Upgrading the application to Kotlin and matching the UI as of Zomato release in Dec, 2020 for Android.
The objective of the development of this application was to try and implement the UI of Zomato (Dec, 2020 release) using the API provided by Zomato. Not all the APIs are implemented but a major of them are. It uses FusedLocation to display the list of restaurants. We have tried to follow the MVVM approach using Kotlin and Coroutines too.
Recently the Zomato API has been locked, but existing API keys are working. Review API is no longer working and hence it has been commented out.
Libraries used during development:
- Recycler View
- Card View
- Retrofit
- Coroutines
- Glide
- Room
- Timber
- Lottie
- Leak Canary
- PhoneInputExt (Custom Library)
Asset Credits:
This project contains various assets which are owed by the respective owners. Their details are provided as below
Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com Facebook, Google, Delivery, Catchup, Dinner, Cafe, Buffet
Location vector created by stories - www.freepik.com Search Location
Icons made by Eucalyp from www.flaticon.com Dining, Lunch
Icons made by Kiranshastry from www.flaticon.com Nightlife
Icons made by Pixel perfect from www.flaticon.com Profile
Pattern vector created by freepik - www.freepik.com Default background image for cards
Icons made by Good Ware from www.flaticon.com Takeout
Icons made by Pixelmeetup from www.flaticon.com Breakfast
Icons made by surang from www.flaticon.com Club
Food vector created by stories - www.freepik.com Image of chef in login screen
https://lottiefiles.com/968-loading Loading Lottie - 1