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Merge pull request #357 from worldbank/release-v7.3
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Release v7.3
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ankritisingh authored Feb 14, 2024
2 parents af222c3 + 43b4922 commit fa1146e
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Showing 42 changed files with 318 additions and 247 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion run/iebaltab/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

ieboilstart, v(17.0)
ieboilstart , version(13.1)

sysuse auto, clear
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36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions run/iebaltab/outputs/iebaltab2/3g-control-order.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(3)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)-(3)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)-(3)} \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{2} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{1} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{0} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Pairwise t-test} \\
Variable & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean difference & N & Mean difference \\ \hline \\[-1.8ex]
price & 19 & 6230.526 & 32 & 5458.594 & 23 & 7094.522 & 42 & -863.995 & 55 & -1635.928** \\
& & (739.361) & & (397.356) & & (710.673) & & & & \\ [1ex]
mpg & 19 & 20.632 & 32 & 21.344 & 23 & 21.783 & 42 & -1.151 & 55 & -0.439 \\
& & (1.217) & & (0.882) & & (1.509) & & & & \\ [1ex]
trunk & 19 & 13.789 & 32 & 13.625 & 23 & 13.913 & 42 & -0.124 & 55 & -0.288 \\
& & (0.843) & & (0.792) & & (0.964) & & & & \\ [1ex]
headroom & 19 & 3.211 & 32 & 2.938 & 23 & 2.891 & 42 & 0.319 & 55 & 0.046 \\
& & (0.168) & & (0.157) & & (0.183) & & & & \\ [1ex]
weight & 19 & 2973.158 & 32 & 2958.438 & 23 & 3142.609 & 42 & -169.451 & 55 & -184.171 \\
& & (193.321) & & (122.770) & & (176.998) & & & & \\ [1ex]
length & 19 & 184.474 & 32 & 186.594 & 23 & 192.652 & 42 & -8.178 & 55 & -6.058 \\
& & (5.458) & & (3.717) & & (4.768) & & & & \\ [1ex]
turn & 19 & 39.579 & 32 & 39.156 & 23 & 40.391 & 42 & -0.812 & 55 & -1.235 \\
& & (1.185) & & (0.690) & & (0.932) & & & & \\ [1ex]
displacement & 19 & 197.421 & 32 & 197.031 & 23 & 197.565 & 42 & -0.144 & 55 & -0.534 \\
& & (23.666) & & (14.662) & & (20.415) & & & & \\ [1ex]
gear\_ratio & 19 & 3.043 & 32 & 2.970 & 23 & 3.054 & 42 & -0.012 & 55 & -0.084 \\
& & (0.113) & & (0.071) & & (0.106) & & & & \\ [1ex]
price & 19 & 6090.105 & 27 & 6424.667 & 28 & 5966.107 & 47 & 123.998 & 55 & 458.560 \\
& & (627.491) & & (685.222) & & (471.068) & & & & \\ [1ex]
mpg & 19 & 22.263 & 27 & 20.926 & 28 & 21.000 & 47 & 1.263 & 55 & -0.074 \\
& & (1.337) & & (1.055) & & (1.165) & & & & \\ [1ex]
trunk & 19 & 12.474 & 27 & 14.370 & 28 & 14.036 & 47 & -1.562 & 55 & 0.335 \\
& & (1.018) & & (0.776) & & (0.825) & & & & \\ [1ex]
headroom & 19 & 2.737 & 27 & 2.907 & 28 & 3.250 & 47 & -0.513** & 55 & -0.343 \\
& & (0.181) & & (0.158) & & (0.164) & & & & \\ [1ex]
weight & 19 & 2839.474 & 27 & 3037.037 & 28 & 3124.643 & 47 & -285.169 & 55 & -87.606 \\
& & (166.371) & & (163.498) & & (140.524) & & & & \\ [1ex]
length & 19 & 182.947 & 27 & 188.111 & 28 & 191.143 & 47 & -8.195 & 55 & -3.032 \\
& & (4.925) & & (4.429) & & (4.205) & & & & \\ [1ex]
turn & 19 & 38.368 & 27 & 40.000 & 28 & 40.179 & 47 & -1.810 & 55 & -0.179 \\
& & (0.943) & & (0.925) & & (0.785) & & & & \\ [1ex]
displacement & 19 & 171.737 & 27 & 197.222 & 28 & 214.714 & 47 & -42.977* & 55 & -17.492 \\
& & (16.918) & & (20.212) & & (16.671) & & & & \\ [1ex]
gear\_ratio & 19 & 3.112 & 27 & 2.993 & 28 & 2.970 & 47 & 0.142 & 55 & 0.022 \\
& & (0.097) & & (0.091) & & (0.089) & & & & \\ [1ex]
\hline \hline \\[-1.8ex]
%%% This is the note. If it does not have the correct margins, use texnotewidth() option or change the number before '\textwidth' in line below to fit it to table size.
