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Monorepo Supported By Rush and PNPM

keywords: Monorepo/Rush/PNPM/React/CRA/Vite


  • Structures
    • apps: Web Apps
    • features: packages that do not need to be released, only reused in this Monorepo
    • packages: packages that need to be released
    • tools: common tools for all projects
  • Examples
    • create-react-app
    • vite-react-app
    • tsc package
    • feature package
  • commitlint/eslint/prettier/lint-staged
  • commit-msg and pre-commit hooks

Quick Start

npm i @microsoft/rush pnpm -g

git clone

cd rush-monorepo-example

rush update

# build dependencies of our app at first
rush build -T @rush-monorepo/cra-app

cd apps/cra-app

# start app
rushx start # or npm start

More 👉 应用级 Monorepo 优化方案