- install latest ddwrt firmware, BS build is recommended
- setup wireguard endpoint by following QuickStart@WireGuard
- add peer config in ddwrt
- add a VAP (wl1.1 in Wireless_Basic.asp
- save startup rules to forward traffice from wl1.1 to wireguard oet1 (Administration/Command)
ip rule add from lookup 100
ip route add table 100 default via dev oet1
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o oet1 -j MASQUERADE
Services -> Services and ensure that DNSMasq is enabled, in Dnsmasq section, Enter the following Additional DNSMasq Options: dhcp-option=wl1.1,6,,
Setup -> Networking, in DHCPD section add 'Multiple DHCP Server' for VAP interface
Now after your mobile phone connect to VAP, all traffic should forward to wireguard oet1
disable AP Isolation
for Google home setup - If something wrong, try to
disable SFE(Shortcut Forwarding Engine)
@ basic setup.