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The most powerful and lightweight API that allows you to develop your original Haxball( host, client, and standalone applications both on node.js and browser environments and also includes every possible hack and functionality that you can imagine.


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The most powerful and lightweight API that allows you to develop your original Haxball( host, client, and standalone applications both on node.js and browser environments and includes every possible functionality that you can imagine.

  • Here is the Github repository for this project.
  • You may read the full documentation here.
  • We also have a discord server to help people adapt to this API. See you there!

๐Ÿ”– Table Of Contents

๐Ÿค” How To Use

๐Ÿ’ป Installing & importing as a node.js/CommonJS module:

npm install node-haxball
const { OperationType, VariableType, ConnectionState, AllowFlags, Direction, CollisionFlags, CameraFollow, BackgroundType, GamePlayState, BanEntryType, Callback, Utils, Room, Replay, Query, Library, RoomConfig, Plugin, Renderer, Errors, Language, EventFactory, Impl } = require("node-haxball")();
// Use example code here.

๐Ÿ’ป Usage on Browser

  • NOTE: Usage on Browser currently relies on our proxy server. (Will expire at the end of each month and not work for several days.)
  • If you do not wish to use proxy server (which has some limitations), you will need our browser extension to change headers. (look at our haxballOriginModifier project.)
  • Alternate URL (No proxy server yet.)
  • Moreover; if you have a custom backend server for Haxball, you can use it with this API too.

๐Ÿ’ป Usage on Browser (via Proxy Server)

    <script src=""></script> <!-- json5 library -->
    <script src=""></script> <!-- pako library -->
    <script src=""></script> <!-- this file comes from this repo -->
      var { OperationType, VariableType, ConnectionState, AllowFlags, Direction, CollisionFlags, CameraFollow, BackgroundType, GamePlayState, BanEntryType, Callback, Utils, Room, Replay, Query, Library, RoomConfig, Plugin, Renderer, Errors, Language, EventFactory, Impl } = abcHaxballAPI(window, {
        proxy: {
          WebSocketUrl: "wss://",
          HttpUrl: ""
      // Use example code here.

๐Ÿ’ป Usage on Browser (via haxballOriginModifier Browser Extension)

    <script src=""></script> <!-- json5 library -->
    <script src=""></script> <!-- pako library -->
    <script src=""></script> <!-- this file comes from this repo -->
      var { OperationType, VariableType, ConnectionState, AllowFlags, Direction, CollisionFlags, CameraFollow, BackgroundType, GamePlayState, BanEntryType, Callback, Utils, Room, Replay, Query, Library, RoomConfig, Plugin, Renderer, Errors, Language, EventFactory, Impl } = abcHaxballAPI(window); 
      // You do not need a proxy server if you use browser's extension mechanism.
      // Use example code here.

๐Ÿ’ป Example code using the library:

Joining a room:

Utils.generateAuth().then(([authKey, authObj])=>{
    id: "Olnit_iGRWs",
    authObj: authObj
  }, {
    storage: {
      player_name: "wxyz-abcd",
      avatar: "๐Ÿ‘ฝ"
    onOpen: (room)=>{
      room.sendChat("Hello " +;

Creating a room:

  name: "room123", 
  password: "password", 
  showInRoomList: true, 
  maxPlayerCount: 8,
  token: "thr1.AAAAAGNMOokNqt3forXs_Q.3qQMuLQOS9o"
}, {
  storage: {
    player_name: "wxyz-abcd",
    avatar: "๐Ÿ‘ฝ"
  onOpen: (room)=>{
    room.sendChat("Hello " +;
    room.onAfterRoomLink = (roomLink)=>{
      console.log("room link:", roomLink);

๐Ÿ“ฐ Mini-Documentation

  • Library constructor(object, config): Initializes the library with given parameters.

    • object: These are objects/functions that directly affect the core functionalities. You should usually pass "window" here, because most of these objects reside there.
      • setTimeout, clearTimeout, setInterval, clearInterval, requestAnimationFrame, cancelAnimationFrame, fetch, (if you are on a custom environment such as NW.js or Electron, these functions should be binded to browser's window object before being passed on.)
      • console, performance, crypto, (browser's window object should have these objects as well.)
      • RTCPeerConnection, RTCIceCandidate, RTCSessionDescription, WebSocket, (these classes are used by Haxball for communication, browser's window object should have these classes as well.)
      • JSON5, pako. (These are two external libraries required by Haxball.)
    • config: Custom configuration for backend/proxy server as well as the library itself. Valid object keys are;
      • backend: Custom backend configuration. Valid object keys are:
        • hostname: backend's main domain url address. Defaults to:
        • hostnameWs: backend's url address for websocket connections. Defaults to:
        • secure: determines whether the url is using secure protocol(true) or not(false). Defaults to: true.
      • proxy: Proxy server configuration. Valid object keys are:
        • WebSocketChangeOriginAllowed: browsers' websocket libraries do not allow origin change for security reasons, so we need a proxy server to change the websocket request's origin for us. If true, we do not need a proxy server. (we can do that in NW.js, for example)
        • WebSocketUrl: proxy websocket url address to use when trying to create or join a room. should end with a /. Is appended host or client at the end while being used. Defaults to: wss:// for host and wss:// for client.
        • HttpUrl: proxy http url address to use when trying to create or join a room. should end with a /. Is appended host or client at the end while being used. Defaults to:
      • stunServer: the url address of an external stun server that is required for the communication via WebRTC to work correctly. Defaults to:
      • proxyAgent: a global custom proxy agent for this api object. This method does not work in browsers. Defaults to null.
      • version: Haxball's expected version number. Defaults to: 9.
      • noVariableValueChangeEvent: if true, disables the mechanism that enables variable value change event which in turn improves performance while reaching a variable's value that was defined by any Addon.defineVariable function. (Variable will have a directly accessable, actual value; instead of a property that points to the actual variable.) Defaults to: false.
      • identityToken: A token that represents a user data in a database of a custom proxy/backend server. Defaults to null.
  • OperationType: Different types of operations that are being used by Haxball. Should be used to understand what kind of message we are dealing with inside callback onOperationReceived.

  • VariableType: Different types of variables that can be defined in a Plugin or a Renderer with its corresponding defineVariable function. Should be used in a GUI environment.

  • ConnectionState: Different connection state values. Should be used to understand the state of connection while joining a room using Room.join.

  • AllowFlags: These flags allow us to understand whether a plugin or a roomConfig is able to work correctly while joining or creating a room. Especially useful in a GUI environment.

  • Direction: These values help understand the direction of a movement for an axis. Only designed for room.keyState function to combine seperate directions for x and y axis to generate the value of the key to press.

  • CollisionFlags: These flags are used internally in Haxball's physics engine to decide whether collision check should happen or not. Useful while creating a map editor GUI.

  • CameraFollow: These values help understand whether the camera will follow the player or not. This is only used as a variable in all stadiums.

  • BackgroundType: This is the type of the variable in a stadium that defines its background texture type.

  • GamePlayState: This type lets us understand the actual state of the game. This type only exists in a GameState object.

  • BanEntryType: These values help understand the type of a ban entry instance inside a room's ban list.

  • PlayerPositionInGame: These are the common player positions in most football manager games.

  • Language: A class that defines a language. Any language should be based on this class.

    • static properties:

      • current: The global current Language instance. It is essential to assign a language object to this property to be able to see the error messages using a line such as API.Language.current = new EnglishLanguage(API). Defaults to null.
    • static functions:

      • resolveText(str, array): Converts a template string(str) to a normal string using the given parameters(array).
    • constructor(abbr, metadata): creates a new Language instance. abbr should be a unique abbreviation string to identify the language. metadata is the information that you would want to show/update inside a GUI application.

    • properties:

      • abbr: the abbreviation of the language that is used while sending a LanguageChanged signal through the API.
      • api: The root data object that should have an errors key which has to contain string representations for each ErrorCode value.
    • abstract callbacks: These functions should be overridden when writing a GUI application using this API before creating any Language object. These are defined in Language.prototype.

      • defineMetadata(metadata): Does nothing, returns nothing by default. This function should define the given metadata object inside this Language object. This is not done here for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) For example, the languages in the examples folder uses the following metadata structure: {name, version, author, description}.
  • Errors: Global error handling objects.

    • ErrorCodes: Name to integer mapping that shortly describes the error codes used in HBError class.
    • HBError: This is the class that is instantiated while any error is thrown from this API.
      • properties:
        • code: The error code that has been thrown. (integer)
        • params: Parameters for the error. (array)
      • functions:
        • toString(): Returns the full description of the current error object by executing currentLanguage.errorsTextMap[this.code](...this.params).
  • Callback: Global functions to add/remove callbacks.

    • add(eventName, metadata): creates all callbacks about a new event called eventName which should start with a capital letter. metadata is not used, but this is the library's current metadata structure: { params: array of string }. should be used (and maybe overridden for usage of metadata) in a gui application to define custom event callbacks related to gui events such as keyboard, mouse, touch, timer etc. the main event callback defined in this room object to trigger all callbacks is "_on" + eventName.
    • remove(eventName): destroys the callbacks created by Callback.add.
  • Replay: Functions/classes related to replays.

    • read(uint8Array, callbacks, options): Creates and returns a non-blocking replay reader object.

      • Parameters:

        • uint8Array: Must be an Uint8Array containing the contents of a .hbr file. (Currently, only version 3 is supported.)
        • callbacks: An object that has the same callbacks as the renderer template. (except callbacks that are related to customEvents, roomConfigs, plugins, renderers, language; due to replay files not containing its corresponding event.) (Look at examples/api_structure/replayReader.js for all supported callbacks and example usage.)
        • options: An object that may contain the following keys:
          • requestAnimationFrame: Override function for requestAnimationFrame. (null = use library's default requestAnimationFrame.)
          • cancelAnimationFrame: Override function for cancelAnimationFrame. (null = use library's default cancelAnimationFrame.)
      • Returning replay reader object:

        • properties:
          • state: An object containing all information about the current room state.
          • gameState: room's game state information. returns null if game is not active. read-only.
          • currentPlayerId: Always returns -1. It is only added for compatibility with renderers. (And it is only used in the initialization code of renderers.)
          • maxFrameNo: returns the maximum frame number in the replay file.
        • functions:
          • length(): Returns the length of replay content in milliseconds.
          • getTime(): Returns the current time in milliseconds.
          • getCurrentFrameNo(): Returns the current frame number.
          • setTime(destinationTime): Plays the replay until the destinationTime(in milliseconds) or end of replay is reached. Note that it may take some time to reach the destination time(especially if you are trying to rewind time), because the game state data is generated on the fly and not stored in memory. (It would probably use huge amounts of RAM.)
          • setCurrentFrameNo(destinationFrameNo): Plays the replay until the destinationFrameNo or end of replay is reached. Note that it may take some time to reach the destination frame no(especially if you are trying to rewind time), because the game state data is generated on the fly and not stored in memory. (It would probably use huge amounts of RAM.)
          • getSpeed(): Returns the current speed of playing the replay.
          • setSpeed(coefficient): Changes the speed of playing the replay. coefficient must be a real number >=0.
            • coefficient = 0 : stop replay.
            • 0 < coefficient < 1 : slow-motion replay.
            • coefficient = 1 : normal speed replay.
            • coefficient > 1 : fast-motion replay.
          • destroy(): Releases the resources that are used by this object.
        • callbacks:
          • onDestinationTimeReached(): Destination time or frame number has been reached. Runs after a call to setTime(destinationTime) or setCurrentFrameNo(destinationFrameNo).
          • onEnd(): The end of replay data has been reached.
    • ReplayData: The structure that holds all of the data inside a replay file.

