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refactor(dis): flatten idomain and move to base type
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Store idomain as a 1D array in DisBaseType, rather than the proper grid shape in the concrete types. This deduplicates the variable and simplifes grid equivalence checks.
  • Loading branch information
wpbonelli committed Jan 22, 2025


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1 parent b3d9bc9 commit 5dc2505
Showing 12 changed files with 115 additions and 179 deletions.
30 changes: 4 additions & 26 deletions src/Exchange/exg-gwfgwe.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -229,32 +229,10 @@ subroutine exg_ar(this)
end if
! -- Make sure idomains are identical
select type (gwfdis => gwfmodel%dis)
type is (DisType)
select type (gwedis => gwemodel%dis)
type is (DisType)
if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == gwedis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
end select
type is (DisvType)
select type (gwedis => gwemodel%dis)
type is (DisvType)
if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == gwedis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
end select
type is (DisuType)
select type (gwedis => gwemodel%dis)
type is (DisuType)
if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == gwedis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
end select
end select
if (.not. all(gwfmodel%dis%idomain == gwemodel%dis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
! -- setup pointers to gwf variables allocated in gwf_ar
gwemodel%fmi%gwfhead => gwfmodel%x
30 changes: 4 additions & 26 deletions src/Exchange/exg-gwfgwt.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -232,32 +232,10 @@ subroutine exg_ar(this)
end if
! -- Make sure idomains are identical
select type (gwfdis => gwfmodel%dis)
type is (DisType)
select type (gwtdis => gwtmodel%dis)
type is (DisType)
if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == gwtdis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
end select
type is (DisvType)
select type (gwtdis => gwtmodel%dis)
type is (DisvType)
if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == gwtdis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
end select
type is (DisuType)
select type (gwtdis => gwtmodel%dis)
type is (DisuType)
if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == gwtdis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
end select
end select
if (.not. all(gwfmodel%dis%idomain == gwtmodel%dis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
! -- setup pointers to gwf variables allocated in gwf_ar
gwtmodel%fmi%gwfhead => gwfmodel%x
30 changes: 4 additions & 26 deletions src/Exchange/exg-gwfprt.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -225,32 +225,10 @@ subroutine exg_ar(this)
end if
! -- Make sure idomains are identical
select type (gwfdis => gwfmodel%dis)
type is (DisType)
select type (prtdis => prtmodel%dis)
type is (DisType)
if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == prtdis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
end select
type is (DisvType)
select type (prtdis => prtmodel%dis)
type is (DisvType)
if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == prtdis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
end select
type is (DisuType)
select type (prtdis => prtmodel%dis)
type is (DisuType)
if (.not. all(gwfdis%idomain == prtdis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
end select
end select
if (.not. all(gwfmodel%dis%idomain == prtmodel%dis%idomain)) then
write (errmsg, fmtidomerr) trim(this%name)
call store_error(errmsg, terminate=.TRUE.)
end if
! -- setup pointers to gwf variables allocated in gwf_ar
prtmodel%fmi%gwfhead => gwfmodel%x
53 changes: 27 additions & 26 deletions src/Model/Discretization/Dis.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -28,11 +28,9 @@ module DisModule
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: delc => null() !< spacing along a column
real(DP), dimension(:, :), pointer, contiguous :: top2d => null() !< top elevations for each cell at top of model (ncol, nrow)
real(DP), dimension(:, :, :), pointer, contiguous :: bot3d => null() !< bottom elevations for each cell (ncol, nrow, nlay)
integer(I4B), dimension(:, :, :), pointer, contiguous :: idomain => null() !< idomain (ncol, nrow, nlay)
real(DP), dimension(:, :, :), pointer :: botm => null() !< top and bottom elevations for each cell (ncol, nrow, nlay)
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: cellx => null() !< cell center x coordinate for column j
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: celly => null() !< cell center y coordinate for row i


