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=== TubePress ===
Contributors: k2eric
Donate link:
Tags: video, youtube, gallery, videos, vimeo
Requires at least: 2.2
Tested up to: 4.2
License: Mozilla Public License v2.0
Stable tag: 3.1.8

Modern video galleries for the web. Now moved entirely to

== Description ==

**Available for download exclusively from [](**

We are no longer providing updates or support here at Please see [this blog post]( for details.

== Changelog ==
= 3.1.8 =
* Reverting to to handle update checks

= 3.1.7 =
* Transitional release that provides a seamless upgrade path from 3.x.x to 4.x.x. Once you upgrade to 3.1.7, you will prompted again to upgrade to the latest TubePress from the 4.x.x series.
* Final release from plugin repository.

= 3.1.6 =
* Bug Fixes
    * Fixed bug that prevented fullscreen playback in Chrome
    * Fixed bug that prevented disable of sequential playback
    * Fixed broken activation hook in WordPress which prevented TubePress Content Directory from being created.
    * Fixed broken translation functionality for some languages
* Changed
    * Updated French translation by Aurélien Denis
    * Updated Spanish translation by Andrew Kurtis

= 3.1.5 =
* Bug Fixes
    * Fixed bug in static and solo player locations.
    * Fixed possible fatal error in some PHP 5.2.x installations. Fixes issue #583.
* Changed
    * Updated underlying library: stash

= 3.1.4 =
* Bug Fixes
    * Fixed JavaScript bug that could lead to unresponsive thumbails in certain situations.

= 3.1.3 =
* Bug Fixes
    * Fixed regression bug with auto-next playback.
    * Now able to use HQ thumbnails over HTTPS.
* Changed
    * YouTube iframe's are now loaded via HTTPS.
    * YouTube iframe's are now loaded with "origin" parameter.
    * Vimeo doesn't support HTTPS thumbnails, so that capability has been removed.
    * Minor improvements to JavaScript capabilities and performance.
    * Updated underlying libraries: epilog, finder, iconic, pulsar, stash, and tickertape.

= 3.1.2 =
* New Features
    * Refreshed design of WordPress settings page
    * Added Chinese, Greek, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, and Persian translations
    * Added "default" option to "orderBy". Applies most logical sort order based on the video source.
* Bug Fixes
    * Now allowing hyphens in YouTube user/channel values
    * Fixed missing classes that could cause a fatal error when using boot cache
    * Fixed broken galleries in IE 8 and below
    * Fixed incorrect handling of API cache failures
* Changed
    * Removed deprecated YouTube "standard feeds" (see YouTube API changelog)
    * Options GUI now saves all valid options, even if invalid options were submitted alongside
    * Vimeo API OAuth requests now use the Authentication HTTP header instead of GET parameters
    * Updated Arabic, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish translations
    * is now

= 3.1.1 =
* Bug Fixes
    * Fixed bug with PHP 5.2.x: unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM

= 3.1.0 =
**PHP 5.2 or higher is required for this version of TubePress!**
* New Features
    * Major speed boost (up to 4x faster) via optional boot cache
    * New Norwegian translation thanks to Andreas Lorentsen
* Bug Fixes
    * Fixed Fancybox, TinyBox, and detached player locations (regression bug)
    * Fixed JW and EmbedPlus players (regression bug)
    * Fixed path to jQuery in standalone PHP environments
    * Fixed possible incorrect detection of base URL in WordPress environments
* Changed
    * Minimum required version of PHP is now 5.2
    * Major overhaul of underlying library dependencies
    * Add-ons are now loaded via a JSON, instead of INI, manifest file.
    * Upgrade to jQuery 1.9.1
    * Deprecating use of $tubepress_base_url global
    * Updated French translation

= 3.0.1 =

* New Features
    * TubePress's JavaScript loads faster and is less prone to interference from other scripts
    * Full Russian translation by Artem Kalmykov
* Bug Fixes
    * "cURL Failed" that affected some PHP installations
    * Ajax operations are broken in WordPress installations with Suhosin
    * Fatal error when updating settings in WordPress in certain situations
    * Incompatibility with Shadowbox.js, Fancybox, or NextGEN WordPress plugins (fixes issue 167)
    * Unable to configure custom directory for API cache
    * Wrong timezone calculation when parsing dates from YouTube and Vimeo
* Changed
    * Changed default cURL timeout from 5 to 15 seconds
    * YouTube iframe now uses wmode=opaque for Flash