      • roomData: The initial RoomState of the replay, including all the information about the current stadium, game state, players, etc.
      • events: All events in this replay ordered by their respective frameNo.
      • goalMarkers: All team goals in this replay ordered by their respective frameNo.
      • totalFrames: Total number of frames in this replay.
      • version: Version number of the replay. Must currently be equal to 3.
    • readAll(uint8Array): Reads all of the given binary replay data into a new ReplayData structure and returns it.

    • trim(replayData, { beginFrameNo, endFrameNo }): Synchronously trims the given ReplayData between given frame numbers beginFrameNo and endFrameNo, both of which can be omitted and are inclusive. If omitted, beginFrameNo defaults to 0 and endFrameNo defaults to replayData.totalFrames-1.

    • trimAsync(replayData, { beginFrameNo, endFrameNo }): Asynchronously trims the given ReplayData between given frame numbers beginFrameNo and endFrameNo, both of which can be omitted and are inclusive. If omitted, beginFrameNo defaults to 0 and endFrameNo defaults to replayData.totalFrames-1. returns Promise(void)

    • writeAll(replayData): Writes the contents of a ReplayData structure into a new Uint8Array and returns it.

  • Utils: Some static utility functions.

    • generateAuth(): generates a new player_auth_key along with its companion auth object. you should store the key and use it later if you want to be recognized in Haxball rooms. the object is used in Room.join. returns Promise([authKey, authObj]).
    • authFromKey(authKey): recreates the auth object for given authKey. the object is used in Room.join. returns Promise(authObj).
    • getRoomList(): returns the current room list. returns Promise(roomListArray).
    • calculateAllRoomDistances(geo, roomList): calculates the distances to the given geoLocation geo of all rooms in given roomList and stores them inside each room's dist property.
    • numberToColor(number): returns the html color string (rgba representation) of the given number. (0 <= number <= 16777215)
    • colorToNumber(color): returns the number representation of the given html color string (rgba representation).
    • ipToNumber(ip): returns the numeric representation of an ip string, or null if the string is not formatted. Used internally in banList implementation.
    • numberToIp(ip): returns the string representation of a numeric ip value, or null if the number is not valid. Used internally in banList implementation.
    • authToNumber(auth): returns the numeric representation of an auth string, or null if the string is not 43 characters long. Used internally in banList implementation.
    • numberToAuth(auth): returns the string representation of a numeric auth value, or null if the number is not valid. Used internally in banList implementation.
    • compareBits(value1, value2, bitMask): returns true if all of the bits of numbers given as value1 and value2 are equal only at the positions whose bit values are 1 inside the bitMask. Used internally in banList implementation.
    • keyState(dirX, dirY, kick): returns an integer key state value to be used in Room.setKeyState. dirX = oneof[-1:left, 0:still, 1:right], dirY = oneof[-1:up, 0:still, 1:down], kick = true/false.
    • reverseKeyState(state): returns the dirX, dirY, kick parameters that were used to generate the given integer state with Utils.keyState function.
    • runAfterGameTick(callback, ticks): runs a callback function after ticks game ticks. if omitted, ticks defaults to 1.
    • getGeo(): connects to Haxball's geolocation API to get your location based on IP address. you can use it directly as geo key inside storage object. returns Promise(geoLocationObject)
    • parseGeo(geoStr, fallback, retNull): Parses the given string or json object(geoStr) as a GeoLocation object that should have lat, lon and flag keys and returns it.
    • getDefaultStadiums(): get default stadium array.
    • parseStadium(textDataFromHbsFile): parse text as a stadium object and return it.
    • exportStadium(stadium): generate and return text(.hbs) content from a stadium object.
    • promiseWithTimeout(promise, msec): returns a new promise that executes the given promise until msec time has passed. if timeout is reached, the promise is rejected.
    • hexStrToNumber(str): converts the playerObject.conn values to readable ip address string.
    • byteArrayToIp(uint8Array): converts a uint8array that was read from basro's backend into a readable ip address string.
    • refreshRoomToken({token="", rcr=""}): generates a new room token from an old token OR a rcr(Google Recaptcha v2 response) value.
    • generateRoomId({token, proxyAgent}): generates the room id using the given token, and also a new room token.
  • EventFactory: Contains static functions to create all kinds of event messages.

    • create(type): creates and returns an event message depending on the type parameter. returns null if type is not one of the types defined inside OperationType enum.
    • createFromStream(reader): creates and returns an event message after reading it from a stream reader. the reader should be of type Impl.Stream.Reader.
    • checkConsistency(data): creates and returns an event message that can be used to trigger a consistency check. data should be an ArrayBuffer.
    • sendAnnouncement(msg, color, style, sound): creates and returns an event message that can be used to send an announcement message(msg) with properties(color, style, sound).
    • sendChatIndicator(active): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the chat indicator status of a player to active.
    • sendInput(input): creates and returns an event message that can be used to triggers an input(keys) event. 0<=input<=31.
    • sendChat(msg): creates and returns an event message that can be used to send chat message(msg).
    • joinRoom(id, name, flag, avatar, conn, auth): creates and returns an event message that can be used to trigger a player join event.
    • setHeadlessAvatar(id, avatar): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the headless avatar of a player(รฌd) to avatar.
    • kickBanPlayer(id, reason, ban): creates and returns an event message that can be used to trigger a player(id) leave event.
    • reorderPlayers(playerIdList, moveToTop): creates and returns an event message that can be used to reorder players in a room.
    • startGame(): creates and returns an event message that can be used to start the game.
    • stopGame(): creates and returns an event message that can be used to stop the game.
    • pauseResumeGame(paused): creates and returns an event message that can be used to pause or resume a game.
    • setScoreLimit(value): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the score limit of a game to value.
    • setTimeLimit(value): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the time limit of a game to value.
    • setStadium(stadium): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the current stadium of a room to stadium.
    • setPlayerTeam(playerId, teamId): creates and returns an event message that can be used to move a player(playerId) to a team(teamId).
    • setTeamsLock(value): creates and returns an event message that can be used to lock or unlock the teams.
    • setPlayerAdmin(playerId, value): creates and returns an event message that can be used to give/take away admin priveleges of a player(playerId).
    • autoTeams(): creates and returns an event message that can be used to trigger an autoTeams event.
    • setPlayerSync(value): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the synchronization status of a player.
    • ping(values): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the pings of all players in a room.
    • setAvatar(value): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the avatar of a player to value.
    • setTeamColors(teamId, colors): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the colors of a team(teamId) to colors. colors must be an instance of the Impl.Core.TeamColors class.
    • setKickRateLimit(min, rate, burst): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the kick rate limit of a room.
    • setDiscProperties(id, data): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the properties of a disc(id) to data.
    • setPlayerDiscProperties(id, data): creates and returns an event message that can be used to set the properties of the disc of a player(id) to data.
    • customEvent(type, data): creates and returns an event message that can be used to trigger a custom event with properties(type, data).
    • binaryCustomEvent(type, data): creates and returns an event message that can be used to trigger a binary custom event with properties(type, data).
    • setPlayerIdentity(id, data): creates and returns an event message that can be used to trigger a player identity event with properties(id, data).
  • Query: Static functions to query map features. roomState should be either room.state or room.stateExt.

    • getVertexIndexAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the index of the first vertex that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getVertexAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the first vertex that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getSegmentIndexAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the index of the first segment that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getSegmentAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the first segment that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getGoalIndexAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the index of the first goal that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getGoalAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the first goal that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getPlaneIndexAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the index of the first plane that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getPlaneAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the first plane that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getJointIndexAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the index of the first joint that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getJointAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the first joint that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold.
    • getDiscIndexAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate): Finds the index of the first disc that includes mapCoordinate.
    • getDiscAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate): Finds the first disc that includes mapCoordinate.
    • getSpawnPointIndexAtMapCoord(roomState, mapCoordinate, threshold): Finds the index of the first spawn point that has a distance to mapCoordinate lower than threshold. Returns [spawnPointIndex, teamId]. teamId: [1: red team, 2: blue team.]
  • Room: The class that currently hosts all room operations. Should only be initialized by either Room.join or Room.create.

    • static functions: These functions are used to create/join a room.

      • create(createParams, commonParams): create a room with given parameters. Returns a custom object.

        • createParams:
          • name: name of the room.
          • password: password to protect the room. can be set null/undefined for no password.
          • token: get a recaptcha token from and write it here to bypass the loop of trying to solve recaptcha.
          • noPlayer: set it to true if you are planning to host the room without actually playing the game, otherwise set it to false.
          • geo: {lat: latitude(number), lon: longitude(number), flag: 2 letter country flag(string)} geolocation values of the room about to be created.
          • playerCount: if set to a number, always fixes the player count to this specific number.
          • maxPlayerCount: the maximum allowed player count in the room.
          • unlimitedPlayerCount: if set to true, bypasses the player count controller.
          • fakePassword: if set to true, the room will show that it is password-protected while in fact it is not.
          • showInRoomList: set to true if you want this room to show up in the room list.
          • onError(error, playerId): called when an exception is thrown from the room. playerId is the id of the player that caused the exception. that player's connection will be closed just after this callback is executed. (most probably, the player will be kicked with the reason 'Bad actor'.)
        • commonParams: explained below in Room.join.
      • join(joinParams, commonParams): try to join the room(roomId) with given password(or null=no password). Returns a custom object.