procedure :: dis_df => dis3d_df
@@ -244,7 +242,6 @@ subroutine source_dimensions(this)
! -- dummy
class(DisType) :: this
! -- locals
integer(I4B) :: i, j, k
type(DisFoundType) :: found
! -- update defaults with idm sourced values
@@ -280,23 +277,13 @@ subroutine source_dimensions(this)
! -- Allocate delr, delc, and non-reduced vectors for dis
call mem_allocate(this%delr, this%ncol, 'DELR', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%delc, this%nrow, 'DELC', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%idomain, this%ncol, this%nrow, this%nlay, 'IDOMAIN', &
call mem_allocate(this%idomain, this%nodesuser, 'IDOMAIN', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%top2d, this%ncol, this%nrow, 'TOP2D', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%bot3d, this%ncol, this%nrow, this%nlay, 'BOT3D', &
call mem_allocate(this%cellx, this%ncol, 'CELLX', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%celly, this%nrow, 'CELLY', this%memoryPath)
! -- initialize all cells to be active (idomain = 1)
do k = 1, this%nlay
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
this%idomain(j, i, k) = 1
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine source_dimensions

!> @brief Write dimensions to list file
@@ -329,14 +316,29 @@ end subroutine log_dimensions
subroutine source_griddata(this)
! -- dummy
class(DisType) :: this
! -- local
type(DisFoundType) :: found
integer(I4B) :: j, i, k
integer(I4B), contiguous, pointer :: idomain(:, :, :)
! -- initialize all cells to be active (idomain = 1)
allocate (idomain(this%ncol, this%nrow, this%nlay))
do k = 1, this%nlay
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
idomain(j, i, k) = 1
end do
end do
end do
! -- update defaults with idm sourced values
call mem_set_value(this%delr, 'DELR', this%input_mempath, found%delr)
call mem_set_value(this%delc, 'DELC', this%input_mempath, found%delc)
call mem_set_value(this%top2d, 'TOP', this%input_mempath, found%top)
call mem_set_value(this%bot3d, 'BOTM', this%input_mempath, found%botm)
call mem_set_value(this%idomain, 'IDOMAIN', this%input_mempath, found%idomain)
call mem_set_value(idomain, 'IDOMAIN', this%input_mempath, found%idomain)
this%idomain = reshape(idomain, [this%nodesuser])
deallocate (idomain)
! -- log simulation values
if (this%iout > 0) then
@@ -386,7 +388,7 @@ subroutine grid_finalize(this)
! -- dummy
class(DisType) :: this
! -- locals
integer(I4B) :: n, i, j, k
integer(I4B) :: n, nn, k, i, j
integer(I4B) :: node
integer(I4B) :: noder
integer(I4B) :: nrsize
@@ -403,12 +405,8 @@ subroutine grid_finalize(this)
! -- count active cells
this%nodes = 0
do k = 1, this%nlay
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
if (this%idomain(j, i, k) > 0) this%nodes = this%nodes + 1
end do
end do
do i = 1, this%nodesuser
if (this%idomain(i) > 0) this%nodes = this%nodes + 1
end do
! -- Check to make sure nodes is a valid number
@@ -424,7 +422,8 @@ subroutine grid_finalize(this)
do k = 1, this%nlay
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
if (this%idomain(j, i, k) < 1) cycle
nn = get_node(k, i, j, this%nlay, this%nrow, this%ncol)
if (this%idomain(nn) < 1) cycle
if (k > 1) then
top = this%bot3d(j, i, k - 1)
@@ -461,10 +460,11 @@ subroutine grid_finalize(this)
do k = 1, this%nlay
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
if (this%idomain(j, i, k) > 0) then
nn = get_node(k, i, j, this%nlay, this%nrow, this%ncol)
if (this%idomain(nn) > 0) then
this%nodereduced(node) = noder
noder = noder + 1
elseif (this%idomain(j, i, k) < 0) then
elseif (this%idomain(nn) < 0) then
this%nodereduced(node) = -1
this%nodereduced(node) = 0
@@ -482,7 +482,8 @@ subroutine grid_finalize(this)
do k = 1, this%nlay
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
if (this%idomain(j, i, k) > 0) then
nn = get_node(k, i, j, this%nlay, this%nrow, this%ncol)
if (this%idomain(nn) > 0) then
this%nodeuser(noder) = node
noder = noder + 1
end if
39 changes: 20 additions & 19 deletions src/Model/Discretization/Dis2d.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ module Dis2dModule
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: delr => null() !< spacing along a row
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: delc => null() !< spacing along a column
real(DP), dimension(:, :), pointer, contiguous :: bottom => null() !< bottom elevations for each cell (ncol, nrow)
integer(I4B), dimension(:, :), pointer, contiguous :: idomain => null() !< idomain (ncol, nrow)
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: cellx => null() !< cell center x coordinate for column j
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: celly => null() !< cell center y coordinate for row i