= 3.0.0 =

* New features
    * New YouTube gallery sources: YouTube Trends, most-shared on social media, related videos, and video responses
    * New YouTube player options for TubePress Pro: hide all controls, light/dark theme, closed-captions, and annotations
    * Major performance improvements across the board
    * Compatibility with older versions of jQuery (closes issue 504)
    * Ability to choose between HTTP GET and POST for Ajax operations (closes issue 481)
    * Much greater control over JW Player colors
    * Official support for the TubePress Add-On API
    * YouTube option "autoHide" now accepts and applies all three acceptable values
* Bug fixes
    * Some references to HTTP URLs when HTTPS is enabled (closes issue 508)
    * Fixed broken Ajax pagination with used in certain situations (closes issue 448)
    * Multiple video sources is capping the total results incorrectly (closes issue 522)
    * Incompatability with YOOtheme Widgetkit slideshow (closes issue 532)
    * Prevent accidental downgrade from TubePress Pro to free version when using WordPress's auto-update mechanism
    * Non-English language settings are now preserved correctly during Ajax pagination and searching
    * Vimeo view counts are now formatted with commas
* Changed
    * Removed obsolete YouTube player parameters: HD, color1, color2
    * Removed options to disable specific HTTP transports
    * Switched to PSR-0 classloading
    * Now using Composer for dependency control
    * Upgrade JW Player to 5.10
    * Changed "JW FLV Player" to just "JW Player"
    * Restructuring of options page to improve usability
    * Rearchitecture of code base to support pluggability
    * Upgrade jQuery core to 1.8.3
    * Upgrade jQuery UI to 1.8.24
    * Upgrade jQuery MultiSelect UI Widget to 1.13
    * Upgrade jscolor to 1.4.0

= 2.4.5 =
* Now accepts new format of YouTube playlist IDs

= 2.4.4 =
* Error message with jQuery 1.8.0: Uncaught TypeError: Object has no method 'promise'
* Error message in Chrome's JavaScript console on page load: Uncaught TypeError: Object W has no method 'getVideoUrl'
* Interactive search input form improperly handles non-ASCII characters
* Tag-based galleries malfunction when source PHP files are not encoded as UTF-8
* YouTube "most_viewed" feed is now "most_popular" (closes issue 529)

= 2.4.3 =
* Fixed bug that prevented sequential playback in YouTube galleries
* Inconsistent detection of filesystem paths in WordPress environments (closes issue 499)
* perPageSort="random" is unreliable (closes issue 514)

= 2.4.2 =
* Split up per-page and feed sorting options to provide finer control of gallery sort order
* Added Polish translation
* Broken calculation of upload date for YouTube videos
* Broken display and handling of drop-down menus in any language besides English (closes issue 487)
* Broken ability to save "searchResultsRestrictedToUser" option value
* Some PHP installations result in error: "Class 'org_tubepress_impl_util_LangUtils' not found"
* Trim Vimeo API key/secret to avoid "The oauth_signature passed was not valid" error (closes issue 491)
* Options in a multi-select form input fail to save when all items are unchecked (closes issue 486)
* Broken handling of double quotes during interactive search
* Potential warning message with ini_set() (closes issue 497)
* Broken domain calculation in WordPress MU installations (closes issue 495)

= 2.4.1 =
* Fixes "Invalid request URI" when using YouTube galleries on PHP installations built with PCRE <= 7.0 (closes issue 475)
* Smarter handling of YouTube playlists that begin with "PL" (closes issue 417)
* Improved validation of options stored in database. Prevents a warning message in certain situations.

