An Oracle PL/SQL package to work with websockets.
The database cannot transfer data via the WebSocket protocol. It must send data via HTTP to a web server which is capable of using websockets.
- Data Types
- Global Variables
- REGISTER procedure
- UNREGISTER procedure
- EMIT_TO_USER procedure
- EMIT_TO_ROOM procedure
subtype t_room is varchar2(4000);
subtype t_token is varchar2(4000);
subtype t_event is varchar2(130); -- same as DA Custom Event Name in APEX 5.1
c_prefix constant varchar2(20) := 'websocket:';
c_separator constant varchar2(1) := ':';
-- Predefined websocket event names
c_message constant t_event := c_prefix || c_separator || 'message';
c_refresh constant t_event := c_prefix || c_separator || 'refresh';
You may use custom event names instead of a predefined event name.
Register a user session for a websocket room and return JSON Web Token (JWT). The token can be used by the client later to actually join the room.
p_room IN t_room,
p_user_name IN VARCHAR2,
p_session_id IN VARCHAR2,
p_token OUT t_token
Removes the user access for a room.
p_room IN t_room,
p_user_name IN VARCHAR2,
p_session_id IN VARCHAR2
Parameter | Description |
p_room | Name of the websocket room to join. |
p_user_name | Name of a user. |
p_session_id | A unique session ID. |
Send a message to a single user to trigger a JavaScript event.
p_user_name IN VARCHAR2,
p_event IN t_event,
Parameter | Description |
p_user_name | Name of an user. |
p_event | Name of the websocket event to emit. |
p_data | Additional data to include in the event. Must be in valid JSON format. The format is checked by APEX_JSON.PARSE. |
-- Send message to one user to trigger a message event
-- This will trigger the websocket:message event for all dynamic actions which use this event
websocket_pkg.emit_to_user (
p_user_name => 'DEMO',
p_event => websocket_pkg.c_message,
p_data => '{"message": "Hello World!"}'
Send a message to all users in a websocket room.
p_room IN VARCHAR2,
p_event IN t_event,
Parameter | Description |
p_room | Name of the WebSocket room. If you are creating a lot of rooms in you application, a good name for a room would be 'prefix:entity:id'. |
p_event | Name of the WebSocket event to trigger. |
p_data | Additional data to include in the event. Must be in valid JSON format. The format is checked by APEX_JSON.PARSE. |
-- Send message of custom event to room
-- The client can perform any action on the custom event via JavaScript
websocket_pkg.emit_to_room (
p_room => 'hr:emp:1234',
p_event => 'RefreshEmployees'
-- Send message to show a message to all users in a room
websocket_pkg.emit_to_room (
p_room => 'global',
p_event => 'websocket:message',
p_data => '{"message": "Hello World!"}'
You need to be able to access the Node.JS server to make the REST calls.