Ruby version 3.2.3
gem install bundler
bundle install
- Run Test
- Model Tours
- store basic information of tour package
- 2 mode: oneTime OR recurring
- has many slots
- belongs to tour
- store datetime info of tour slot
- Method create_tour parameters
tourTitle --> tour package name
tourDesc --> tour package description
tourMode --> tour package mode, enum: oneTime, recurring
repeatBy --> only for recurring mode, options: day, week, month
repeatDay --> depend on repeatBy, if week, options: day of week (0 - 6); if month, option: specific date of month or specifc day of week
repeatWeek --> only when repeatBy month, options: week of month (1 - 4)
startDate --> if oneTime mode, start of the tour; if recurring mode, start of the recurring package, slot will be create based on setting
endDate --> if oneTime mode, end of the tour; if recurring mode, end of the recurring package, slot will be create based on setting
startTime --> daily start time of tour slot
endTime --> daily end time of tour slot
durationDay --> only for recurring mode, day count of tour slot
create_custom_slots_tour parameters
tourTitle --> tour package name
tourDesc --> tour package description
slotSettings --> custom slot settings
startDate --> slot start date
endDate --> slot end date
startTime --> daily start time of tour slot
endTime --> daily end time of tour slot