= 2.4.0 =
* Support for sequential auto-play of videos in a gallery (TubePress Pro only) (closes issue 173)
* Improved video sorting for multi-source galleries (closes issue 284)  
* Refactored HTTP client which improves network performance and explains "No matching videos" errors in plain English
* Option to use HTTPS thumbnails (closes issue 426)
* Option to use "modest" YouTube branding
* Option to auto-hide YouTube controls after playback starts
* Fixed Possible fatal error when handling Vimeo galleries (closes issue 471)
* Fixed negated keyword handling in search-based galleries (closes issue 413)
* Improved compatibility with jQuery effects (closes issue 415)
* Fixed interactive searching results in certain situations (closes issue 448)
* Reorganized WordPress admin page
* Updated Portuguese translation thanks to Míriam de Paula (closes issue 425)
* Version bump JW Player to 5.9

= 2.2.9 =
* Allow for loading of user themes (regression fix)
* Multiple shortcodes on a single page WordPress page work again (regression fix)
* Graceful handling of "No videos found" error when using TubePress Pro in a standalone environment

= 2.2.8 =
* IE9 support (closes issue 263)
* Auto-upgrade in WordPress no longer wipes out custom themes (closes issue 349)
* Vimeo galleries are no longer affected by value of arg_separator.input INI setting (closes issue 307)
* JS and CSS now load correctly under HTTPS (closes issue 371)
* Options page in WordPress now loads correctly on web servers with mod_security and ASL ruleset loaded (closes issue 184)
* Improved reliability of YouTube feed result count (closes issue 379)
* Fatal error in PHP 5.3.7 or higher (closes issue 386)
* Improved reliability of shortcode parsing in WordPress widget
* Ajax pagination now works correctly when using multiple video sources in a single gallery (TubePress Pro only)
* Improved reliability of Ajax search input (TubePress Pro only)

= 2.2.7 =
* Fixed bug that prevented Shadowbox from working in certain situations

= 2.2.6 =
* Fixed deprecated warnings in PHP 5.3.0+ (closes issue 337)
* WordPress widget now saves correctly (closes issue 348)
* Fixed missing text for "lazy play" option in WordPress options page
* Various code cleanup and minor fixes

= 2.2.5 =
* Lightweight plugin support! Now you can customize TubePress's behavior without touching the core.
* "Lazy" play option. Auto-starts video playback after thumbnail click (closes issue 166)
* Improved video meta support for embedded player in thumbnail galleries (closes issue 169)
* EmbedPlus support
* TubePress Pro: Ability to combine YouTube and Vimeo in a single gallery (closes issue 228)
* TubePress Pro: Ability to load embedded player in a "detached" location (closes issue 244)
* Fixed broken i18n functionality in WordPress
* Custom theme CSS now loads correctly for single video embeds
* Updated Italian translation thanks to Gianni Diurno
* Fixed jQuery UI conflict in admin section of WordPress (closes issue 296)
* User themes now appear in dropdown menu in WordPress settings page
* Private Vimeo videos no longer appear in galleries (closes issue 276)
* YouTube embedded player now uses wmode=transparent (closes issue 298)
* Fixed deprecated warnings in PHP 5.3.0+ (closes issue 337)
* Made "fluid thumbnails" a first-class option, is now easy to disable when desired.
* Modernized pagination style
* Version bump to TinyBox2
* Version bump to jQuery 1.6.1
* Version bump to Fancybox 1.3.4 (closes issue 332)

= 2.2.0 =
* Interactive searching! (closes issue 138)
* YouTube iframe embedded player (closes issue 265  and  issue 259 )
* Improved inclusion of JS/CSS resources in WordPress environments (closes issue 191)
* Ability to restrict search-based galleries to videos from a specific YouTube/Vimeo user
* New HTTP subsystem provides faster and more robust feed retrieval
* Added advanced caching options
* Improved visual feedback during Ajax operations (closes issue 142)
* Better upgrade notice for TubePress Pro users in a WordPress environment (closes issue 252)
* Graceful handling of single video embedding when video isn't found (closes issue 267)
* Broken gallery when trying to display Vimeo videos with JW Player (closes issue 242)
* Incorrect detection of multi-gallery mode in some circumstances (closes issue 238)
* Duplicate videos no longer appear in galleries (closes issue 248)
* Private Vimeo videos no longer appear in galleries
* Non-functional message service when using TubePress Pro in a PHP environment without built-in gettext support
* Fixed bug that could affect TubePress Pro users in a WordPress environment hosted on Windows-based PHP installations
* Removed option for "mobile" YouTube videos feed as it appears to be completely abandoned
* YouTube now uses the iframe embedded player by default
* Removed "enhanced genie menu" and "border" options from YouTube embedded player
* Version bump for php-gettext to 1.0.11
* Version bump for jQuery to 1.5.1

