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Improved B cell epitope prediction using T cell-based prediction


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Leveraging T-B reciprocity to enhance B cell epitope prediction


The ability to predict B cell epitopes from antigen sequences is critical for biomedical research and many clinical applications. However, despite substantial efforts over the past 20 years, the performance of even the best B cell epitope prediction software is still modest. Based on the idea of T-B reciprocity, BepiTBR is a B cell epitope prediction model that demonstrates improved performance by incorporating prediction of nearby CD4+ T cell epitopes close to the B cell epitopes.

Researchers interested in more information about BepiTBR and other bioinformatics tools can visit Dr. Tao Wang's lab website.

Getting started

System requirements

BepiTBR requires a linux x86-64 operating system with basic utilities (tested on RHEL 6, kernel 3.10.0-693 and Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04).


BepiTBR is written in python, raku, and R and can be downloaded from github. Note that some dependecies need to be manually installed.


Raku v6.d or later
python 3.6.4+
R 3.6+, glmnet package
conda 4.4.10+
java 1.6+
PERL 5.0+
gcc 5.4.0+
g++ 4.8.5+ tar

BepiPred 1.0

download site:
follow the instructions in bepipred-1.0.readme to complete installation.

BepiPred 2.0

follow the instructions in bp2_env_install_instructions.txt under install to install the bp2 conda environment.


download site:
follow the instructions in to install LBEEP 1.0.

NetMHCIIpan 3.2 (optional)

download site:
follow the instructions in netMHCIIpan-3.2.readme to complete installation.


download site:
follow the instructions in to install.


This tutorial will guide the user in running BepiTBR in several different modes.

Epitope mode

Analyzes specific epitopes within proteins
Requires epitope sequences and their corresponding full antigen protein sequences
Example command using provided example files:
(replace paths with appropriate paths according to user's particular installation)

raku BepiTBR.raku \
--motif0_file=examples/test_data_BepiTBR/Ind-positive.txt \
--full0_file=examples/test_data_BepiTBR/peptide_with_full_length.txt \
--bepipred2=bp2/bin/activate \
--bepipred1=/home/exampleUser/bp1/bepipred-1.0/bepipred \
--LBEEP=/home/exampleUser/LBEEP/ \
--MixMHC2pred=/home/exampleUser/MixMHC2pred/MixMHC2pred_unix \
--netMHCIIpan=/home/exampleUser/netMHCIIpan-3.2/netMHCIIpan \
--dir=example/test_output_BepiTBR \

--motif0_file: candidate epitopes file
--full0_file: full protein sequences file
--bepipred2: the conda environment activation file for BepiPred 2.0 (<bp2_env_directory>/bin/activate)
--bepipred1: path to the BepiPred 1.0 executable
--LBEEP: path to the LBEEP directory
--MixMHC2pred: path to the MixMHC2pred executable
--netMHCIIpan: path to the NetMHCIIpan 3.2 executable
--dir: output directory
--thread: number of CPU thread to use; system dependent


The main output is the predictions.txt file in the output directory. Each line corresponds to an epitope and consists of tab-seperated data with the format: epitope name, base bepipred1.0, base bepipred2.0, base LBEEP, enhanced bepipred1.0, enhanced bepipred2.0, enhanced LBEEP, ensemble, epitope sequence. For example:

base_bepipred1.0	base_bepipred2.0	base_LBEEP	enhanced_bepipred1.0	enhanced_bepipred2.0	enhanced_LBEEP	ensemble	epitope
Negative_IEDB_ID_946463	1.927	0.6338	0.67	-0.5321	-0.3189	-0.4096	0.8883	KKLIPNPNKIRKPPK
Negative_IEDB_ID_947078	1.013	0.6201	0.51	-0.5706	-0.4672	-0.6792	0.5832	VTRLRYRSVREVWQS

Here, base indicates original prediction scores using existing B cell epitope prediction software, enhanced indicates predictions made by considering both the base models and T cell epitope predictions, for each of the three base models, and ensemble is the final BepiTBR prediction score that is the aggregate of the three enhanced models.
The B cell and T cell (MHC II) predictions used to calculate the final scores are compressed in order to save space; they are kept as Bepi.tar.gz and Tepi.tar.gz, respectively.

Full protein mode

Identify potential B cell epitopes from a full antigen protein sequence
Requires the antigen protein sequence to be input directly
Example command:
(replace paths with appropriate paths according to user's particular installation)

raku BepiTBR_full.raku \
--full0=$(cat examples/test_data_BepiTBR_full/example_full.txt) \
--length=15 \
--bepipred2=bp2/bin/activate \
--bepipred1=/home/exampleUser/bp1/bepipred-1.0/bepipred \
--LBEEP=/home/exampleUser/LBEEP/ \
--MixMHC2pred=/home/exampleUser/MixMHC2pred/MixMHC2pred_unix \
--netMHCIIpan=NA \
--dir=example/test_output_BepiTBR \

--full0: protein sequence
--length: length of the B cell epitopes to scan in a moving window. Recommended length: 15
--bepipred2: the conda environment activation file for BepiPred 2.0 (<bp2_env_directory>/bin/activate)
--bepipred1: path to the BepiPred 1.0 executable
--LBEEP: path to the LBEEP directory
--MixMHC2pred: path to the MixMHC2pred executable
--netMHCIIpan: recommended to set to NA to greatly improve run speed
--dir: output directory
--thread: number of CPU thread to use; system dependent


