WSO2 Enterprise Store 2.1.0 beta-1 Release
Release Notes - WSO2 Enterprise Store - Version 2.1.0-BETA
This is the beta-1 of the WSO2 Enterprise Store version 2.1.0, which will create a marketplace for your enterprise assets. You can download the beta at [1]. The beta-1 specifically contains the following bug fixes.
- [STORE-560] - Options text not working
- [STORE-697] - ES does not support for option-text fields
- [STORE-844] - Copyrights of ES Back-office and store-front needs to be updated
- [STORE-882] - Mistake in removeTags method log.error messages
- [STORE-887] - Redirect user to login page - self sign up
- [STORE-959] - When pointing to the IBM jdk 1.7 and startup the sever back end exceptions can be seen.
- [STORE-976] - Clicking Signout from My Items throws Http 401 error
- [STORE-994] - Field attribute "readonly=false" is not indicated when rendering pages in Publisher
- [STORE-995] - [Internet Explorer] - Only quarter of the Lifecycle Flow Chart is displayed
- [STORE-997] - UI issue related to the search box in Store
- [STORE-1026] - Scroll Bar UI Issue in Search Box
- [STORE-1027] - When asset types are accessed from store, trace of errors are printing
- [STORE-1042] - Store- Exceptions in backend when assets are searched from asset-type list view
- [STORE-1052] - After creating a user via stores registration form entered data must be clear
- [STORE-1080] - Some ID is displayed with the asset in Advanced Search
- [STORE-1081] - Users who have both internal/publisher and internal/reviewer role can edit assets and create new version of assets that are in In-Review state which are created by someone else
- [STORE-1091] - Http 405 error displayed in User Reviews section when Browser Back button is clicked from Asset detail page
- [STORE-1093] - [mysql] - Exception thrown at server startup - Fresh pack with -Dsetup
- [STORE-1096] - [DB2]Cannot add reviews for asset with DB2
- [STORE-1112] - 500 error when trying to access secured extension APIs without logged in
- [STORE-1114] - [Store] Search with special charactors redirecting to an error page.
- [STORE-1141] - 500 error when clicking on store
- [STORE-1174] - [GC - Publisher] Validate options field in RXT
- [STORE-1179] - [Publisher] In publisher app assets page, user can't Identify the tab which they currently in
- [STORE-1183] - Life cycle rendering area is not properly shown in the GC [Publisher] for internet explorer 11
- [STORE-1184] - Lifecycle view in G-Reg publisher is not working in google chrome browser
- [STORE-1192] - [Publisher]Landing page search with empty string gives Error 500
- [STORE-1194] - [PUBLISHER] Readonly fields should contain a visual cue indicating that they cannot be edited
- [STORE-1197] - Go to Store and Go to Publisher links in the Sign In error page is mixed
- [STORE-1198] - [Jaggery-Modules] Refactor hasActionPermissionforPath to support anonymous users
- [STORE-1206] - Adding mandatory attribute for images in rxt file not working
- [STORE-1221] - Can not create more than one tag for a connector at same time in the publisher
- [STORE-1222] - Tags are shown inappropriately
- [STORE-1225] - [Store]Accessible asstets from store side which are not already published
- [STORE-1231] - Store and publisher top menu is vibrating when scrolling
- [STORE-1232] - Collapse issue in asset details page
- [STORE-1233] - Slide animation in asset edit page is different than the one in the overview page
- [STORE-1234] - Tags in the asset edit page is not rendered properly
- [STORE-1237] - [STORE] The asset details page displays all tags
- [STORE-1239] - [STORE] Sorting icon does not function in annonymous mode
- [STORE-1240] - [PUBLISHER] Delete UI should be migrated to GREG delete UI
- [STORE-1242] - Asset type colors should differ in the menu
- [STORE-1245] - Can not edit Provider in publisher when adding a new asset
- [STORE-1246] - [PUBLISHER] Unable to create a new version of an asset
- [STORE-1248] - [STORE] 500 error when accessing an asset that cannot viewed in annonymous mode
- [STORE-1250] - unable to add endpoints
- [STORE-1251] - Asset type icon is not aligned properly in publisher
- [STORE-1252] - Asset thumbnail looses responsiveness at smaller screen widths
- [STORE-1253] - [Publisher] Version number is not shown in asset details page
- [STORE-1254] - [PUBLISHER] Unable to add tags when creating an asset
- [STORE-1257] - [PUBLISHER] Default asset thumbnail does not appear
[1] Product can be downloaded from
[2] Store Front URL : http://{host}:{9763}/store
[3] Store Back-office (Publisher) : http://{host}:{9763}/publisher
Thank You,