= 2.1.2 =
* Fixed JavaScript error in Internet Explorer when determining height/width of embedded video player
* Fixed ajax pagination appearance when non-default thumbnail sizes are in use
* Fixed non-functional WordPress widget control
* Updated Italian translation thanks to Gianni Diurno

= 2.1.1 =
* Fixed major JavaScript bug in determining embedded player height/width on jQuery 1.4.2
* Fixed bug with ajax pagination on some PHP installations

= 2.1.0 =
* Ability to create galleries from multiple sources (TubePress Pro only) (closes issue 135)
* Lightweight theming support
* Support for "fluid" thumbnails
* Vimeo universal player (closes issue 215)
* Improved video search capability (closes issue 81)
* Improved mobile user experience
* Single video mode now works in WordPress widget
* Fixed aliased text with Ajax pagination in Internet Explorer 7
* Search engines no longer index TubePress's internal directories (closes issue 221)
* Static player now works with Vimeo (closes issue 217)
* Fixed color support for JW Player
* YouTube "most linked" gallery replaced with YouTube "top favorites" gallery due to change in API
* Version bump for Shadowbox.js to 3.0.3
* Version bump for JW Player to 5.2
* Version bump for jQuery to 1.4.2
* Version bump for php-gettext to 1.0.10
* Added Arabic translation thanks to Abdullah Hamed
* Updated Italian translation thanks to Gianni Diurno
* Updated Spanish translation thanks to Luis Fok

= 2.0.0 =
* Vimeo support! Choose from 8 different types of Vimeo galleries. (closes issue 108)
* Brought back ability to play each video from a gallery in a new window by itself (closes issue 94)
* Now detects and parses HTML links found in video descriptions
* Updated Italian translation thanks to Gianni Diurno
* Added Spanish translation thanks to Luis Fok
* Added Hebrew translation thanks to Yaron Ofer
* Ability to blacklist individual videos (closes issue 162)
* Option to use high-quality thumbnails (closes issue 96) (TubePress Pro only)
* HTML popups are now centered on screen (closes issue 160)
* Fixed regression bug for description limit (closes issue 153)
* Incorrect video could load into embedded player after thumbnail click in certain configurations (closes issue 175)
* resultCountCap now works on a single gallery page
* Fixes single video mode in TubePress Pro
* Static player now works with Ajax pagination (closes issue 177)
* Version bump for FancyBox (to 1.3.1)
* FancyBox now operates correctly in all browsers (closes issue 172)

= 1.9.0 =
* Fixed a bug that breaks the WordPress widget administration page in some PHP installations
* Added Portugese translation thanks to Miriam de Pauala

= 1.8.9 =

* Now includes ability to embed individual videos along with all of their meta info (title, author, description, etc)!
* Request cache is now disabled by default
* Updated sorting functionality. Fixes possible "bad request" response from YouTube. Fixes sorting of playlist galleries.
* Fixed blank item on video sort order dropdown of WordPress options page (closes issue 155)
* descLimit shortcode can now be set to zero (closes issue 153)
* Improved compatibility with older versions of PHP (closes issue 163)
* Added Russian translation (thanks to an anonymous supporter)
* ShadowBox version bump to 3.0rc1
* Improved documentation
* (TubePress Pro) Improved i18n support
* (TubePress Pro) FancyBox version bump to 1.2.6
* (TubePress Pro) Fixed bug that prevented FancyBox from operating correctly in IE (closes issue 165)

= 1.8.8 =
* JavaScript initialization is much more robust. Reduces chances of un-clickable video thumbnails.
* Fixed potentially fatal error in cache mechanism
* Improved sidebar's CSS
* Fixed bug in video sort order (closes issue 146)
* Fixed bug that could cause fatal error in templates
* Version bump for JW Player (to 5.0)
* Updated Italian translation thanks to Gianni Diurno

= 1.8.7 =
* Improved compatibility with PEAR (closes issue 140)
* Fixed bug that affected determining video ID in some YouTube feeds
* New static player option. Produces page refresh on each thumbnail click.
* Gallery HTML is now semantically correct and more structured (closes issue 125 and issue 117)
* TubePress Pro: New player: TinyBox (closes issue 110)
* TubePress Pro: New player: FancyBox (closes issue 118)
* TubePress Pro: Greatly improved WordPress integration
* TubePress Pro: Fixed bug that produced open_basedir warning message in some installations
* Fixed bug that prevented use of custom templates
* Overhaul and simplification of templating system
* Improved performance of logging system
* Improved iPhone/iPod playback (keeps user on site instead of redirecting to YouTube player) (closes issue 143)

