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This repository contains the installation scripts of wso2 products for google cloud platform


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This repository contains the installation scripts of wso2 products for google cloud platform


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
google ~> 4.51.0


No providers.


Name Source Version
alert_policy_container_cpu git:: n/a
alert_policy_container_memory git:: n/a
alert_policy_container_restart_count git:: n/a
alert_policy_node_cpu git:: n/a
alert_policy_node_memory git:: n/a
bastion_instance git:: n/a
cloud_nat git:: n/a
email_channel_primary git:: n/a
fileshare git:: n/a
gke_cluster git:: n/a
project_svc git:: n/a
secret git:: n/a
sql_instance git:: n/a
vpc_network git:: n/a


No resources.


Name Description Type Default Required
alert_channel_name Channel name for alert notifications string "primary" no
alert_email_address Alert email address string n/a yes
auto_replication_enabled Enable automatic replication for the secret in regions bool true no
bastion_ip_cidr_range Base IP CIDR range for the bastion subnet string n/a yes
bastion_metadata_startup_script Startup script of the bastion VM string - no
bastion_vm_boot_disk_image Bastion VM boot disk image string "ubuntu-2204-lts" no
bastion_vm_machine_type Bastion VM machine type string n/a yes
cluster_ip_cidr_range Cluster IP CIDR range string n/a yes
cluster_location Cluster location string n/a yes
cluster_secondary_pods_cidr_range Cluster secondary pods CIDR range string n/a yes
cluster_secondary_services_cidr_range Cluster secondary services CIDR range string n/a yes
container_cpu_alert_duration Container CPU alert duration string n/a yes
container_cpu_alert_name Container CPU alert name string n/a yes
container_cpu_alert_threshold_value Container CPU alert threshold value number n/a yes
container_memory_alert_duration Container memory alert duration string n/a yes
container_memory_alert_name Container memory alert name string n/a yes
container_memory_alert_threshold_value Container memory alert threshold value number n/a yes
container_restart_alert_alignment_period Container restart alert alignment period string n/a yes
container_restart_alert_duration Container restart alert duration string n/a yes
container_restart_alert_name Container restart alert name string n/a yes
container_restart_alert_threshold_value Container restart alert threshold value number n/a yes
database_tier Database tier string n/a yes
database_version Database version string "MYSQL_8_0" no
db_availability_type Availability type string n/a yes
db_backup_enabled DB backup enabled bool n/a yes
db_binary_log_enabled Binary logs enabled for DB. This should be true only for MySQL Regional (not Zonal) deployments bool n/a yes
db_cidr_range DB CIDR range string n/a yes
db_common_labels Common labels map(string)
"user": "wso2"
db_deletion_protection Deletion protection. If false, database will be deleted with terraform destroy bool true no
db_disk_size Disk size number n/a yes
db_disk_type Disk type string n/a yes
db_ipv4_enabled DB IPv4 enabled bool n/a yes
db_name DB name string n/a yes
db_password DB password string n/a yes
db_query_insights_enabled Query insights enabled bool n/a yes
db_require_ssl Require SSL for DB connections bool n/a yes
db_retained_backups DB retained backups number n/a yes
db_username DB username string n/a yes
default_max_pods_per_node Maximum number of pods per node number n/a yes
enable_database Set true to enable the creation of a MySQL database. bool true no
enable_filestore Deploy a filestores for persistent storage bool true no
enable_secret Enable secrets to store keystore password bool true no
environment Deployment environment. This will be used for resource naming. string "Dev" no
filestore_capacity_gb Filestore capacity in GB number n/a yes
filestore_location Filestore location string n/a yes
filestore_name File share name string n/a yes
filestore_tier Filestore tier string n/a yes
ip_cidr_range IP CIDR range string n/a yes
labels Labels map(string) n/a yes
master_authorized_networks_cidr IP CIDR range for the master authorized networks string n/a yes
master_cluster_ipv4_cidr IP CIDR range for the master cluster string n/a yes
master_kubernetes_version Kubernetes version of the GKE cluster string n/a yes
node_cpu_alert_duration Node CPU alert duration string n/a yes
node_cpu_alert_name Node CPU alert name string n/a yes
node_cpu_alert_threshold_value Node CPU alert threshold value number n/a yes
node_memory_alert_duration Node memory alert duration string n/a yes
node_memory_alert_name Node memory alert name string n/a yes
node_memory_alert_threshold_value Node memory alert threshold value number n/a yes
node_pool_location Node pool location string n/a yes
node_pool_machine_type Node pool machine type string n/a yes
node_pool_max_node_count Node pool max node count number n/a yes
node_pool_min_node_count Node pool min node count number n/a yes
node_pool_node_count Node pool node count number n/a yes
node_pool_zone_locations Node pool zone locations list(string) n/a yes
project_name GCP project name string n/a yes
project_services GCP project services list(string) n/a yes
region Deployment region string n/a yes
roles List of roles to assign list(string)
secrets The list of the secrets list(map(string)) [] no
vpc_name VPC name string n/a yes
vpc_subnetwork_name VPC subnetwork name string n/a yes
zone Deployment zone string n/a yes


Name Description
bastion_instance ID of the bastion instance.
database_connection_name Connection name of the database instance.
database_default_user Default user of the database instance.
database_internal_ip Internal IP address of the database instance.
fileshare_name Fileshare name
filestore_location Location of the filestore.
filestore_location_ip IP address of the filestore.
filestore_name Filestore name

This document is autogenerated using terraform-docs (


This repository contains the installation scripts of wso2 products for google cloud platform








No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3

