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Releases: worldbank/iefieldkit

iefieldkit - v3.2

03 Aug 19:07
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  • Implement trimkeep to iecodebook #254
  • Fix small bugs in ietestform and iecodebook

iefieldkit - v3.1 (Stata journal)

06 Feb 17:29
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Implements suggestions made by Stata Journal reviewers


  • #232: error message improvement
  • #243: make sure codebook matches data
  • #244: sort variables in append template
  • #249: bug fix for option saveas


  • #240: minor bug fix
  • #241: add column to workbook with number of observations changed
  • #242: remove other functionality

v3 - new command `iecorrect`

01 Aug 16:02
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Adds the new command iecorrect, that creates a self-documenting workflow to make changes to individual data points.

Tracked in issues: #233 #229 #228 #227 #226 #225 #224 #211 #209 #208 #207 #190 #188 #187 #186 #185 #184 #183 #182

Bug fixes and new `iecodebook` functionality

14 Feb 14:20
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  • new functionality in iecodebook export: keep only variables used in selected do-files
  • enhancement: test if value label changes between versions #136
  • small bug fixes #160 #157
  • improved error handling #205 #159


  • fix bug with special characters or long strings in ID var #172 #178


iefieldkit - Version 2.0 (Stata Journal)

09 Jul 15:22
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This release finalizes iefieldkit to reflect the version forthcoming at the Stata Journal. It adds runfiles for iecodebook, and corrects several bugs and documentation errors in dropping variables and value labels, and correctly warns the user if all variables are ordered to be dropped. (No corresponding issues for this release.)

iefieldkit - version 1.5

29 Apr 14:50
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Updates for Stata Journal, 2nd round of review


  • Changed user input in correct and drop columns #142
  • Minor changes in listofdiffs #143


  • Bug fix on match option #132
  • Updated error message #131
  • Changes to report created by append subcommand #122
  • Remove spaces from variable names #120
  • Bug fix with scalars #116

Other updates

  • Run files

iefieldkit - version 1.4

21 Aug 16:06
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Syntax updates


  • match option on template subcommand: outputs a single line for variables present in multiple data sets #47
  • Better error messages #65
  • Added option to drop variables and variable labels to apply subcommand #69
  • Added option replace to export subcommand #70
  • Option clear is now required with append subcommand #76


  • Allow if to be used
  • Improved error messages #98 #99


  • Allow using to specify duplicates report file name
  • force option is required when command makes changes to the data set #96
  • Fix issue with IDs incorrectly imported as strings #61
  • Improved error messages #75 #103
  • Fix issue caused by extra spaces in ieduplicates report #83
  • Updated helpfile with new options #93
  • Daily reports won't be overwritten when there are changes #95


  • Use using to indicate the survey form to be tested
  • Fixed type mismatch when choices tab is blank #84

iefieldkit - Version 1.1

23 May 14:01
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This version included improvements to ieduplicates and ietestform.

Updates to commands


  • Varnames in Excel report can now be set bu user: #59
  • New varaible in Excle report listing how duplicates are different #60


  • Fix so variables with appearance label is not required #64

Other updates

Adding test scripts here.

iefieldkit - First Release!

12 Feb 22:33
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iefieldkit - New Stata package for primary data collection

The iefieldkit is a package of commands for primary data collection. This is a topic with fewer user-written commands than for example analysis, and we think the reason for that is that there are not as many expert Stata coders in the field. But since primary data collection is equally important to quantitative research as analysis, we hope that iefieldkit will cover a part of this gap.

This package currently supports three major components of that workflow: survey design; survey completion; and data cleaning and survey harmonization.

In this first version, iefieldkit performs the following three tasks:

  • Before data collection , ietestform is a compliment to the ODK syntax test on SurveyCTO server as ietestform runs tests related to best practices on how to, and how not to use features in the ODK programming language to ensure data quality, especially if the data will be imported to Stata that has other restrictions than ODK syntax.
  • During data collection, ieduplicates and iecompdup (both previously released as a part of the package ietoolkit but now moved to this package) provide a workflow for detecting and resolving duplicate entries in the dataset, ensuring that the final survey dataset will be a correct record of the survey sample to merge onto the master sampling database.
  • After data collection, the iecodebook commands provide a workflow for rapidly cleaning, harmonizing, and documenting datasets. iecodebook uses input specified in an Excel sheet, which provides a much more well-structured and easy to follow (especially for non-technical users) overview that the same operations written directly to a dofile.

Beta release for testing

07 Dec 18:14
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This beta version is only released for testing of the command iecodebook and iefieldkit.

We recognize that there is more work to be done with these commands before they are ready for a proper release, but this beta release is a step of getting there so that users can start to use it and give us feedback on what else needs to be done.

Please open an issue for any feedback you might have or send an email to If you send an email, please start the subject of the email with iefieldkit:.

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