= 1.8.6 =
* WordPress options page now uses jQuery tabs
* Fixed bug that could prevent request cache from working in some PHP installations
* (TubePress Pro only) Ajax pagination (closes issue 45 and issue 111)
* (TubePress Pro only) Version bump for jQuery (1.2.6 -> 1.3.2)
* (TubePress Pro only) Removed potential "Invalid locale category name" warning that shows up on some PHP installations
* Version bump for JW Player (to 4.6)
* Fixed bug that prevented display of videos with "limited syndication" restriction
* Shortcode and input validation is much more comprehensive (closes issue 129)
* Fixed bug that prevented videos from playing in high definition upon request (closes issue 137)
* Additional gallery pages are no longer indexed by search engines (closes issue 133)
* Minor refactoring of tubepress.js functions
* Updated WordPress plugins page blurb
* Updated Italian translation thanks to Gianni Diurno
* Various trivial improvements to HTML templates 

= 1.8.5 =
* Videos now play correctly on iPhone and iPod Touch (closes issue 101)
* Flexible shortcodes! No need to include commas between attribute/value pairs. Can use single, double, or no quotes around attribute values.
* Greatly improved debugging mode
* Fixed bug that prevents all videos in gallery from playing if first video in gallery is unavailable (closes issue 115)
* Fixed bug that could prevent video playback, and JavaScript error, on Firefox with AdBlock Plus enabled (closes issue 124)
* Added ability to cap the total number of videos in a gallery (closes issue 65)
* Updated Italian translation thanks to Gianni Diurno
* Shadowbox CSS no longer tries to load non-existent images. (closes issue 112)
* WordPress galleries are no longer wrapped with HTML paragraph tags (closes issue 79)
* compliant readme.txt changelog (closes issue 123)

= 1.8.0 =
* Includes all the changes listed in 1.8.0.RC1
* Fixed typo on options page regarding embedded player width/height
* Unavailable videos will now not appear in galleries at all 

= 1.8.0 =
* New embedded player option: JW Player
* New player location: jqModal
* All classes use dependency injection via Crafty
* jQuery 1.2.6 or higher is now required (built-in for WordPress users)
* Multiple galleries on a single page now behave correctly with "normal" player
* Dynamically load JavaScript libraries as needed (Prototype, Shadowbox, etc) (closes issue 56)
* All JavaScript is now unobtrusive
* Can now use modal players (e.g. Shadowbox) in a TubePress shortcode 
* Removed extra HTML comments and whitespace. Galleries now use about 16% less bandwidth.
* CSS will stay valid for multiple galleries on a single page
* CSS classes now have sensible names (renamed some classes)
* Updated Italian translation thanks to Gianni Diurno (closes issue 83)
* Fixed bug that affected some PHP installations with PEAR installed (closes issue 84)
* Fixed bug that blocked WordPress plugin's "database nuke" functionality
* Removed GreyBox as a player location due to its inability to display inline content
* Version bump for ShadowBox (closes issue 77)
* popup.php has been removed and replaced with JavaScript functionality (closes issue 76)
* Better control over pagination visibility for multi-page galleries (closes issue 93)
* Removed GreyBox and LightWindow as players
* Graceful failure for videos that are unavailable 

= 1.7.2 =

* Fullscreen playback now available in embedded player (closes issue 64)
* Created "YouTube Feed" options category. Moved some of the advanced options into this category.
* Added ability to exclude non-embeddable videos (closes issue 69)
* Added jscolor HTML color picker for embedded player colors
* Fixed bug where debugging mode threw a fatal error (closes issue 80)
* Fixed bug where random video sort order would throw a fatal error
* Added ability to toggle display of title/rating before video starts playing
* Now using version 2.0 of YouTube gdata API (closes issue 68) 

