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Getting Started

Setting up development environment

Docker Environment (Preferred, all OS)

Update: 2/1/2019: Support for dockerized container added.

  1. Install docker/docker-compose
  2. copy env.example to .env
  3. In project root do docker-compose build
  4. Once built, migrate: docker-compose run app migrate
  5. Bring stack up: docker-compose run app migrate

To Run Commands in Docker:

  • Django Shell:
    • docker-compose run app python proj/ shell
  • DB Migrate:
    • docker-compose run app python proj/ migrate
  • Run management Command:
    • docker-compose run app python proj/ <COMMAND>

Integrating Dockerized ENV with Pycharm

  1. In Project -> Project Interpreter set Project Interpreter to Docker.
  2. Build, Execution, Deployment -> Docker -> Add A docker environment.
  3. For Debug: Add: Run -> Edit Configurations; Edit your configuration to use docker.
  • If configuration doesn't work with django server, just do it as a python command proj/ runserver

It should run everything in containers now.

Virtualenv (Unix/Bash)

  1. Run bash setup_env.bash
  2. Copy env.example to .env

Windows (github git bash emulator)

  1. Grab git bash shell for windows
  2. Have python3 installed and named python in path
  3. Have pip3 and virutalenv instlaled
  4. Run git bash as administrator and execute bash setup_env_win.bash

Copy env.example in the project root to .env, update any values if necessary.

Setup with Pycharm

  • Settings->Project->Project Interpreter
    • Add the virtualenv in .virtualenv as your project interpreter
  • Settings->Languages/Frameworks
    • Turn on Djagno Support
      • Project Root: proj/
      • Environment Variables: DJAGNO_SETTINGS_MODULE=settings
      • Manage Script:
  • Right click proj directoryand click "Mark as Sources"
  • Run->Edit configurations
    • Make a django server


INIA web application version 2 in Django.







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Contributors 3