        • joinParams:

          • id: the id of the room to join. for example, if the room link is, this room's id is 31IBNI3w4F0.
          • password: a password value to join the room if the room is password-protected.
          • token: if the room is recaptcha-protected, you have to use a client token. currently there is not any other clean way of doing this except using the NW.js token generator project, so you might want to look at it.
          • authObj: an auth object that has to be initialized by Utils.generateAuth() or Utils.authFromKey() before being used here.
        • commonParams: --- properties section ---

          • storage:
            • crappy_router: if true, sets some timeout value to 10 seconds instead of 4 seconds while joining a room.
            • player_name: name of the player. default value is "abc".
            • avatar: avatar of the player. default value is null.
            • geo:
              • lat: latitude value (number, default value is 40).
              • lon: longitude value (number, default value is 40).
              • flag: 2 letter country code (string, default value is "tr").
          • noPluginMechanism: if true, renderer and plugin mechanism will not work. Should only be used for optimal performance. You have to define Room._onXXXXXX callbacks by yourself.
          • libraries: array of Library objects to be used. the objects should be derived from the provided Library class. default value is []. (Look at examples/libraries folder for example Library's to use here, or src/libraryTemplate.js for a template Library that contains all callbacks.)
          • config: the RoomConfig object that contains all the main callbacks of this room. the object should be derived from the provided RoomConfig class. default value is null. (Look at examples/roomConfigs/method2 folder for example RoomConfigs to use here, or src/roomConfigTemplate_method2.js for a template RoomConfig that contains all callbacks.)
          • renderer: the Renderer object that can render the game. the object should be derived from the provided Renderer class. default value is null. (Look at examples/renderers folder for example RoomConfigs to use here, or src/rendererTemplate.js for a template Renderer that contains all callbacks.)
          • plugins: array of Plugin objects to be used. the objects should be derived from the provided Plugin class. default value is []. (Look at examples/plugins folder for example Plugins to use here, or src/pluginTemplate.js for a template Plugin that contains all callbacks.)
          • version: Haxball's version number. other clients cannot join this room if their version number is different than this number. default value is 9.
          • proxyAgent: a custom proxy agent for the room's connection. This method does not work in browsers. Defaults to null.
          • identityToken: A token that represents a user data in a database of a custom proxy/backend server. Defaults to null.

          --- event callbacks section ---

          • preInit(room): this is run as soon as the room object is created, just before the initialization of the plugins etc.
          • onOpen(room): joined/created room.
          • onClose(error): player has left the room with error(error).
          • onConnInfo(state, extraInfo): connection state has just changed to (state). extraInfo either contains the sdp if state is ConnectingToPeer or AwaitingState which can be used to get information about the webrtc connection such as ip/port that may used to block players before they can connect to the host etc; or it can contain the fail reason for the connection if state is ConnectionFailed.
        • Returning custom object has the following triggers:

          • cancel(): should be used to cancel the process of joining a room.
          • useRecaptchaToken(token): should be used to send the recaptcha token after onRequestRecaptcha event occurred. currently only working while creating a room. workaround: in order to send the token to try and join a recaptcha-protected room, cleanup old resources and use Room.join with the new token.
      • streamWatcher(initialStreamData, callbacks, options): creates a streamWatcher room.

        • Parameters:

          • initialStreamData: must be an Uint8Array that is received just after connecting to a streaming room.
          • callbacks: explained in Room.sandbox.
          • options: explained in Room.sandbox.
        • Returning streamWatcher room object:

          • Properties:
            • state: An object containing all information about the current room state. Note that this object also has all of the functions explained below in section: sandbox mode functions. (it only has copy() instead of takeSnapshot())
            • gameState: room's game state information. returns null if game is not active. read-only.
            • currentPlayerId: Always returns 0. It is only added for compatibility with renderers. (And it is only used in the initialization code of renderers.)
            • currentFrameNo: returns the frame number of the room state that you are currently observing.
            • maxFrameNo: returns the original current frame number of the room where the game is actually being played.
          • functions:
            • readStream(reader): reads the data stream for "interval" streaming mode.
            • readImmediateStream(reader): reads the data stream for "immediate" streaming mode.
            • takeSnapshot(): returns a complete snapshot of the current room state.
            • useSnapshot(newRoomState): sets the current room state reference to newRoomState. newRoomState should be created by takeSnapshot() first.
            • setSimulationSpeed(coefficient): Changes the speed of the simulation. coefficient must be a real number >=0.
              • coefficient = 0 : stop simulation.
              • 0 < coefficient < 1 : slow-motion simulation.
              • coefficient = 1 : normal speed simulation.
              • coefficient > 1 : fast-motion simulation.
            • runSteps(count): runs the simulation count steps. simulation must be stopped for this function to work.
            • destroy(): Frees the resources that are used by this object.
      • sandbox(callbacks, options): creates a sandbox room.

        • Parameters:

          • callbacks: An object that has the same callbacks as the renderer template.
          • options: An object that may contain the following keys:
            • controlledPlayerId: Id of the player to be controlled.
            • requestAnimationFrame: Override function for requestAnimationFrame. (null = use library's default requestAnimationFrame.)
            • cancelAnimationFrame: Override function for cancelAnimationFrame. (null = use library's default cancelAnimationFrame.)
        • Returning sandbox room object:

          • properties:
            • state: An object containing all information about the current room state. Note that this object also has all of the functions explained below in section: sandbox mode functions. (it only has copy() instead of takeSnapshot())
            • gameState: room's game state information. returns null if game is not active. read-only.
            • currentPlayerId: Always returns 0. It is only added for compatibility with renderers. (And it is only used in the initialization code of renderers.)
          • functions:
            • setSimulationSpeed(coefficient): Changes the speed of the simulation. coefficient must be a real number >=0.
              • coefficient = 0 : stop simulation.
              • 0 < coefficient < 1 : slow-motion simulation.
              • coefficient = 1 : normal speed simulation.
              • coefficient > 1 : fast-motion simulation.
            • runSteps(count): runs the simulation count steps. simulation must be stopped for this function to work.
            • executeEvent(eventMsg): applies an event to the current room state. for example; the event object may come from a ReplayData structure, or from a onOperationReceived(type, msg, globalFrameNo, clientFrameNo, customData) callback.
            • takeSnapshot(): returns a complete snapshot of the current room state.
            • useSnapshot(newRoomState): sets the current room state reference to newRoomState. newRoomState should be created by takeSnapshot() first.
            • playerJoin(id, name, flag, avatar, conn, auth): adds a new player with properties(id, name, flag, avatar, conn, auth) to the room.
            • playerLeave(playerId): removes player(playerId) from the room.
            • playerInput(input, byId): sets the input of player(byId) to input.
            • playerChat(msg, byId): writes chat message(msg) as player(byId).
            • setKeyState(state): set current key state to state. (added for compatibility with normal rooms.)
            • setPlayerChatIndicator(value, byId): sets the chat indicator status of player(byId) to value.
            • setPlayerAvatar(value, byId): sets the avatar of player(byId) to value.
            • setCurrentStadium(value, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set the current stadium to stadium.
            • sendAnnouncement(msg, color=-1, style=0, sound=1, targetId, byId): send announcement message(msg) to player(targetId) with properties(color, style, sound). targetId is null -> send to everyone. byId must be 0.
            • startGame(byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to start the game.
            • stopGame(byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to stop the game.
            • setGamePaused(value, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set the game's paused state to value.
            • setScoreLimit(value, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set the game's score limit to value.
            • setTimeLimit(value, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set the game's time limit to value.
            • setTeamsLock(value, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set the game's teams lock state to value.
            • autoTeams(byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to remove last 2 players from spectators and add them to teams.
            • setPlayerTeam(playerId, teamId, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set player(playerId)'s team to team(teamId).
            • setKickRateLimit(min, rate, burst, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set the room's kick rate limit.
            • setTeamColors(teamId, angle, colors, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set the team colors for team(teamId). teamId: 1(red) | 2(blue), angle: integer, colors: maximum 4 numeric (0 <= integer <= 16777215) color parameters.
            • setPlayerAdmin(playerId, value, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set player(playerId)'s admin status to isAdmin.
            • kickPlayer(playerId, reason, ban, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to kick/ban a player(playerId) with reason(reason).
            • setPlayerSync(value, byId): set the sync of player(byId) to value.
            • sendPingData(valueFunc, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to change all ping values with valueFunc. byId must be 0.
            • setDiscProperties(discId, type, data, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set disc(discId) properties to data. byId must be 0.
            • sendCustomEvent(type, data, byId): creates and applies a fake custom event with properties(type, data) by player(byId).
            • sendBinaryCustomEvent(type, data, byId): creates and applies a fake binary custom event with properties(type, data) by player(byId).
            • setPlayerIdentity(id, data, byId): creates and applies a fake event by player(byId) to set the identity of player(id) to data.
            • destroy(): Frees the resources that are used by this object.
    • properties:

      • isHost: true for hosts, false for clients. read-only.
      • client: a reference to an inner client object that the event callbacks before room was created are attached to.
      • currentPlayerId: current player's id. read-only.
      • currentPlayer: the original current player object. read-only.
      • state: the object that holds the whole room state. read-only.
      • gameState: room's game state information. returns null if game is not active. read-only.
      • gameStateExt: room's extrapolated game state. returns null if game is not active. read-only.
      • sdp: current room's sdp value (only for client rooms). read-only.
      • config: room's current roomConfig object. read-only.
      • renderer: room's current renderer object. read-only.
      • plugins: array of all available plugins. this is used internally to restore the order of plugins while plugin activation/deactivation. read-only.
      • activePlugins: array of currently active plugins. this is used internally for callbacks. read-only.
      • pluginsMap: all available plugins mapped as pluginsMap[] = plugin, for optimized use to communicate between all addons. read-only.
      • libraries: array of all available libraries.
      • librariesMap: all available libraries mapped as librariesMap[] = library, for optimized use to communicate between all addons. read-only.
      • name: current name of the room. read-only.
      • link: current url of the room. read-only.
      • timeLimit: the game's current time limit. read-only.
      • scoreLimit: the game's current score limit. read-only.
      • stadium: current stadium object of the room. read-only.
      • players: the list of players in the current room. read-only.
      • redScore: red team's current score. null if game is not active. read-only.
      • blueScore: blue team's current score. null if game is not active. read-only.
      • timeElapsed: elapsed time in current game. null if game is not active. read-only.
      • currentFrameNo: the current frame number of the room. read-only.
      • banList: the current list of banned players. read-only. host-only.
      • requireRecaptcha: whether the room requires recaptcha to join or not. host-only.
      • token: the current recaptcha token of the room. if changed, it will also refresh the room link. host-only.
      • password: the current password of the room. read-only. host-only.
      • geo: the current geolocation of the room. read-only. host-only.
      • maxPlayerCount: the current maximum number of players of the room. read-only. host-only.
      • fakePassword: the current fake password value of the room. read-only. host-only.
      • fixedPlayerCount: the current fixed player count value of the room. read-only. host-only.
      • showInRoomList: whether the room is currently being shown in the room list of the backend server or not. read-only. host-only.
      • unlimitedPlayerCount: whether the room's player count checking is disabled or not. read-only. host-only.
    • functions:

      • leave(): leaves the room.
      • setProperties({ name, password, geo: { lat, lon, flag }, playerCount, maxPlayerCount, fakePassword, unlimitedPlayerCount, showInRoomList }): sets the room's properties.
      • setKickRateLimit(min, rate, burst): sets the room's kick rate limit.
      • setHandicap(handicap): sets the player's handicap value in msecs.
      • extrapolate(milliseconds=0, ignoreMultipleCalls=false): extrapolates the current room state for milliseconds milliseconds and stores the results in each object's ext key. ignoreMultipleCalls is added for safety, and should only be true in renderers. Returns the new extrapolated room state.
      • clearBans(): clears all bans. host-only.
      • clearBan(id): clears the ban of a player(id). host-only.
      • executeEvent(event, byId): executes any event inside this room. host-only.
      • clearEvents(): clears the event queue. can be useful when the game engine is stuck.
      • setAvatar(avatar): sets the current player's client avatar.
      • setPlayerAvatar(id, value, headless): sets the avatar of player(id) to avatar. headless is a boolean to determine whether the headless or client avatar is being set. host-only.
      • setChatIndicatorActive(active): sets the current player's chat indicator status. active: true/false.
      • setTeamColors(teamId, angle, ...colors): sets the team colors for team(teamId). teamId: 1(red) | 2(blue), angle: integer, colors: maximum 4 numeric (0 <= integer <= 16777215) color parameters.
      • setUnlimitedPlayerCount(on): adds or removes player limit control. host-only. on: true/false.
      • setFakePassword(fakePwd): sets a fake value for room's password status. host-only. fakePwd: true/false or null to disable.
      • sendChat(msg, targetId): send chat message(msg) to player(targetId). targetId is null -> send to everyone. targetId is host-only.
      • sendAnnouncement(msg, targetId, color, style, sound): send announcement message(msg) to player(targetId) with properties(color, style, sound). targetId is null -> send to everyone. host-only.
      • setDiscProperties(discId, properties): set disc(discId) properties. host-only.
      • setPlayerDiscProperties(playerId, properties): set player(playerId)'s disc properties. host-only.
      • reorderPlayers(playerIdList, moveToTop): remove all players with ids in playerIdList and re-add them in the given order to the (top or bottom)(moveToTop) of the player list. host-only.
      • sendCustomEvent(type, data, targetId): sends a CustomEvent(type, data) that can only be received by the users of this modified client. if targetId(host-only) is specified, the event is only sent to player(targetId).
      • sendBinaryCustomEvent(type, data, targetId): sends a BinaryCustomEvent(type, data) that can only be received by the users of this modified client. if targetId(host-only) is specified, the event is only sent to player(targetId).
      • setPlayerIdentity(id, data, targetId): sends a SetPlayerIdentityEvent(type, data) to set the identity data(playerObject.identity) of player(id) to data. that can only be received by the users of this modified client. if targetId(host-only) is specified, the event is only sent to player(targetId).
      • getKeyState(): get current key state.
      • setKeyState(state): set current key state to state.
      • startGame(): start game.
      • stopGame(): stop game.
      • pauseGame(): toggle pause/resume game.
      • isGamePaused(): returns true if game is paused.
      • autoTeams(): remove last 2 players from spectators and add them to teams.
      • lockTeams(): toggle lock/unlock the ability to change teams.
      • resetTeams(): move everyone to spectators.
      • randTeams(): remove random 2 players from spectators and add them to teams.
      • resetTeam(teamId): move everyone on team(teamId) to spectators.
      • setSync(value): set synchronized status to value which must be true or false. host-only.
      • setCurrentStadium(stadium): set current map(stadium).
      • setTimeLimit(value): set time limit(value).
      • setScoreLimit(value): set score limit(value).
      • changeTeam(teamId): set current player's team(teamId).
      • setPlayerTeam(playerId, teamId): set player(playerId)'s team to team(teamId).
      • setPlayerAdmin(playerId, isAdmin): set player(playerId)'s admin status to isAdmin.
      • kickPlayer(playerId, reason, isBanning): kick/ban a player(playerId) with reason(reason).
      • getPlayer(id): get the original player data object for player(id).
      • getBall(extrapolated = false): get the original ball object.
      • getDiscs(extrapolated = false): get the original disc object for disc(discId).
      • getDisc(discId, extrapolated = false): get the original disc object for disc(discId).
      • getPlayerDisc(playerId, extrapolated = false): get the original disc object for player(playerId).
      • getPlayerDisc_exp(playerId): get the original disc object for player(playerId). faster than getPlayerDisc, but experimental. use at your own risk.
      • addPlayerBan(playerId): bans a player(playerId) from joining the room. host-only.
      • addIpBan(...ips): bans all given ip(range)(s) from joining the room. host-only.
      • addAuthBan(...auths): bans all given auth(s) from joining the room. host-only.
      • removeBan(id): removes the ban entry(id). host-only.
      • setPluginActive(name, active): activate/deactivate the plugin(name).
      • startRecording(): start recording replay data. returns true if succeeded, false otherwise. recording should not be started before calling this.
      • stopRecording(): stop recording replay data. returns UIntArray8 data if succeeded, null otherwise. recording should be started before calling this.
      • startStreaming({immediate = true, onClientCount, emitData}): start streaming the game. currently, recording and streaming cannot be run simultaneously. returns {onOpen: ()=>void, onDataReceived: (data)=>void, interval: ()=>void}.
      • stopStreaming(): stop streaming the game.
      • isRecording(): returns true if recording/streaming has started; false otherwise.
      • setConfig(roomConfig): sets the RoomConfig object that contains all the main callbacks of this room. the roomConfig object should be derived from the provided RoomConfig class.
      • mixConfig(newRoomConfig): adds all callbacks in newRoomConfig into the room's current RoomConfig object. if there are callbacks with the same name, a new callback is created that calls both of them. (current callback is called first.)
      • updatePlugin(pluginIndex, newPluginObj): sets the Plugin at the specified pluginIndex to the newPluginObj object, initialization and activation are automatic. plugin names must be the same. the plugin object should be derived from the provided Plugin class.
      • setRenderer(renderer): sets the Renderer object that will render the game. the renderer object should be derived from the provided Renderer class.
      • updateLibrary(libraryIndex, newLibraryObj): sets the Library at the specified libraryIndex to the newLibraryObj object, initialization and activation are automatic. library names must be the same. the library object should be derived from the provided Library class.
    • sandbox mode functions: these functions are not supported by the original Haxball client. you would need to create CustomEvents to use them within a synchronized(network) environment. the game must NOT be stopped for these functions to work.

      • takeSnapshot() : returns a snapshot of the current game state. you can load this object directly into sandbox using its useSnapshot(newRoomState) function.
      • exportStadium() : returns all current game objects in hbs format.
      • createVertex(data) : creates a vertex object in memory. data: { x: number, y: number, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • createSegment(data) : creates a segment object in memory using vertex indices. data: { v0: number, v1: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), bias: number, (curve: number || curveF: number), vis: boolean, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • createSegmentFromObj(data) : creates a segment object in memory using vertex objects. data: { v0: vertexObj, v1: vertexObj, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), bias: number, (curve: number || curveF: number), vis: boolean, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • createGoal(data) : creates a goal object in memory. data: { p0: [x: number, y: number], p1: [x: number, y: number], team: ("red" || "blue") }
      • createPlane(data) : creates a plane object in memory. data: { normal: [x: number, y: number], dist: number, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • createDisc(data) : creates a disc object in memory. data: { pos: [x: number, y: number], speed: [x: number, y: number], gravity: [x: number, y: number], radius: number, invMass: number, damping: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • createJoint(data) : creates a joint object in memory using disc indices. data: { d0: number, d1: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), strength: "rigid" || number, length: null || number || [min: number, max: number] }
      • createJointFromObj(data) : creates a joint object in memory using disc objects. data: { d0: discObj, d1: discObj, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), strength: "rigid" || number, length: null || number || [min: number, max: number] }
      • addVertex(data) : creates a vertex object and adds it to the current stadium. data: { x: number, y: number, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • addSegment(data) : creates a segment object and adds it to the current stadium. data: { v0: number, v1: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), bias: number, (curve: number || curveF: number), vis: boolean, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • addGoal(data) : creates a goal object and adds it to the current stadium. data: { p0: [x: number, y: number], p1: [x: number, y: number], team: ("red" || "blue") }
      • addPlane(data) : creates a plane object and adds it to the current stadium. data: { normal: [x: number, y: number], dist: number, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • addDisc(data) : creates a disc object and adds it to the current stadium. data: { pos: [x: number, y: number], speed: [x: number, y: number], gravity: [x: number, y: number], radius: number, invMass: number, damping: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • addJoint(data) : creates a joint object and adds it to the current stadium. data: { d0: number, d1: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), strength: "rigid" || number, length: null || number || [min: number, max: number] }
      • addSpawnPoint(data) : adds a spawn point with given properties to the current stadium. data: { x: number, y: number, team: ("red" || "blue") }
      • addPlayer(data) : adds a player with given properties to the current stadium. data: { pos: [x: number, y: number], speed: [x: number, y: number], gravity: [x: number, y: number], radius: number, invMass: number, damping: number, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string, id: integer, name: string, avatar: string, flag: string, team: ("spec" || "red" || "blue") }. these keys must exist: team, id, name, avatar, flag.
      • findVertexIndicesOfSegmentObj(segmentObj) : finds the indices of vertices that form the given segment object(segmentObj). return format: [index1, index2].
      • findVertexIndicesOfSegment(segmentIndex) : finds the indices of vertices that form the segmentIndexth segment object. return format [index1, index2].
      • updateVertex(idx, data) : updates the idxth vertex's only the given values. data: { x: number, y: number, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • updateSegment(idx, data) : updates the idxth segment's only the given values. data: { v0: number, v1: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), bias: number, (curve: number || curveF: number), vis: boolean, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • updateGoal(idx, data) : updates the idxth goal's only the given values. data: { p0: [x: number, y: number], p1: [x: number, y: number], team: ("red" || "blue") }
      • updatePlane(idx, data) : updates the idxth plane's only the given values. data: { normal: [x: number, y: number], dist: number, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • updateDisc(idx, data) : updates the idxth disc's only the given values. data: { pos: [x: number, y: number], speed: [x: number, y: number], gravity: [x: number, y: number], radius: number, invMass: number, damping: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • updateDiscObj(discObj, data) : updates the given disc object(discObj)'s only the given values. data: { pos: [x: number, y: number], speed: [x: number, y: number], gravity: [x: number, y: number], radius: number, invMass: number, damping: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string }
      • updateJoint(idx, data) : updates the idxth joint's only the given values. data: { d0: number, d1: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), strength: "rigid" || number, length: null || number || [min: number, max: number] }
      • updateSpawnPoint(idx, team, data) : updates the idxth spawn point in team(team) using only the given values. data: { x: number, y: number, team: ("red" || "blue") }
      • updatePlayer(playerId, data) : updates the player(playerId)'s only the given values. data: { pos: [x: number, y: number], speed: [x: number, y: number], gravity: [x: number, y: number], radius: number, invMass: number, damping: number, bCoef: number, cMask: array of string, cGroup: array of string, name: string, avatar: string, flag: string, team: ("spec" || "red" || "blue") }
      • removeVertex(idx) : removes the idxth vertex from the current stadium.
      • removeSegment(idx) : removes the idxth segment from the current stadium.
      • removeGoal(idx) : removes the idxth goal from the current stadium.
      • removePlane(idx) : removes the idxth plane from the current stadium.
      • removeDisc(idx) : removes the idxth disc from the current stadium.
      • removeJoint(idx) : removes the idxth joint from the current stadium.
      • removeSpawnPoint(idx, team) : removes the idxth spawn point of team(team) from the current stadium. team: "red" || "blue"
      • removePlayer(playerId) : removes the player(playerId) from the current stadium.
      • updateStadiumPlayerPhysics(data) : updates the current stadium's only the given player physics values. data: { radius: number, gravity: [x: number, y: number], invMass: number, bCoef: number, cGroup: array of string, damping: number, kickingDamping: number, acceleration: number, kickingAcceleration: number, kickStrength: number, kickback: number }
      • updateStadiumBg(data) : updates the current stadium's only the given background values. data: { type: 0("none") || 1("grass") || 2("hockey"), width: number, height: number, kickOffRadius: number, cornerRadius: number, color: ("transparent" || string || [r: number, g: number, b: number]), goalLine: number }
      • updateStadiumGeneral(data) : updates the current stadium's only the given general values. data: { name: string, width: number, height: number, maxViewWidth: number, cameraFollow: 0("") || 1("player"), spawnDistance: number, kickOffReset: true("full") || false("partial"), canBeStored: boolean }
    • fake event triggers: these functions are intended to be used in host mode to create/control in-memory bot players that will run much more efficiently than standard networking bot players. they also work for normal player objects, and can be used to create some events belonging to a player that did not originate from that player. most of these fake events also trigger an onOperationReceived call before being sent to clients.