= 1.7.1 =

* Drastically improved class loading mechanism (uses several thousand less system calls)
* Added Italian translation thanks to Gianni Diurno (closes issue 75)
* Minified Shadowbox JS source using YUI Compressor
* Fixed critical bug that broke embedded YouTube player on IE7 (closes issue 73)
* Fixed minor bug in normal player where embedded player would shift by a few pixels after user clicked a thumbnail 

= 1.7.0 =
* Option to initialize TubePress options in WordPress (closes issue 52)
* Now works with PHP <= 5.1.0 again (closes issue 59 and issue 67)
* Links to popup.php are drastically shorter, which avoids a 404 on some webservers (closes issue 55)
* Added German translation thanks to Pascal Berger (closes issue 58)
* Option to play videos in HD (closes issue 33)
* Option to show custom video in embedded player on page load while using "normal" player (closes issue 26) 

= 1.6.9 =
* TubePress Pro is now available! Use TubePress anywhere that runs PHP
* Default thumbmail URL now uses "default.jpg" (closes issue 47)
* Fixed bug that resulted in inability to paginate past the first page of a multi-page gallery.
* Version bump for Net_URL to Net_URL2
* Version bump for HTTP_Request to HTTP_Request2
* Version bump for Cache_Lite 
* Huge amounts of unit/integration tests
* Major refactoring of classes (now using dependency injection) 

= 1.6.8 =
* Fixed overly large gap between thumbnail rows 

= 1.6.7 =
* Added YouTube connection test to debug output
* Added YouTube API client ID and developer key to aide in debugging
* Fixed bug where TubePress would remove all post/page content if no videos were found for your request
* Toggle request cache on/off (closes issue 43)
* Ampersands in query strings are now properly escaped (closes issue 38)
* Galleries can now sort videos randomly (closes issue 23)
* Toggle "nofollow" attributes to YouTube links (closes issue 35) 

= 1.6.6 =
* Widget-enabled! Put TubePress in your sidebar. (closes issue 12)
* Removed pass-by-reference warnings (closes issue 34)
* Ability to limit length of video descriptions
* Option to toggle relative dates/times for video upload timestamps
* Swedish translation. Thanks to Mikael Jorhult
* Improved error handling for PHP installations with suppressed error output
* Removed several small bugs that affected users of PHP < 5.2.1 

= 1.6.5 =
* Full internationalization capability (closes issue 21)
* Upgrades, from this version on, will no longer destroy your old TubePress default settings (closes issue 28)
* Multiple galleries on a single post/page now possible (closes issue 20)
* Fixes broken YouTube link (closes issue 30)
* Video playback now functions correctly in IE7
* Cross site scripting vulnerability fixed (thanks Numline1 for reporting)
* Fixed debug output
* Options page now looks good in WordPress 2.5.1
* Various pass-by-reference warnings eliminated 

= 1.6.0 =
* PHP5 only. This includes an overall rewrite of the code base to take advantage of PHP5-only stuff
* Responses from YouTube are now cached
* New galleries: Top favorites, Most recently added, Most discussed, Most linked, Most responded, Responses to a video 
* New way to watch: Shadowbox.js
* Removed "New Window" player
* Customize textual formatting of dates
* Much more control over embedded player: Toggle "related videos" feature after a video finishes, Choose from several colors, Toggle auto-play, Toggle "enhanced genie menu" when mouse enters video area (instead of user clicking the "menu" button), Toggle video loop 
* Interface improvements: Removed border and scroll bars from gallery, Removed time of day from date uploaded, Changed upload label from "Uploaded date" to "Uploaded", Pagination now supports HTTP/HTTPS and non-standard ports, Simplified templating (easier to customize the look of your galleries) 
* Issues/enhancements closed: #20, #25, #7 
* Upgrade source to GPLv3 

= 1.5.7 =
* Fixed yet another title problem due to YouTube changing their feed
* Fixes issue #16 

= 1.5.6 =
* Fixes a major problem displaying video titles due to change in YouTube feed format 

= 1.5.5 RC3 =
* Fixes issue #13 

= 1.5.5 RC2 =
* Fixes issue #5
* Changes default thumb width from 33% to 32% (helps with IE) 