\multicolumn{9}{@{} p{\textwidth}}{If the table includes missing values (.n, .o, .v etc.) see the Missing values section in the help file for the Stata command iebaltab for definitions of these values. Significance: ***=.01, **=.05, *=.1. Full user input as written by user: [iebaltab price mpg trunk headroom weight length turn displacement gear\_ratio, grpvar(tmt) control(0) order(2 1) savetex("run/iebaltab/outputs/iebaltab2/3g-control-order.tex") replace] }
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36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions run/iebaltab/outputs/iebaltab2/3g-control.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(3)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)-(1)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(3)-(1)} \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{0} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{1} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{2} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Pairwise t-test} \\
Variable & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean difference & N & Mean difference \\ \hline \\[-1.8ex]
price & 23 & 7094.522 & 32 & 5458.594 & 19 & 6230.526 & 55 & -1635.928** & 42 & -863.995 \\
& & (710.673) & & (397.356) & & (739.361) & & & & \\ [1ex]
mpg & 23 & 21.783 & 32 & 21.344 & 19 & 20.632 & 55 & -0.439 & 42 & -1.151 \\
& & (1.509) & & (0.882) & & (1.217) & & & & \\ [1ex]
trunk & 23 & 13.913 & 32 & 13.625 & 19 & 13.789 & 55 & -0.288 & 42 & -0.124 \\
& & (0.964) & & (0.792) & & (0.843) & & & & \\ [1ex]
headroom & 23 & 2.891 & 32 & 2.938 & 19 & 3.211 & 55 & 0.046 & 42 & 0.319 \\
& & (0.183) & & (0.157) & & (0.168) & & & & \\ [1ex]
weight & 23 & 3142.609 & 32 & 2958.438 & 19 & 2973.158 & 55 & -184.171 & 42 & -169.451 \\
& & (176.998) & & (122.770) & & (193.321) & & & & \\ [1ex]
length & 23 & 192.652 & 32 & 186.594 & 19 & 184.474 & 55 & -6.058 & 42 & -8.178 \\
& & (4.768) & & (3.717) & & (5.458) & & & & \\ [1ex]
turn & 23 & 40.391 & 32 & 39.156 & 19 & 39.579 & 55 & -1.235 & 42 & -0.812 \\
& & (0.932) & & (0.690) & & (1.185) & & & & \\ [1ex]
displacement & 23 & 197.565 & 32 & 197.031 & 19 & 197.421 & 55 & -0.534 & 42 & -0.144 \\
& & (20.415) & & (14.662) & & (23.666) & & & & \\ [1ex]
gear\_ratio & 23 & 3.054 & 32 & 2.970 & 19 & 3.043 & 55 & -0.084 & 42 & -0.012 \\
& & (0.106) & & (0.071) & & (0.113) & & & & \\ [1ex]
price & 28 & 5966.107 & 27 & 6424.667 & 19 & 6090.105 & 55 & 458.560 & 47 & 123.998 \\
& & (471.068) & & (685.222) & & (627.491) & & & & \\ [1ex]
mpg & 28 & 21.000 & 27 & 20.926 & 19 & 22.263 & 55 & -0.074 & 47 & 1.263 \\
& & (1.165) & & (1.055) & & (1.337) & & & & \\ [1ex]
trunk & 28 & 14.036 & 27 & 14.370 & 19 & 12.474 & 55 & 0.335 & 47 & -1.562 \\
& & (0.825) & & (0.776) & & (1.018) & & & & \\ [1ex]
headroom & 28 & 3.250 & 27 & 2.907 & 19 & 2.737 & 55 & -0.343 & 47 & -0.513** \\
& & (0.164) & & (0.158) & & (0.181) & & & & \\ [1ex]
weight & 28 & 3124.643 & 27 & 3037.037 & 19 & 2839.474 & 55 & -87.606 & 47 & -285.169 \\
& & (140.524) & & (163.498) & & (166.371) & & & & \\ [1ex]
length & 28 & 191.143 & 27 & 188.111 & 19 & 182.947 & 55 & -3.032 & 47 & -8.195 \\
& & (4.205) & & (4.429) & & (4.925) & & & & \\ [1ex]
turn & 28 & 40.179 & 27 & 40.000 & 19 & 38.368 & 55 & -0.179 & 47 & -1.810 \\
& & (0.785) & & (0.925) & & (0.943) & & & & \\ [1ex]
displacement & 28 & 214.714 & 27 & 197.222 & 19 & 171.737 & 55 & -17.492 & 47 & -42.977* \\