      • fakePlayerJoin(id, name, flag, avatar, conn, auth): triggers a fake join room event; which in turn creates a new in-memory player object. If there was a player before with this id, old resources are automatically reassigned to this new player object, and that player will wake up. 0 <= id <= 65535, all the other parameters must be a string.
      • fakePlayerLeave(id): triggers a fake leave room event. returns the player's properties so that you may pass them to fakePlayerJoin at a later time to wake that player. passing id = 0 causes desync on clients (because there's a special check for the case id = 0 in original clients). the player, although seemingly leaving the room, still watches the room, waiting for a fake player join event. all parameters except id may be different in the new fakePlayerJoin call, which allows player's name, flag, avatar, conn and auth to change without the player entirely leaving the room.
      • fakeSendPlayerInput(input, byId): triggers a fake input(keys) event that apparently came from player(byId). 0<=input<=31.
      • fakeSendPlayerChat(msg, targetId, byId): triggers a fake chat event that apparently came from player(byId). msg must be a string. targetId is the id of the player who will receive this event message. If targetId is null, sends the message to everyone.
      • fakeSetPlayerChatIndicator(value, byId): triggers a fake chat indicator change event that apparently came from player(byId). value must be true or false.
      • fakeSetPlayerAvatar(value, byId): triggers a fake avatar change event that apparently came from player(byId). value must be a string.
      • fakeSetPlayerAdmin(playerId, value, byId): triggers player(playerId)'s admin status change fake event that apparently came from player(byId). value must be true or false.
      • fakeSetPlayerSync(value, byId): triggers a fake player sync status change event that apparently came from player(byId). value must be true or false.
      • fakeSetStadium(value, byId): triggers a fake stadium change event that apparently came from player(byId). only works if game is stopped. value must be a valid stadium object.
      • fakeStartGame(byId): triggers a fake game start event that apparently came from player(byId).
      • fakeStopGame(byId): triggers a fake game stop event that apparently came from player(byId).
      • fakeSetGamePaused(value, byId): triggers a fake game pause/resume event that apparently came from player(byId). value must be true or false.
      • fakeSetScoreLimit(value, byId): triggers a fake score limit change event that apparently came from player(byId). value>=0.
      • fakeSetTimeLimit(value, byId): triggers a fake time limit change event that apparently came from player(byId). value>=0.
      • fakeSetTeamsLock(value, byId): triggers a fake teams lock change event that apparently came from player(byId). value must be true or false.
      • fakeAutoTeams(byId): triggers a fake auto teams event that apparently came from player(byId).
      • fakeSetPlayerTeam(playerId, teamId, byId): triggers player(playerId)'s player team change fake event that apparently came from player(byId). 0<=teamId<=2.
      • fakeSetKickRateLimit(min, rate, burst, byId): triggers a fake kick rate limit change event that apparently came from player(byId). min, rate, burst>=0.
      • fakeSetTeamColors(teamId, angle, colors, byId): triggers team(teamId)'s colors change event that apparently came from player(byId). 0<=angle<=180, colors must be an array of type (0 <= integer <= 16777215) that contains at most 4 integers.
      • fakeKickPlayer(playerId, reason, ban, byId): triggers player(playerId)'s kick/ban fake event that apparently came from player(byId). reason must be a string, ban must be true or false.
  • Library: A class that defines a library. Any library should be based on this class.

    • constructor(name, metadata): Creates a new Library instance with given name. metadata is the information that you would want to show/update/control inside a GUI application. metadata should be especially useful for version checks inside the initialize callback.

    • properties:

      • name: Name of the library. Must be unique. All Librarys can be accessed with their names via Room.librariesMap[name].
      • room: The room that this library is attached to.
    • abstract callbacks: These functions should be overridden when writing a GUI application using this API before creating any Library object. These are defined in Library.prototype.

      • defineMetadata(metadata): Does nothing, returns nothing by default. This function should define the given metadata object inside this Library object. This is not done here for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) For example, the libraries in the examples folder use the following metadata structure: {version, author, description}.
      • defineVariable({name, value, type, range, description}): Defines the variable with the given name and value inside this Library object. The rest of the properties are not used by default for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) This function should be used whenever a variable whose value is changeable from outside will be defined. Fires an onVariableValueChange event whenever this variable's value changes, if the global config.noVariableValueChangeEvent is not true.
    • callbacks:

      • initialize(): Only called once while creating or joining a room, or during a call to Room.updateLibrary.
      • finalize(): Only called once while leaving a room, or during a call to Room.updateLibrary.
  • RoomConfig: A class that defines a room configuration object. Room configurations should be based on this class.

    • constructor(metadata): creates a new RoomConfig instance. metadata is the information that you would want to show/update inside a GUI application.

    • properties:

      • room: The room that this roomConfig is attached to.
    • abstract callbacks: These functions should be overridden when writing a GUI application using this API before creating any RoomConfig object. These are defined in RoomConfig.prototype.

      • defineMetadata(metadata): Does nothing, returns nothing by default. This function should define the given metadata object inside this RoomConfig object. This is not done here for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) For example, the default roomConfig in the examples folder uses the following metadata structure: {name, version, author, description, allowFlags}.
      • defineVariable({name, value, type, range, description}): Defines the variable with the given name and value inside this RoomConfig object. The rest of the properties are not used by default for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) This function should be used whenever a variable whose value is changeable from outside will be defined. Fires an onVariableValueChange event whenever this variable's value changes, if the global config.noVariableValueChangeEvent is not true.
      • setVariableGUIProps(varName, ...vals): Does nothing, returns nothing by default. This function might be used to modify some GUI properties regarding a specific variable called varName. This is not done here for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) vals should contain {name: propName, value: propValue} for each property named name that is required to set its new value. For example; in a GUI environment, setVariableGUIProps("testVariable", {name: "visible", value: false}) could make the testVariable disappear from the GUI.
    • modifier callbacks:

      • [dataArray, customData] = modifyPlayerDataBefore(playerId, name, flag, avatar, conn, auth): set player's data just before player has joined the room. This callback can also be async, or return a Promise that will return the array. dataArray format should be [modifiedName, modifiedFlag, modifiedAvatar]. if dataArray is null, player is not allowed to join. also prepares a custom data object to send to all plugins. customData=false means "don't call callbacks". host-only.
      • [modifiedName, modifiedFlag, modifiedAvatar] = modifyPlayerData(playerId, name, flag, avatar, conn, auth, customData): set player's data just before player has joined the room. This callback can also be async, or return a Promise that will return the array. return null -> player is not allowed to join. host-only.
      • [modifiedName, modifiedFlag, modifiedAvatar] = modifyPlayerDataAfter(playerId, name, flag, avatar, conn, auth, customData): set player's data just before player has joined the room. This callback can also be async, or return a Promise that will return the array. return null -> player is not allowed to join. host-only.
      • [newPing, customData] = modifyPlayerPingBefore(playerId, ping): prepares a custom data object to send to all plugins while setting player's ping. customData=false means "don't call callbacks". host-only.
      • newPing = modifyPlayerPing(playerId, ping, customData): set player's ping. host-only.
      • newPing = modifyPlayerPingAfter(playerId, ping, customData): set player's ping. host-only.
      • [newPing, customData] = modifyClientPingBefore(ping): prepares a custom data object to send to all plugins while setting current player's ping. customData=false means "don't call callbacks". client-only.
      • newPing = modifyClientPing(ping, customData): set current player's ping. client-only.
      • newPing = modifyClientPingAfter(ping, customData): set current player's ping. client-only.
      • customData = onBeforeOperationReceived(type, msg, globalFrameNo, clientFrameNo): the host callback that is called only once for each message received from clients, and its return value is passed as customData to onOperationReceived callback. this callback is useful for parsing chat messages and other stuff that you would like to do only once, before the room callback or any plugin callbacks are called. The default callback value is a function that parses a chat message and returns { isCommand: boolean, data: string array } where isCommand = text.startsWith("!") and data = text.trimEnd().split(" ").
      • acceptEvent = onOperationReceived(type, msg, globalFrameNo, clientFrameNo, customData): runs for each message received from clients. type is the type of the operation, msg is the original message, customData is the return value of callback onBeforeOperationReceived(type, msg, globalFrameNo, clientFrameNo). onOperationReceived is called only once for each message, before all onOperationReceived callbacks of all plugins are called for the same message. you may modify msg's contents here as you wish. return true -> accept event, return false -> block message from being processed, throw exception -> break message sender player's connection. host-only.
      • acceptEvent = onAfterOperationReceived(type, msg, globalFrameNo, clientFrameNo, customData): runs for each message received from clients. type is the type of the operation, msg is the original message, customData is the return value of callback onOperationReceived(type, globalFrameNo, clientFrameNo, msg). onAfterOperationReceived is called only once for each message, after all onOperationReceived callbacks of all plugins are called for the same message. you may modify msg's contents here as you wish. return true -> accept event, return false -> block message from being processed, throw exception -> break message sender player's connection. host-only.
    • callbacks:

      • initialize(): only called once while creating or joining a room, or during a call to Room.setConfig.
      • finalize(): only called once while leaving a room, or during a call to Room.setConfig.
      • customData = onBeforeXXXXXXX(...): (where XXXXXXX is the name of the event) called before plugin callbacks. return a customData object to be used for each plugin.onXXXXXXX(..., customData) and then room.onAfterXXXXXXX(..., customData). return false to stop propagation.
      • onXXXXXXX(..., customData): (where XXXXXXX is the name of the event) called after plugin callbacks, just before renderer callback. the last parameter, customData, is the data object that was returned from room.onBeforeXXXXXXX(...).
      • onAfterXXXXXXX(..., customData): (where XXXXXXX is the name of the event) called after renderer callback. the last parameter, customData, is the data object that was returned from room.onXXXXXXX(...).
        • customData = onBeforeRoomLink(link): room link was received. host-only.
        • onRoomLink(link, customData): room link was received. host-only.
        • onAfterRoomLink(link, customData): room link was received. host-only.
        • customData = onBeforePlayerBallKick(playerId): ball was kicked by player(playerId). triggered individually.
        • onPlayerBallKick(playerId, customData): ball was kicked by player(playerId). triggered individually.
        • onAfterPlayerBallKick(playerId, customData): ball was kicked by player(playerId). triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeTeamGoal(teamId): goal was scored by team(teamId). triggered individually.
        • onTeamGoal(teamId, customData): goal was scored by team(teamId). triggered individually.
        • onAfterTeamGoal(teamId, customData): goal was scored by team(teamId). triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeGameEnd(winningTeamId): game was won by team(winningTeamId). triggered individually.
        • onGameEnd(winningTeamId, customData): game was won by team(winningTeamId). triggered individually.
        • onAfterGameEnd(winningTeamId, customData): game was won by team(winningTeamId). triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeGameTick(): runs on each game tick. (lots of times per second) triggered individually.
        • onGameTick(customData): runs on each game tick. (lots of times per second) triggered individually.
        • onAfterGameTick(customData): runs on each game tick. (lots of times per second) triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforePlayerSyncChange(playerId, value): player(playerId)'s synchronized status has changed to (value).
        • onPlayerSyncChange(playerId, value, customData): player(playerId)'s synchronized status has changed to (value).
        • onAfterPlayerSyncChange(playerId, value, customData): player(playerId)'s synchronized status has changed to (value).
        • customData = onBeforeAnnouncement(msg, color, style, sound): a message(msg) with properties(color, style, sound) was announced by the room host. may only be triggered by host.
        • onAnnouncement(msg, color, style, sound, customData): a message(msg) with properties(color, style, sound) was announced by the room host. may only be triggered by host.
        • onAfterAnnouncement(msg, color, style, sound, customData): a message(msg) with properties(color, style, sound) was announced by the room host. may only be triggered by host.
        • customData = onBeforeAutoTeams(playerId1, teamId1, playerId2, teamId2, byId): "auto" button was used by player(byId), it caused player(playerId1) to join team(teamId1) and player(playerId2) to join team(teamId2).
        • onAutoTeams(playerId1, teamId1, playerId2, teamId2, byId, customData): "auto" button was used by player(byId), it caused player(playerId1) to join team(teamId1) and player(playerId2) to join team(teamId2).
        • onAfterAutoTeams(playerId1, teamId1, playerId2, teamId2, byId, customData): "auto" button was used by player(byId), it caused player(playerId1) to join team(teamId1) and player(playerId2) to join team(teamId2).
        • customData = onBeforeScoreLimitChange(value, byId): score limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onScoreLimitChange(value, byId, customData): score limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onAfterScoreLimitChange(value, byId, customData): score limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforeTimeLimitChange(value, byId): time limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onTimeLimitChange(value, byId, customData): time limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onAfterTimeLimitChange(value, byId, customData): time limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforePlayerAdminChange(id, isAdmin, byId): player(id)'s admin status was changed to (isAdmin) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerAdminChange(id, isAdmin, byId, customData): player(id)'s admin status was changed to (isAdmin) by player(byId).
        • onAfterPlayerAdminChange(id, isAdmin, byId, customData): player(id)'s admin status was changed to (isAdmin) by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforePlayerAvatarChange(id, value): player(id) changed its avatar to (value).
        • onPlayerAvatarChange(id, value, customData): player(id) changed its avatar to (value).
        • onAfterPlayerAvatarChange(id, value, customData): player(id) changed its avatar to (value).
        • customData = onBeforePlayerHeadlessAvatarChange(id, value): player(id) changed its headless avatar to (value). may only be triggered by host.
        • onPlayerHeadlessAvatarChange(id, value, customData): player(id) changed its headless avatar to (value). may only be triggered by host.
        • onAfterPlayerHeadlessAvatarChange(id, value, customData): player(id) changed its headless avatar to (value). may only be triggered by host.
        • customData = onBeforePlayersOrderChange(idList, moveToTop): players(idList) were removed, reordered to match the order in idList and added back to the (top or bottom)(moveToTop) of the player list. may only be triggered by host.
        • onPlayersOrderChange(idList, moveToTop, customData): players(idList) were removed, reordered to match the order in idList and added back to the (top or bottom)(moveToTop) of the player list. may only be triggered by host.
        • onAfterPlayersOrderChange(idList, moveToTop, customData): players(idList) were removed, reordered to match the order in idList and added back to the (top or bottom)(moveToTop) of the player list. may only be triggered by host.
        • customData = onBeforePlayerTeamChange(id, teamId, byId): player(id) was moved to team(teamId) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerTeamChange(id, teamId, byId, customData): player(id) was moved to team(teamId) by player(byId).
        • onAfterPlayerTeamChange(id, teamId, byId, customData): player(id) was moved to team(teamId) by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforeStadiumChange(stadium, byId): room's current stadium was set to (stadium) by player(byId).
        • onStadiumChange(stadium, byId, customData): room's current stadium was set to (stadium) by player(byId).
        • onAfterStadiumChange(stadium, byId, customData): room's current stadium was set to (stadium) by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforeTeamsLockChange(value, byId): room's team lock status was set to (value) by player(byId).
        • onTeamsLockChange(value, byId, customData): room's team lock status was set to (value) by player(byId).
        • onAfterTeamsLockChange(value, byId, customData): room's team lock status was set to (value) by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforePlayerObjectCreated(playerObj): a player object(playerObj) was created.
        • onPlayerObjectCreated(playerObj, customData): a player object(playerObj) was created.
        • onAfterPlayerObjectCreated(playerObj, customData): a player object(playerObj) was created.
        • customData = onBeforePlayerDiscCreated(playerObj): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was created.
        • onPlayerDiscCreated(playerObj, customData): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was created.
        • onAfterPlayerDiscCreated(playerObj, customData): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was created.
        • customData = onBeforePlayerDiscDestroyed(playerObj): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was destroyed.
        • onPlayerDiscDestroyed(playerObj, customData): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was destroyed.
        • onAfterPlayerDiscDestroyed(playerObj, customData): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was destroyed.
        • customData = onBeforePlayerJoin(playerObj): a player(playerObj) joined the room.
        • onPlayerJoin(playerObj, customData): a player(playerObj) joined the room.
        • onAfterPlayerJoin(playerObj, customData): a player(playerObj) joined the room.
        • customData = onBeforeGamePauseChange(isPaused, byId): room's game paused status was set to (isPaused) by player(byId).
        • onGamePauseChange(isPaused, byId, customData): room's game paused status was set to (isPaused) by player(byId).
        • onAfterGamePauseChange(isPaused, byId, customData): room's game paused status was set to (isPaused) by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforePlayerChat(id, message): a chat message with content(message) was received from player(id).
        • onPlayerChat(id, message, customData): a chat message with content(message) was received from player(id).
        • onAfterPlayerChat(id, message, customData): a chat message with content(message) was received from player(id).
        • customData = onBeforePlayerInputChange(id, value): player(id)'s input has changed to (value).
        • onPlayerInputChange(id, value, customData): player(id)'s input has changed to (value).
        • onAfterPlayerInputChange(id, value, customData): player(id)'s input has changed to (value).
        • customData = onBeforePlayerChatIndicatorChange(id, value): player(id)'s chat indicator status has changed to (value).
        • onPlayerChatIndicatorChange(id, value, customData): player(id)'s chat indicator status has changed to (value).
        • onAfterPlayerChatIndicatorChange(id, value, customData): player(id)'s chat indicator status has changed to (value).
        • customData = onBeforePlayerLeave(playerObj, reason, isBanned, byId): player(playerObj) has left the room, (or was kicked or banned, i.e. isBanned) by player(byId) with reason(reason).
        • onPlayerLeave(playerObj, reason, isBanned, byId, customData): player(playerObj) has left the room, (or was kicked or banned, i.e. isBanned) by player(byId) with reason(reason).
        • onAfterPlayerLeave(playerObj, reason, isBanned, byId, customData): player(playerObj) has left the room, (or was kicked or banned, i.e. isBanned) by player(byId) with reason(reason).
        • customData = onBeforeSetDiscProperties(id, type, data1, data2): (type=0: disc, type=1: player)(id)'s properties was set to (data1, data2). may only be triggered by host.
        • onSetDiscProperties(id, type, data1, data2, customData): (type=0: disc, type=1: player)(id)'s properties was set to (data1, data2). may only be triggered by host.
        • onAfterSetDiscProperties(id, type, data1, data2, customData): (type=0: disc, type=1: player)(id)'s properties was set to (data1, data2). may only be triggered by host.
        • customData = onBeforeTeamColorsChange(teamId, value, byId): team(teamId)'s colors were changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onTeamColorsChange(teamId, value, byId, customData): team(teamId)'s colors were changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onAfterTeamColorsChange(teamId, value, byId, customData): team(teamId)'s colors were changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforeKickRateLimitChange(min, rate, burst, byId): room's kick rate limit was set to (min, rate, burst) by player(byId).
        • onKickRateLimitChange(min, rate, burst, byId, customData): room's kick rate limit was set to (min, rate, burst) by player(byId).
        • onAfterKickRateLimitChange(min, rate, burst, byId, customData): room's kick rate limit was set to (min, rate, burst) by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforeGameStart(byId): game was started by player(byId).
        • onGameStart(byId, customData): game was started by player(byId).
        • onAfterGameStart(byId, customData): game was started by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforeKickOff(): game kicked off. triggered individually.
        • onKickOff(customData): game kicked off. triggered individually.
        • onAfterKickOff(customData): game kicked off. triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeTimeIsUp(): time is up. triggered individually.
        • onTimeIsUp(customData): time is up. triggered individually.
        • onAfterTimeIsUp(customData): time is up. triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforePositionsReset(): positions were reset just after a goal. triggered individually.
        • onPositionsReset(customData): positions were reset just after a goal. triggered individually.
        • onAfterPositionsReset(customData): positions were reset just after a goal. triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeGameStop(byId): game was stopped by player(byId).
        • onGameStop(byId, customData): game was stopped by player(byId).
        • onAfterGameStop(byId, customData): game was stopped by player(byId).
        • customData = onBeforePingData(array): ping values for all players was received. may only be triggered by host.
        • onPingData(array, customData): ping values for all players was received. may only be triggered by host.
        • onAfterPingData(array, customData): ping values for all players was received. may only be triggered by host.
        • customData = onBeforePingChange(instantPing, averagePing, maxPing): instant/average/max ping values for the current player were just calculated. client-only.
        • onPingChange(instantPing, averagePing, maxPing, customData): instant/average/max ping values for the current player were just calculated. client-only.
        • onAfterPingChange(instantPing, averagePing, maxPing, customData): instant/average/max ping values for the current player were just calculated. client-only.
        • customData = onBeforeHandicapChange(value): handicap was set to (value). triggered individually.
        • onHandicapChange(value, customData): handicap was set to (value). triggered individually.
        • onAfterHandicapChange(value, customData): handicap was set to (value). triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeBansClear(): all bans were cleared. host-only.
        • onBansClear(customData): all bans were cleared. host-only.
        • onAfterBansClear(customData): all bans were cleared. host-only.
        • customData = onBeforeBanClear(id): the ban of a player(id) was cleared. host-only.
        • onBanClear(id, customData): the ban of a player(id) was cleared. host-only.
        • onAfterBanClear(id, customData): the ban of a player(id) was cleared. host-only.
        • customData = onBeforeRoomRecaptchaModeChange(on): room's recaptcha mode was set to (on). host-only.
        • onRoomRecaptchaModeChange(on, customData): room's recaptcha mode was set to (on). host-only.
        • onAfterRoomRecaptchaModeChange(on, customData): room's recaptcha mode was set to (on). host-only.
        • customData = onBeforeRoomTokenChange(token): room's token was set to (token). host-only.
        • onRoomTokenChange(token, customData): room's token was set to (token). host-only.
        • onAfterRoomTokenChange(token, customData): room's token was set to (token). host-only.
        • customData = onBeforeRoomRecordingChange(value): recording started(value=true) or stopped(value is arraybuffer). triggered individually.
        • onRoomRecordingChange(value, customData): recording started(value=true) or stopped(value is arraybuffer). triggered individually.
        • onAfterRoomRecordingChange(value, customData): recording started(value=true) or stopped(value is arraybuffer). triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeRoomPropertiesChange(props): room's properties(props) were changed. host-only.
        • onRoomPropertiesChange(props, customData): room's properties(props) were changed. host-only.
        • onAfterRoomPropertiesChange(props, customData): room's properties(props) were changed. host-only.
        • customData = onBeforeCollisionDiscVsDisc(discId1, discPlayerId1, discId2, discPlayerId2): a collision happened between disc(discId1, playerId1) and disc(discId2, playerId2). triggered individually.
        • onCollisionDiscVsDisc(discId1, discPlayerId1, discId2, discPlayerId2, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId1, playerId1) and disc(discId2, playerId2). triggered individually.
        • onAfterCollisionDiscVsDisc(discId1, discPlayerId1, discId2, discPlayerId2, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId1, playerId1) and disc(discId2, playerId2). triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeCollisionDiscVsSegment(discId, discPlayerId, segmentId): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and segment(segmentId). triggered individually.
        • onCollisionDiscVsSegment(discId, discPlayerId, segmentId, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and segment(segmentId). triggered individually.
        • onAfterCollisionDiscVsSegment(discId, discPlayerId, segmentId, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and segment(segmentId). triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeCollisionDiscVsPlane(discId, discPlayerId, planeId): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and plane(planeId). triggered individually.
        • onCollisionDiscVsPlane(discId, discPlayerId, planeId, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and plane(planeId). triggered individually.
        • onAfterCollisionDiscVsPlane(discId, discPlayerId, planeId, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and plane(planeId). triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeCustomEvent(type, data, byId): a custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onCustomEvent(type, data, byId, customData): a custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onAfterCustomEvent(type, data, byId, customData): a custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • customData = onBeforeBinaryCustomEvent(type, data, byId): a binary custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onBinaryCustomEvent(type, data, byId, customData): a binary custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onAfterBinaryCustomEvent(type, data, byId, customData): a binary custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • customData = onBeforePluginActiveChange(plugin): a plugin was activated/deactivated. triggered individually.
        • onPluginActiveChange(plugin, customData): a plugin was activated/deactivated. triggered individually.
        • onAfterPluginActiveChange(plugin, customData): a plugin was activated/deactivated. triggered individually.
        • customData = onBeforeConfigUpdate(oldRoomConfigObj, newRoomConfigObj): an old roomConfig object(oldRoomConfigObj) was replaced by a new roomConfig object(newRoomConfigObj).
        • onConfigUpdate(oldRoomConfigObj, newRoomConfigObj, customData): an old roomConfig object(oldRoomConfigObj) was replaced by a new roomConfig object(newRoomConfigObj).
        • onAfterConfigUpdate(oldRoomConfigObj, newRoomConfigObj, customData): an old roomConfig object(oldRoomConfigObj) was replaced by a new roomConfig object(newRoomConfigObj).
        • customData = onBeforeRendererUpdate(oldRendererObj, newRendererObj): an old renderer object(oldRendererObj) was replaced by a new renderer object(newRendererObj).
        • onRendererUpdate(oldRendererObj, newRendererObj, customData): an old renderer object(oldRendererObj) was replaced by a new renderer object(newRendererObj).
        • onAfterRendererUpdate(oldRendererObj, newRendererObj, customData): an old renderer object(oldRendererObj) was replaced by a new renderer object(newRendererObj).
        • customData = onBeforePluginUpdate(oldPluginObj, newPluginObj): an old plugin object(oldPluginObj) was replaced by a new plugin object(newPluginObj).
        • onPluginUpdate(oldPluginObj, newPluginObj, customData): an old plugin object(oldPluginObj) was replaced by a new plugin object(newPluginObj).
        • onAfterPluginUpdate(oldPluginObj, newPluginObj, customData): an old plugin object(oldPluginObj) was replaced by a new plugin object(newPluginObj).
        • customData = onBeforeLibraryUpdate(oldLibraryObj, newLibraryObj): an old library object(oldLibraryObj) was replaced by a new library object(newLibraryObj).
        • onLibraryUpdate(oldLibraryObj, newLibraryObj, customData): an old library object(oldLibraryObj) was replaced by a new library object(newLibraryObj).
        • onAfterLibraryUpdate(oldLibraryObj, newLibraryObj, customData): an old library object(oldLibraryObj) was replaced by a new library object(newLibraryObj).
        • customData = onBeforeLanguageChange(abbr): API's language abbreviation was changed to abbr.
        • onLanguageChange(abbr, customData): API's language abbreviation was changed to abbr.
        • onAfterLanguageChange(abbr, customData): API's language abbreviation was changed to abbr.
        • customData = onBeforeVariableValueChange(addonObject, variableName, oldValue, newValue): Value of the variable inside addonObject named variableName was changed from oldValue to newValue.
        • onVariableValueChange(addonObject, variableName, oldValue, newValue, customData): Value of the variable inside addonObject named variableName was changed from oldValue to newValue.
        • onAfterVariableValueChange(addonObject, variableName, oldValue, newValue, customData): Value of the variable inside addonObject named variableName was changed from oldValue to newValue.
  • Plugin: A class that defines a plugin. Any plugin should be based on this class.

