When it comes to learning a new framework or language, the first thing that comes to our mind is creating a Todo app that has all the basic CRUD functionalities. So in this article, we will create a Todo CRUD RESTful API in a Deno environment that runs on an Oak middleware server and uses a MongoDB database.
- What is Deno Oak Middleware Framework?
- Installing Deno
- Setup Oak Middleware and Routing
- Setup MongoDB Server with Docker
- Connect Deno to MongoDB Server
- Create the MongoDB Database Models
- Create the Request Validation Schemas
- Create the Route Controllers
- Add the Dependency Imports
- Create Document Controller
- Update Document Controller
- Read a Single Document Controller
- Read All Documents Controller
- Delete Document Controller
- Export the Controllers
- Create/Merge the API Routes with Oak
- Test the Deno API with Postman
- Create a new document
- Update an existing document
- Get a single document
- Get all the documents
- Delete a document
Read the entire article here: https://codevoweb.com/setup-and-use-mongodb-with-deno
When it comes to learning a new framework or language, the first thing that comes to our mind is creating a Todo app that has all the basic CRUD functionalities. So in this article, we will create a Todo CRUD RESTful API in a Deno environment that runs on an Oak middleware server and uses a MongoDB database.
- What is Deno Oak Middleware Framework?
- Installing Deno
- Setup Oak Middleware and Routing
- Setup MongoDB Server with Docker
- Connect Deno to MongoDB Server
- Create the MongoDB Database Models
- Create the Request Validation Schemas
- Create the Route Controllers
- Add the Dependency Imports
- Create Document Controller
- Update Document Controller
- Read a Single Document Controller
- Read All Documents Controller
- Delete Document Controller
- Export the Controllers
- Create/Merge the API Routes with Oak
- Test the Deno API with Postman
- Create a new document
- Update an existing document
- Get a single document
- Get all the documents
- Delete a document
Read the entire article here: https://codevoweb.com/setup-and-use-mongodb-with-deno
To demonstrate how JWT authentication works in Deno, we'll build an API that runs on an Oak middleware server and uses a MongoDB database. Then, we'll add an authentication guard where only users with a valid JSON Web Token will be able to access the protected routes. Also, we'll make the passwords secure by hashing them with the Bcrypt library.
- Setup the API Project
- Create the Database Model with MongoDB
- Create the Validation Schemas with Zod
- Load the Environment Variables in Deno
- Create Utility Functions
- Function to Sign and Verify the JSON Web Token
- Function to Hash and Verify the Passwords
- Function to Omit Fields from an Object
- Create the API Route Controllers
- Register User Controller
- Login User Controller
- Logout User Controller
- Request Authenticated User's Profile Controller
- Create the Middleware Guard
- Create the API Routes
- Add the Routes to the Deno Application
Read the entire article here: https://codevoweb.com/authentication-with-bcrypt-jwt-and-cookies-in-deno
In this tutorial, we'll cover how to build a Deno API that supports CRUD operations and stores data in a MongoDB database. The example API will run on an Oak middleware framework that will include routes to create, retrieve, update, and delete documents in the database.
- Run the Deno + MongoDB CRUD API Locally
- Setup the Deno CRUD API
- Create the MongoDB Model
- Create the Validation Schemas with Zod
- Create the Oak Middleware Route Handlers
- Add document handler
- Update document handler
- Get a single document handler
- Get all documents handler
- Delete a document handler
- Create the Oak Middleware Routes
- Register the API Routes
Read the entire article here: https://codevoweb.com/deno-crud-restful-api-with-mongodb