@@ -237,7 +236,6 @@ subroutine source_dimensions(this)
! -- dummy
class(Dis2dType) :: this
! -- locals
integer(I4B) :: i, j
type(DisFoundType) :: found
! -- update defaults with idm sourced values
@@ -267,20 +265,12 @@ subroutine source_dimensions(this)
! -- Allocate delr, delc, and non-reduced vectors for dis
call mem_allocate(this%delr, this%ncol, 'DELR', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%delc, this%nrow, 'DELC', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%idomain, this%ncol, this%nrow, 'IDOMAIN', &
call mem_allocate(this%idomain, this%nodesuser, 'IDOMAIN', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%bottom, this%ncol, this%nrow, 'BOTTOM', &
call mem_allocate(this%cellx, this%ncol, 'CELLX', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%celly, this%nrow, 'CELLY', this%memoryPath)
! -- initialize all cells to be active (idomain = 1)
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
this%idomain(j, i) = 1
end do
end do
end subroutine source_dimensions

!> @brief Write dimensions to list file
@@ -309,13 +299,26 @@ end subroutine log_dimensions
subroutine source_griddata(this)
! -- dummy
class(Dis2dType) :: this
! -- local
type(DisFoundType) :: found
integer(I4B) :: i, j
integer(I4B), contiguous, pointer :: idomain(:, :)
! -- initialize all cells to be active (idomain = 1)
allocate (idomain(this%ncol, this%nrow))
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
idomain(j, i) = 1
end do
end do
! -- update defaults with idm sourced values
call mem_set_value(this%delr, 'DELR', this%input_mempath, found%delr)
call mem_set_value(this%delc, 'DELC', this%input_mempath, found%delc)
call mem_set_value(this%bottom, 'BOTTOM', this%input_mempath, found%bottom)
call mem_set_value(this%idomain, 'IDOMAIN', this%input_mempath, found%idomain)
call mem_set_value(idomain, 'IDOMAIN', this%input_mempath, found%idomain)
this%idomain = reshape(idomain, [this%nodesuser])
deallocate (idomain)
! -- log simulation values
if (this%iout > 0) then
@@ -376,10 +379,8 @@ subroutine grid_finalize(this)
! -- count active cells
this%nodes = 0
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
if (this%idomain(j, i) > 0) this%nodes = this%nodes + 1
end do
do i = 1, this%nodesuser
if (this%idomain(i) > 0) this%nodes = this%nodes + 1
end do
! -- Check to make sure nodes is a valid number
@@ -407,10 +408,10 @@ subroutine grid_finalize(this)
noder = 1
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
if (this%idomain(j, i) > 0) then
if (this%idomain(node) > 0) then
this%nodereduced(node) = noder
noder = noder + 1
elseif (this%idomain(j, i) < 0) then
elseif (this%idomain(node) < 0) then
this%nodereduced(node) = -1
this%nodereduced(node) = 0
@@ -426,7 +427,7 @@ subroutine grid_finalize(this)
noder = 1
do i = 1, this%nrow
do j = 1, this%ncol
if (this%idomain(j, i) > 0) then
if (this%idomain(node) > 0) then
this%nodeuser(noder) = node
noder = noder + 1
end if
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/Model/Discretization/Disu.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -43,9 +43,7 @@ module DisuModule
integer(I4B), pointer :: iangledegx => null() ! =1 when angle information was present in input, 0 otherwise
integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: iavert => null() ! cell vertex pointer ia array
integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: javert => null() ! cell vertex pointer ja array
integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: idomain => null() ! idomain (nodes)
logical(LGP) :: readFromFile ! True, when DIS is read from file (almost always)


procedure :: dis_df => disu_df

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