= 1.5.5 RC1 =
* "Favorites" mode now displays up to 500 videos
* "Search" mode now can return up to 1,000 videos
* New mode: most-viewed videos from today, this week, this month, or all time
* Customize the order of galleries by view-count, rating, relevance, or date-updated
* Randomize thumbnails (most videos come with 4 thumbnails, this option will mix it up for each pageload)
* Filter "racy" videos from galleries
* Option to show a video’s category in its metadata 
* All access to TubePressVideo member variables is now done through getters
* All HTML is generated via PEAR's HTML_Template_IT package 

= 1.5.2 =
* Fixes a fatal error upon plugin activation in some PHP installations 

= 1.5.1 =
* Fixes a minor bug with "search" mode due to YouTube changing the format of the XML results 

= 1.5.0 =
* "All tags" and "Any tags" modes now merged into "YouTube search" mode
* Play videos with GreyBox (this replaces ThickBox)
* Play videos with lightWindow
* Pagination now uses modified Digg Style pagination
* Max player size is now 424px x 336px (removes thin white border from player)
* Input validation on options page
* All error messages are extremely detailed
* Debug mode is more comprehensive
* Option to disable debugging mode completely 
* Embedded video is XHTML compliant
* "Playlist" mode pages correctly (thanks, YouTube!)
* "Normal" mode displays title and runtime correctly after user click 
* Much better code documentation
* Code style is PEAR compliant
* XML parsing uses PEAR's XML_Unserializer instead of XMLIster
* Almost all functions moved to classes (helps namespace management) 
* WordPress-specific code is cleanly isolated
* Improved message-resources handling
* Revamped directory structure
* Improved naming conventions all around
* Quasi-private methods (PHP4 OOP isn't too sophisticated)
* Most HTML printing methods use sprintf (or variant) - improves readability 

= 1.2.0 =
* Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect count of YouTube video results
* Added debugging mode! See the documentation for how to use it. 

= 1.1.5 =
* Fixed major XML bugs that caused a fatal error when parsing YouTube's XML
* CSS bug fixes with the pagination links
* Fixed a bug in the options page related to the "popular" mode drop down menu 

= 1.1 =
* CSS bug fixes. Thanks to Scott for reporting it 

= 1.05 =
* Fixed huge IE display bug (thanks to Keane and Jojo for reporting it)
* Disabled Thickbox by default due to incompatibilities with themes and other jquery-enabled features 

= 1.0 =
* Now with seven modes of operation: videos by playlists (with paging), featured (the latest 25 featured videos from YouTube's homepage), popular (the most-viewed videos from the past day, week, or month), related (videos that match any tag that you specify), tag (videos that match all the tags you specify), favorite videos of any user, videos uploaded by any user 
* You no longer need to supply your own developer ID and YouTube username! This means that anyone can use TubePress, even if you don't have a YouTube account!
* Pagination. You control how many videos per page show up (supported modes only)
* Leaner and meaner. The speedups in this version are ridiculous. Makes literally dozens less of the expensive database calls per page that existed in previous versions. Reduces database space in your wordpress options table from about 40 rows to only one.
* Options page is more concise and XHTML compliant
* Improved documentation
* Bug fixes. Too many to list! 

= 0.9 =
* Now with five options on where to play the main video: Normally (at the top of your gallery), In a popup window, In a new window all by itself, In its original YouTube page, Using Thickbox (experimental, but very cool!) 
* Bug fix regarding HTML special characters in video titles 

= 0.8 =
* Major bug fix with PHP4. Thanks to Fabien and Paige for reporting it. 

= 0.7 =
* Override global settings on a per-page basis! This will allow you to have one page with your videos (that you've uploaded), another page with your YouTube favorites, etc.
* Choose which meta information (author, rating, description, etc) you want to display
* Lots of optimizations and bug fixes 

= 0.6 =
* Now works with PHP4
* CSS revisions
* Uses snoopy class instead of cURL libraries 
* Added configurable timeout parameter for contacting YouTube 

= 0.5 =
* Fixed small bug in time display 

= 0.4 =
* Takes full advantage of the YouTube API: List videos from "your favorites"�, List your videos (that you've uploaded), List videos that match some tag, List videos of another user 
* XHTML compliant 

= 0.3 =
* OK, now the bug is really fixed. Sorry about that! 

= 0.2 =
* Fixed major bug with CSS file path 

= 0.1 =
* Initial release

== Screenshots ==

1. Sample TubePress gallery
2. Sample options tab