& & (16.671) & & (20.212) & & (16.918) & & & & \\ [1ex]
gear\_ratio & 28 & 2.970 & 27 & 2.993 & 19 & 3.112 & 55 & 0.022 & 47 & 0.142 \\
& & (0.089) & & (0.091) & & (0.097) & & & & \\ [1ex]
\hline \hline \\[-1.8ex]
%%% This is the note. If it does not have the correct margins, use texnotewidth() option or change the number before '\textwidth' in line below to fit it to table size.
\multicolumn{9}{@{} p{\textwidth}}{If the table includes missing values (.n, .o, .v etc.) see the Missing values section in the help file for the Stata command iebaltab for definitions of these values. Significance: ***=.01, **=.05, *=.1. Full user input as written by user: [iebaltab price mpg trunk headroom weight length turn displacement gear\_ratio, grpvar(tmt) control(0) savetex("run/iebaltab/outputs/iebaltab2/3g-control.tex") replace] }
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36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions run/iebaltab/outputs/iebaltab2/3g-cov.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(3)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)-(2)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)-(3)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)-(3)} \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{0} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{1} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{2} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Pairwise t-test} \\
Variable & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean/(SE) & N & P-value & N & P-value & N & P-value \\ \hline \\[-1.8ex]
price & 23 & 7094.522 & 32 & 5458.594 & 19 & 6230.526 & 55 & 0.042** & 42 & 0.418 & 51 & 0.363 \\
& & (710.673) & & (397.356) & & (739.361) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
mpg & 23 & 21.783 & 32 & 21.344 & 19 & 20.632 & 55 & 0.971 & 42 & 0.327 & 51 & 0.178 \\
& & (1.509) & & (0.882) & & (1.217) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
trunk & 23 & 13.913 & 32 & 13.625 & 19 & 13.789 & 55 & 0.642 & 42 & 0.727 & 51 & 0.540 \\
& & (0.964) & & (0.792) & & (0.843) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
headroom & 23 & 2.891 & 32 & 2.938 & 19 & 3.211 & 55 & 0.992 & 42 & 0.090* & 51 & 0.109 \\
& & (0.183) & & (0.157) & & (0.168) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
weight & 23 & 3142.609 & 32 & 2958.438 & 19 & 2973.158 & 55 & 0.131 & 42 & 0.829 & 51 & 0.175 \\
& & (176.998) & & (122.770) & & (193.321) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
length & 23 & 192.652 & 32 & 186.594 & 19 & 184.474 & 55 & 0.101 & 42 & 0.418 & 51 & 0.503 \\
& & (4.768) & & (3.717) & & (5.458) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
turn & 23 & 40.391 & 32 & 39.156 & 19 & 39.579 & 55 & 0.073* & 42 & 0.959 & 51 & 0.113 \\
& & (0.932) & & (0.690) & & (1.185) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
displacement & 23 & 197.565 & 32 & 197.031 & 19 & 197.421 & 55 & 0.616 & 42 & 0.530 & 51 & 0.185 \\
& & (20.415) & & (14.662) & & (23.666) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
gear\_ratio & 23 & 3.054 & 32 & 2.970 & 19 & 3.043 & 55 & 0.782 & 42 & 0.319 & 51 & 0.515 \\
& & (0.106) & & (0.071) & & (0.113) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
price & 28 & 5966.107 & 27 & 6424.667 & 19 & 6090.105 & 55 & 0.566 & 47 & 0.840 & 46 & 0.742 \\
& & (471.068) & & (685.222) & & (627.491) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
