Thank you for downloading ClamAV-GUI: a tool that simplifies virus scanning on Linux.
- This application provides a graphical user interface for clamav and freshclam with an integrated service menu for Konqueror/Dolphin to scan files directly from your file manager.
- clamav
- freshclam
*For Ubuntu: $ sudo apt install clamav clamav-freshclam
- correct dependencies for Ubuntu
- If you use Ubuntu, you can use the available DEB package
- If you use OpenSUSE, you can use the available RPM package
- Alternatively, you can build from source
Build Instructions:
Requires qt5 base development files, qtchooser, g++, and make *For Ubuntu <= 20.04: $ sudo apt install qtchooser qt5-default g++ make *For Ubuntu >= 22.04: $ sudo apt install qtchooser qtbase5-dev g++ make
Extract ClamAV-GUI-.tar.gz Example: $ tar -xf ClamAV-GUI-.tar.gz
Enter the generated folder Example: $ cd ClamAV-GUI-x.x.x *For Ubuntu <= 20.04 also change ( Qt::endl; --> endl; ) in file "setupfilehandler.cpp"
Build the package as root with 'qmake', 'make', and finally 'make install' Example: $ qmake && make && sudo make install
Questions / Suggestions:
- Report any problems or suggestions to Joerg Macedo da Costa Zopes
Have fun with your virus-free machine.
INFO - Changes using clamav 1.0.7 or 1.4.1 Version 1.0.7 and 1.4.1 of clamav have an issue with "freshclam". Freshclam needs the file "ca-bundle.crt" in the folder "/etc/pki/tls/certs" and neither the folder nor the file exists in Open SuSE. On Open SuSE I found the file "ca-bundle.pem" in the folder "/etc/ssl" and a softlink to "/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt" solves the problem.