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A detailed description on how to extract and align text, audio, and video features at word-level.

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A detailed description on how to extract and align text, audio, and video features at word-level.

1. Text-Audio Alignment

- Extract Audio Track from Video


  • FFmpeg [C/C++]: A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video.

We utilize FFmpeg to extract the audio track from video, merge voice channels, and resample the audio. To extract the audio track from video on Windows in cmd:

# Extract from one videos
ffmpeg -i 1_60.mp4 -f wav -vn 1_60.wav

# Extract all videos
# test: for %f in (*.mp4) do echo %f
for %f in (*.mp4) do ffmpeg -i "%f" -f wav -vn "%~nf.wav"

# Convert stereo to mono: -ac
# Resample to 16000: -ar
ffmpeg -i 1_60.wav -ac 1 -ar 16000 1_60_.wav

- Forced Alignment


  • P2FA [Python]: Penn Phonetics Lab Forced Aligner for English.
  • HTK [C/C++]: About the compiling of HTK on Windows please refer to HTK on Windows. You need to set up the win32 environment in cmd for compiling. Note that you may encounter errors when compling due to the incompatibility of .mkf syntax. To solve the problem, you have to remove all the unnecessary space line in related .mkf files.
  • SoX [C/C++]: To install SoX on Windows, you may refer to SoX on Windows.

We use a modified version named p2fa-vislab, which could take the .json schema for the input and the output. The .wav audio file must be 16 bit mono. More details please refer to the repo. Here, we run the Python scripts in Windows cmd:

# Align for all videos
for %f in (./Dataset/alignment/*.wav) do \
python ./Dataset/alignment/%f \
./Dataset/alignment/%~nf.json \

2. Text Feature Extraction

- Pre-trained Word Embeddings from GloVe


  • GloVe: Pre-trained GloVe word embeddings.
  • Word2Vec(optional): Pre-trained Word2Vec word embeddings.

When aligning the transcripts with the corresponding audios at word-level, P2FA tokenizes each utterance by splitting ''. As a result, some abbrevations of words are regarded as single tokens, such as i'm, i've, and what's. To be consistent, we recommend to build the vocabulary based on the aligned transcripts, and extract text feature for each token by fetching the pre-trained word embeddings from publicly available sources, such as Word2Vec and GloVe.

Explicitly, we have two steps as below:

  • Embedding Matrix: Assign the GloVe vectors to the built Vocabulary, and initialize unknown word by random vectors.
  • Text Feature: For single words, fetch their embeddings from the Embedding Matrix; for abbrevations like what's, average the embeddings of what,', and s to obtain the text feature.

- Pre-trained Word Embeddings from GloVe


Embeddings from deep pre-trained models like BERT retain the contextual information for words in a sentence. Initializing word embeedings in this way can reduce word sense ambiguity. However, a problem arises if we want to initialize words or phrases split by the tokenizers (e.g., P2FA) that are not integrated in BERT. For such a situation, please refer to the repo BERT-Text-Features for more information.

3. Audio Feature Extraction

- COVAREP Feature


  • COVAREP [MATLAB/Octave]: A cooperative voice analysis repository for speech technologies.
  • Voicebox [MATLAB]: COVAREP is built on MATLAB ( compatible with Octave), requiring the Voicebox toolbox. Unzip the Voicebox package and move the '/voicebox' folder to the MATLAB toolbox folder. Use Set Path in Matlab to add '/voicebox' to MATLAB Search Path.
  • Deep Learning Toolbox should be installed in MATLAB for extracting the Voice Activity Detection (VAD) feature.

To extract the audio feature in MATLAB:

# Run startup.m at the home dir of COVAREP to set up the paths
>> startup;

# Put your audio data in in_dir='Dataset/audio', set your sample_rate=0.01 (s)
# the COVAREP_feature_formant_extraction.m script will extract features of each frame 
# and save them in separate .mat/.csv files for each audio
>> COVAREP_feature_formant_extraction('./Dataset/audio', 0.01);

Note that the called function COVAREP_feature_formant_extraction_perfile.m should report errors when handling very short audios, limited by filtfilt.m. To address the problem, we keep doubling the input audio until the number of samples exceeds the original sampling rates (16000 Ours).

- Librosa Feature


  • librosa [Python]: A python package for music and audio analysis.

Just install the package through conda or pip, and import it into your python scripts. Please visit the repo Librosa-Audio-Featrues for an example of extracting audio features using librosa, including MFCC, melspectogram, spectral centroid, and their associated derivatives (delta).

4. Video Feature Extraction

- Facial Feature


  • OpenFace [C/C++]: A state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation. The tool can be installed on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Here we run the tool on Windows in cmd:

# Extract features from videos
FeatureExtraction.exe -f "./Dataset/video/video_1.mp4"

# Videos with multiple faces
FaceLandmarkVidMulti.exe -f "./Dataset/video/video_1.mp4"

# Extract from all videos
# Test: for %f in (./Dataset/MUStARD/*.mp4) do echo %f
for %f in (./Dataset/video/*.mp4) do FeatureExtraction.exe -f "./Dataset/video/%f"

For more details about the arguments, please refer to Command Line Arguments.

TODO: distinguish the speaker from multiple faces;

- Implicit Visual Feature

ResNet: For implicit visual features, it is getting popular to extract from pre-trained deep models like ResNet. Please visit the repo ResNet-Video-Features, which is an example of extracting features from a pool5 layer of the ImageNet pre-trained ResNet-152 image classification model.


A detailed description on how to extract and align text, audio, and video features at word-level.







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