mpg & 28 & 21.000 & 27 & 20.926 & 19 & 22.263 & 55 & 0.716 & 47 & 0.877 & 46 & 0.620 \\
& & (1.165) & & (1.055) & & (1.337) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
trunk & 28 & 14.036 & 27 & 14.370 & 19 & 12.474 & 55 & 0.564 & 47 & 0.495 & 46 & 0.210 \\
& & (0.825) & & (0.776) & & (1.018) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
headroom & 28 & 3.250 & 27 & 2.907 & 19 & 2.737 & 55 & 0.190 & 47 & 0.108 & 46 & 0.558 \\
& & (0.164) & & (0.158) & & (0.181) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
weight & 28 & 3124.643 & 27 & 3037.037 & 19 & 2839.474 & 55 & 0.994 & 47 & 0.614 & 46 & 0.697 \\
& & (140.524) & & (163.498) & & (166.371) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
length & 28 & 191.143 & 27 & 188.111 & 19 & 182.947 & 55 & 0.919 & 47 & 0.601 & 46 & 0.732 \\
& & (4.205) & & (4.429) & & (4.925) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
turn & 28 & 40.179 & 27 & 40.000 & 19 & 38.368 & 55 & 0.719 & 47 & 0.490 & 46 & 0.413 \\
& & (0.785) & & (0.925) & & (0.943) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
displacement & 28 & 214.714 & 27 & 197.222 & 19 & 171.737 & 55 & 0.743 & 47 & 0.342 & 46 & 0.630 \\
& & (16.671) & & (20.212) & & (16.918) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
gear\_ratio & 28 & 2.970 & 27 & 2.993 & 19 & 3.112 & 55 & 0.674 & 47 & 0.990 & 46 & 0.709 \\
& & (0.089) & & (0.091) & & (0.097) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
\hline \hline \\[-1.8ex]
%%% This is the note. If it does not have the correct margins, use texnotewidth() option or change the number before '\textwidth' in line below to fit it to table size.
\multicolumn{10}{@{} p{\textwidth}}{If the table includes missing values (.n, .o, .v etc.) see the Missing values section in the help file for the Stata command iebaltab for definitions of these values. Covariate(s) used in pairwise regressions: [foreign]. Significance: ***=.01, **=.05, *=.1. Full user input as written by user: [iebaltab price mpg trunk headroom weight length turn displacement gear\_ratio, grpvar(tmt) covariates(foreign) stats(pair(p)) savetex("run/iebaltab/outputs/iebaltab2/3g-cov.tex") replace] }
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36 changes: 18 additions & 18 deletions run/iebaltab/outputs/iebaltab2/3g-order.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(3)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)-(2)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)-(3)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)-(3)} \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{2} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{0} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{1} & \multicolumn{6}{c}{Pairwise t-test} \\
Variable & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean/(SE) & N & Mean difference & N & Mean difference & N & Mean difference \\ \hline \\[-1.8ex]
price & 19 & 6230.526 & 23 & 7094.522 & 32 & 5458.594 & 42 & -863.995 & 51 & 771.933 & 55 & 1635.928** \\
& & (739.361) & & (710.673) & & (397.356) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
mpg & 19 & 20.632 & 23 & 21.783 & 32 & 21.344 & 42 & -1.151 & 51 & -0.712 & 55 & 0.439 \\
& & (1.217) & & (1.509) & & (0.882) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
trunk & 19 & 13.789 & 23 & 13.913 & 32 & 13.625 & 42 & -0.124 & 51 & 0.164 & 55 & 0.288 \\
& & (0.843) & & (0.964) & & (0.792) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
