerized Dotfiles. Start by running this command:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/work --name box wongsingfo/dotfiles

# Or also bind the auth files
docker run -it \
    -v $(pwd):/work -v $HOME/.ssh:/home/ubuntu/.ssh \
    -v $HOME/.cache/nvim/codeium/config.json:/home/ubuntu/.cache/nvim/codeium/config.json \
    -v $HOME/.config/OPENAI_API_KEY:/home/ubuntu/.config/OPENAI_API_KEY \
    --name box wongsingfo/dotfiles

# Allow gdb to disable the ASLR
docker run -it \
    --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined

To detach from the container, use the default key combination: Ctrl-P followed by Ctrl-Q.

If you need to re-enter the container, execute the following:

# We change the detach keys to avoid the confliction with the `Previous` command in the shell
docker start -i --detach-keys='ctrl-x,e' box


Permission Issues

If you encounter permission problems, it may be because the container uses the user ID 1000 by default, and the files under $(pwd) do not belong to this user. One solution is to modify the user ID of the 'ubuntu' user inside the container:

# Suppose the user ID of the current user is 1004
sudo su -c 'usermod -u 1004 ubuntu && groupmod -g 1004 ubuntu'

# Flush the Fish shell cache
rm -rf /tmp/fish.ubuntu

My Ctrl-P Key Is Not Working

Ctrl-P is the default key binding for the Previous command in the shell. However, it conflicts with the Docker detach key (Ctrl-P + Ctrl-Q). To change the detach key, change the config file in the ~/.docker/config.json file.

    "detachKeys": "ctrl-x,e"