The main output is the predictions.txt file in the output directory. Each line corresponds to the start location of a potential B cell epitope on the protein and consists of tab-seperated data with the format: epitope name, base bepipred1.0, base bepipred2.0, base LBEEP, enhanced bepipred1.0, enhanced bepipred2.0, enhanced LBEEP, ensemble, epitope sequence. For example:

base_bepipred1.0	base_bepipred2.0	base_LBEEP	enhanced_bepipred1.0	enhanced_bepipred2.0	enhanced_LBEEP	ensemble	epitope
job_pos=0	1.855	0.6331	0.47	-0.4154	-0.5009	-0.8526	0.5792	MTENSTSAPAAKPKR
job_pos=1	1.855	0.6418	0.48	-0.4242	-0.4819	-0.8472	0.5914	TENSTSAPAAKPKRA
job_pos=2	1.855	0.6418	0.48	-0.433	-0.4867	-0.8582	0.5743	ENSTSAPAAKPKRAK

same as epitope mode, base indicates original prediction scores using existing B cell epitope prediction software, enhanced indicates predictions made by considering both the base models and T cell epitope predictions, for each of the three base models, and ensemble is the final BepiTBR prediction score that is the aggregate of the three enhanced models.
Same as epitope mode, the B cell and T cell (MHC II) predictions used to calculate the final scores are compressed in order to save space; they are kept as Bepi.tar.gz and Tepi.tar.gz, respectively.

Fasta mode

Identify potential B cell epitopes from a .fasta file containing multiple antigen protein sequences
Requires protein sequence file in fasta format
Example command:
(replace paths with appropriate paths according to user's particular installation)

raku BepiTBR_full.raku \
--fasta0=examples/test_data_BepiTBR_fasta/peptide_with_full_length.txt \
--length=15 \
--bepipred2=bp2/bin/activate \
--bepipred1=/home/exampleUser/bp1/bepipred-1.0/bepipred \
--LBEEP=/home/exampleUser/LBEEP/ \
--MixMHC2pred=/home/exampleUser/MixMHC2pred/MixMHC2pred_unix \
--netMHCIIpan=NA \
--dir=example/test_output_BepiTBR \

--fasta0: protein sequence file in fasta format
--length: length of the B cell epitopes to scan in a moving window. Recommended length: 15
--bepipred2: the conda environment activation file for BepiPred 2.0 (<bp2_env_directory>/bin/activate)
--bepipred1: path to the BepiPred 1.0 executable
--LBEEP: path to the LBEEP directory
--MixMHC2pred: path to the MixMHC2pred executable
--netMHCIIpan: recommended to set to NA to greatly improve run speed
--dir: output directory; results for each antigen sequence will be placed in a sub-directory
--thread: number of CPU thread to use; system dependent


For each protein in the fasta file labelled with a header line, a sub-directory for that protein will be created in the output directory. For example, for the input in examples/test_data_BepiTBR_fasta, two sub-directories, Positive_IEDB_ID_114414 and Positive_IEDB_ID_123439 will be created in the output directory. In each sub-directory, the main output is the predictions.txt file. Same as for full protein mode, each line corresponds to the start location of a potential epitope on the protein and consists of tab-seperated data with the format: epitope name, base bepipred1.0, base bepipred2.0, base LBEEP, enhanced bepipred1.0, enhanced bepipred2.0, enhanced LBEEP, ensemble, epitope sequence. For Positive_IEDB_ID_114414:

base_bepipred1.0	base_bepipred2.0	base_LBEEP	enhanced_bepipred1.0	enhanced_bepipred2.0	enhanced_LBEEP	ensemble	epitope
job_pos=0	0.656	0.3888	0.43	-0.8591	-1.2612	-1.2655	-0.6383	MASSSSVLLVVALFA
job_pos=1	0.656	0.3888	0.32	-0.844	-1.2423	-1.583	-0.7871	ASSSSVLLVVALFAV
job_pos=2	0.288	0.3888	0.29	-0.9434	-1.235	-1.6714	-0.9076	SSSSVLLVVALFAVF

and for Positive_IEDB_ID_123439:

base_bepipred1.0	base_bepipred2.0	base_LBEEP	enhanced_bepipred1.0	enhanced_bepipred2.0	enhanced_LBEEP	ensemble	epitope
job_pos=0	-1.393	0.3664	0.28	-1.891	-1.1241	-1.5599	-1.4901	MRLLQCVLLCVSLSL
job_pos=1	-0.917	0.3923	0.3	-1.6216	-1.0555	-1.4938	-1.1855	RLLQCVLLCVSLSLV
job_pos=2	-0.719	0.4382	0.32	-1.5136	-0.9351	-1.4293	-0.9637	LLQCVLLCVSLSLVL

same as the other two modes, base indicates original prediction scores using existing B cell epitope prediction software, enhanced indicates predictions made by considering both the base models and T cell epitope predictions, for each of the three base models, and ensemble is the final BepiTBR prediction score that is the aggregate of the three enhanced models.
Also the same as the other two modes, the B cell and T cell (MHC II) predictions used to calculate the final scores are compressed in order to save space; they are kept as Bepi.tar.gz and Tepi.tar.gz, respectively.


Improved B cell epitope prediction using T cell-based prediction







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  • Raku 61.2%
  • Python 33.5%
  • R 5.3%