headroom & 19 & 3.211 & 23 & 2.891 & 32 & 2.938 & 42 & 0.319 & 51 & 0.273 & 55 & -0.046 \\
& & (0.168) & & (0.183) & & (0.157) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
weight & 19 & 2973.158 & 23 & 3142.609 & 32 & 2958.438 & 42 & -169.451 & 51 & 14.720 & 55 & 184.171 \\
& & (193.321) & & (176.998) & & (122.770) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
length & 19 & 184.474 & 23 & 192.652 & 32 & 186.594 & 42 & -8.178 & 51 & -2.120 & 55 & 6.058 \\
& & (5.458) & & (4.768) & & (3.717) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
turn & 19 & 39.579 & 23 & 40.391 & 32 & 39.156 & 42 & -0.812 & 51 & 0.423 & 55 & 1.235 \\
& & (1.185) & & (0.932) & & (0.690) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
displacement & 19 & 197.421 & 23 & 197.565 & 32 & 197.031 & 42 & -0.144 & 51 & 0.390 & 55 & 0.534 \\
& & (23.666) & & (20.415) & & (14.662) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
gear\_ratio & 19 & 3.043 & 23 & 3.054 & 32 & 2.970 & 42 & -0.012 & 51 & 0.073 & 55 & 0.084 \\
& & (0.113) & & (0.106) & & (0.071) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
price & 19 & 6090.105 & 28 & 5966.107 & 27 & 6424.667 & 47 & 123.998 & 46 & -334.561 & 55 & -458.560 \\
& & (627.491) & & (471.068) & & (685.222) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
mpg & 19 & 22.263 & 28 & 21.000 & 27 & 20.926 & 47 & 1.263 & 46 & 1.337 & 55 & 0.074 \\
& & (1.337) & & (1.165) & & (1.055) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
trunk & 19 & 12.474 & 28 & 14.036 & 27 & 14.370 & 47 & -1.562 & 46 & -1.897 & 55 & -0.335 \\
& & (1.018) & & (0.825) & & (0.776) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
headroom & 19 & 2.737 & 28 & 3.250 & 27 & 2.907 & 47 & -0.513** & 46 & -0.171 & 55 & 0.343 \\
& & (0.181) & & (0.164) & & (0.158) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
weight & 19 & 2839.474 & 28 & 3124.643 & 27 & 3037.037 & 47 & -285.169 & 46 & -197.563 & 55 & 87.606 \\
& & (166.371) & & (140.524) & & (163.498) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
length & 19 & 182.947 & 28 & 191.143 & 27 & 188.111 & 47 & -8.195 & 46 & -5.164 & 55 & 3.032 \\
& & (4.925) & & (4.205) & & (4.429) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
turn & 19 & 38.368 & 28 & 40.179 & 27 & 40.000 & 47 & -1.810 & 46 & -1.632 & 55 & 0.179 \\
& & (0.943) & & (0.785) & & (0.925) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
displacement & 19 & 171.737 & 28 & 214.714 & 27 & 197.222 & 47 & -42.977* & 46 & -25.485 & 55 & 17.492 \\
& & (16.918) & & (16.671) & & (20.212) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
gear\_ratio & 19 & 3.112 & 28 & 2.970 & 27 & 2.993 & 47 & 0.142 & 46 & 0.120 & 55 & -0.022 \\
& & (0.097) & & (0.089) & & (0.091) & & & & & & \\ [1ex]
\hline \hline \\[-1.8ex]
%%% This is the note. If it does not have the correct margins, use texnotewidth() option or change the number before '\textwidth' in line below to fit it to table size.
\multicolumn{10}{@{} p{\textwidth}}{If the table includes missing values (.n, .o, .v etc.) see the Missing values section in the help file for the Stata command iebaltab for definitions of these values. Significance: ***=.01, **=.05, *=.1. Full user input as written by user: [iebaltab price mpg trunk headroom weight length turn displacement gear\_ratio, grpvar(tmt) order(2) savetex("run/iebaltab/outputs/iebaltab2/3g-order.tex") replace] }
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