    • constructor(name, active, metadata): creates a new Plugin instance. A plugin is automatically activated just after initialization, while a Room object is being created, if active is true. Metadata is the information that you would want to show/update inside a GUI application.

    • properties:

      • name: name of the plugin. Must be unique, and is used internally in Room.setPluginActive. All Plugins can be accessed with their names via Room.pluginsMap[name].
      • active: activation status of the plugin. You should use Room.setPluginActive(name, active) if you want to modify this value manually.
      • room: The room that this plugin is attached to.
    • abstract callbacks: These functions should be overridden when writing a GUI application using this API before creating any Plugin object. These are defined in Plugin.prototype.

      • defineMetadata(metadata): Does nothing, returns nothing by default. This function should define the given metadata object inside this Plugin object. This is not done here for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) For example, the plugins in the examples folder use the following metadata structure: {version, author, description, allowFlags}.
      • defineVariable({name, value, type, range, description}): Defines the variable with the given name and value inside this Plugin object. The rest of the properties are not used by default for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) This function should be used whenever a variable whose value is changeable from outside will be defined. Fires an onVariableValueChange event whenever this variable's value changes, if the global config.noVariableValueChangeEvent is not true.
    • modifier callbacks:

      • [modifiedName, modifiedFlag, modifiedAvatar] = modifyPlayerData(playerId, name, flag, avatar, conn, auth, customData): set player's data just before player has joined the room. This callback may also be async, or return a Promise that will return the array. return null -> player is not allowed to join. customData is an optional data object returned from room.modifyPlayerDataBefore. host-only.
      • newPing = modifyPlayerPing(playerId, ping, customData): set player's ping. customData is an optional data object returned from room.modifyPlayerPingBefore. host-only.
      • newPing = modifyClientPing(ping, customData): set current player's ping. customData is an optional data object returned from room.modifyClientPingBefore. client-only.
      • acceptEvent = onOperationReceived(type, msg, globalFrameNo, clientFrameNo, customData): runs for each message received from clients. type is the type of the operation, msg is the original message. you may modify msg's contents here as you wish. customData is an optional data object returned from room.onBeforeOperationReceived. return true -> accept event, return false -> block message from being processed, throw exception -> break message sender player's connection. host-only.
    • callbacks:

      • initialize(): only called once while creating or joining a room, or during a call to Room.updatePlugin.
      • finalize(): only called once while leaving a room, or during a call to Room.updatePlugin.
      • onXXXXXXX(..., customData): (where XXXXXXX is the name of the event) called after room.onBeforeXXXXXXX(...) and before room.onAfterXXXXXXX(..., customData). customData is the object that might be returned from room.onBeforeXXXXXXX(...).
        • onRoomLink(link, customData): room link was received. host-only.
        • onPlayerBallKick(playerId, customData): ball was kicked by player(playerId). triggered individually.
        • onTeamGoal(teamId, customData): goal was scored by team(teamId). triggered individually.
        • onGameEnd(winningTeamId, customData): game was won by team(winningTeamId). triggered individually.
        • onGameTick(customData): runs on each game tick. (lots of times per second) triggered individually.
        • onPlayerSyncChange(playerId, value, customData): player(playerId)'s synchronized status has changed to (value).
        • onAnnouncement(msg, color, style, sound, customData): a message(msg) with properties(color, style, sound) was announced by the room host. may only be triggered by host.
        • onAutoTeams(playerId1, teamId1, playerId2, teamId2, byId, customData): "auto" button was used by player(byId), it caused player(playerId1) to join team(teamId1) and player(playerId2) to join team(teamId2).
        • onScoreLimitChange(value, byId, customData): score limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onTimeLimitChange(value, byId, customData): time limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerAdminChange(id, isAdmin, byId, customData): player(id)'s admin status was changed to (isAdmin) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerAvatarChange(id, value, customData): player(id) changed its avatar to (value).
        • onPlayerHeadlessAvatarChange(id, value, customData): player(id) changed its headless avatar to (value). may only be triggered by host.
        • onPlayersOrderChange(idList, moveToTop, customData): players(idList) were removed, reordered to match the order in idList and added back to the (top or bottom)(moveToTop) of the player list. may only be triggered by host.
        • onPlayerTeamChange(id, teamId, byId, customData): player(id) was moved to team(teamId) by player(byId).
        • onStadiumChange(stadium, byId, customData): room's current stadium was set to (stadium) by player(byId).
        • onTeamsLockChange(value, byId, customData): room's team lock status was set to (value) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerObjectCreated(playerObj, customData): a player object(playerObj) was created.
        • onPlayerDiscCreated(playerObj, customData): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was created.
        • onPlayerDiscDestroyed(playerObj, customData): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was destroyed.
        • onPlayerJoin(playerObj, customData): a player(playerObj) joined the room.
        • onGamePauseChange(isPaused, byId, customData): room's game paused status was set to (isPaused) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerChat(id, message, customData): a chat message with content(message) was received from player(id).
        • onPlayerInputChange(id, value, customData): player(id)'s input has changed to (value).
        • onPlayerChatIndicatorChange(id, value, customData): player(id)'s chat indicator status has changed to (value).
        • onPlayerLeave(playerObj, reason, isBanned, byId, customData): player(playerObj) has left the room (or was kicked or banned, i.e. isBanned) by player(byId) with reason(reason).
        • onSetDiscProperties(id, type, data1, data2, customData): (type=0: disc, type=1: player)(id)'s properties was set to (data1, data2). may only be triggered by host.
        • onTeamColorsChange(teamId, value, byId, customData): team(teamId)'s colors were changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onKickRateLimitChange(min, rate, burst, byId, customData): room's kick rate limit was set to (min, rate, burst) by player(byId).
        • onGameStart(byId, customData): game was started by player(byId).
        • onKickOff(customData): game kicked off. triggered individually.
        • onTimeIsUp(customData): time is up. triggered individually.
        • onPositionsReset(customData): positions were reset just after a goal. triggered individually.
        • onGameStop(byId, customData): game was stopped by player(byId).
        • onPingData(array, customData): ping values for all players was received. may only be triggered by host.
        • onPingChange(instantPing, averagePing, maxPing, customData): instant/average/max ping values for the current player were just calculated. client-only.
        • onHandicapChange(value, customData): handicap was set to (value). triggered individually.
        • onBansClear(customData): all bans were cleared. host-only.
        • onBanClear(id, customData): the ban of a player(id) was cleared. host-only.
        • onRoomRecaptchaModeChange(on, customData): room's recaptcha mode was set to (on). host-only.
        • onRoomTokenChange(token, customData): room's token was set to (token). host-only.
        • onRoomRecordingChange(value, customData): recording started(value=true) or stopped(value is arraybuffer). triggered individually.
        • onRoomPropertiesChange(props, customData): room's properties(props) were changed. host-only.
        • onCollisionDiscVsDisc(discId1, discPlayerId1, discId2, discPlayerId2, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId1, playerId1) and disc(discId2, playerId2). triggered individually.
        • onCollisionDiscVsSegment(discId, discPlayerId, segmentId, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and segment(segmentId). triggered individually.
        • onCollisionDiscVsPlane(discId, discPlayerId, planeId, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and plane(planeId). triggered individually.
        • onCustomEvent(type, data, byId, customData): a custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onBinaryCustomEvent(type, data, byId, customData): a binary custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onIdentityEvent(id, data, byId, customData): a player(id) has identified itself as data. custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onPluginActiveChange(plugin, customData): a plugin was activated/deactivated. triggered individually.
        • onConfigUpdate(oldRoomConfigObj, newRoomConfigObj, customData): an old roomConfig object(oldRoomConfigObj) was replaced by a new roomConfig object(newRoomConfigObj).
        • onRendererUpdate(oldRendererObj, newRendererObj, customData): an old renderer object(oldRendererObj) was replaced by a new renderer object(newRendererObj).
        • onPluginUpdate(oldPluginObj, newPluginObj, customData): an old plugin object(oldPluginObj) was replaced by a new plugin object(newPluginObj).
        • onLibraryUpdate(oldLibraryObj, newLibraryObj, customData): an old library object(oldLibraryObj) was replaced by a new library object(newLibraryObj).
        • onLanguageChange(abbr, customData): API's language abbreviation was changed to abbr.
        • onVariableValueChange(addonObject, variableName, oldValue, newValue, customData): Value of the variable inside addonObject named variableName was changed from oldValue to newValue.
  • Renderer: A class that defines a renderer. Any renderer should be based on this class.

    • constructor(metadata): creates a new Renderer instance. metadata is the information that you would want to show/update inside a GUI application.

    • properties:

      • room: The room that this renderer is attached to.
    • abstract callbacks: These functions should be overridden when writing a GUI application using this API before creating any Renderer object. These are defined in Renderer.prototype.

      • defineMetadata(metadata): Does nothing, returns nothing by default. This function should define the given metadata object inside this Renderer object. This is not done here for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) For example, the default renderer in the examples folder uses the following metadata structure: {name, version, author, description}.
      • defineVariable({name, value, type, range, description}): Defines the variable with the given name and value inside this Renderer object. The rest of the properties are not used by default for optimization purposes. (We do not need these values in a non-GUI environment.) This function should be used whenever a variable whose value is changeable from outside will be defined. Fires an onVariableValueChange event whenever this variable's value changes, if the global config.noVariableValueChangeEvent is not true.
    • callbacks:

      • initialize(): only called once while creating or joining a room, or during a call to Room.setRenderer.
      • finalize(): only called once while leaving a room, or during a call to Room.setRenderer.
      • render(extrapolatedRoomState): called inside requestAnimationFrame callback. rendering logic should be here.
      • onXXXXXXX(..., customData): (where XXXXXXX is the name of the event) called after the respective plugin callbacks plugin.onXXXXXXX(...) and room.onXXXXXXX(..., customData). customData is the object that might be returned from the last call of plugin.onXXXXXXX(...) or room.onXXXXXXX(...).
        • onRoomLink(link, customData): room link was received. host-only.
        • onPlayerBallKick(playerId, customData): ball was kicked by player(playerId). triggered individually.
        • onTeamGoal(teamId, customData): goal was scored by team(teamId). triggered individually.
        • onGameEnd(winningTeamId, customData): game was won by team(winningTeamId). triggered individually.
        • onGameTick(customData): runs on each game tick. (lots of times per second) triggered individually.
        • onPlayerSyncChange(playerId, value, customData): player(playerId)'s synchronized status has changed to (value).
        • onAnnouncement(msg, color, style, sound, customData): a message(msg) with properties(color, style, sound) was announced by the room host. may only be triggered by host.
        • onAutoTeams(playerId1, teamId1, playerId2, teamId2, byId, customData): "auto" button was used by player(byId), it caused player(playerId1) to join team(teamId1) and player(playerId2) to join team(teamId2).
        • onScoreLimitChange(value, byId, customData): score limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onTimeLimitChange(value, byId, customData): time limit was changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerAdminChange(id, isAdmin, byId, customData): player(id)'s admin status was changed to (isAdmin) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerAvatarChange(id, value, customData): player(id) changed its avatar to (value).
        • onPlayerHeadlessAvatarChange(id, value, customData): player(id) changed its headless avatar to (value). may only be triggered by host.
        • onPlayersOrderChange(idList, moveToTop, customData): players(idList) were removed, reordered to match the order in idList and added back to the (top or bottom)(moveToTop) of the player list. may only be triggered by host.
        • onPlayerTeamChange(id, teamId, byId, customData): player(id) was moved to team(teamId) by player(byId).
        • onStadiumChange(stadium, byId, customData): room's current stadium was set to (stadium) by player(byId).
        • onTeamsLockChange(value, byId, customData): room's team lock status was set to (value) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerObjectCreated(playerObj, customData): a player object(playerObj) was created.
        • onPlayerDiscCreated(playerObj, customData): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was created.
        • onPlayerDiscDestroyed(playerObj, customData): the disc that represents the player object(playerObj) was destroyed.
        • onPlayerJoin(playerObj, customData): a player(playerObj) joined the room.
        • onGamePauseChange(isPaused, byId, customData): room's game paused status was set to (isPaused) by player(byId).
        • onPlayerChat(id, message, customData): a chat message with content(message) was received from player(id).
        • onPlayerInputChange(id, value, customData): player(id)'s input has changed to (value).
        • onPlayerChatIndicatorChange(id, value, customData): player(id)'s chat indicator status has changed to (value).
        • onPlayerLeave(playerObj, reason, isBanned, byId, customData): player(playerObj) has left the room (or was kicked or banned, i.e. isBanned) by player(byId) with reason(reason).
        • onSetDiscProperties(id, type, data1, data2, customData): (type=0: disc, type=1: player)(id)'s properties was set to (data1, data2). may only be triggered by host.
        • onKickRateLimitChange(min, rate, burst, byId, customData): room's kick rate limit was set to (min, rate, burst) by player(byId).
        • onTeamColorsChange(teamId, value, byId, customData): team(teamId)'s colors were changed to (value) by player(byId).
        • onGameStart(byId, customData): game was started by player(byId).
        • onKickOff(customData): game kicked off. triggered individually.
        • onTimeIsUp(customData): time is up. triggered individually.
        • onPositionsReset(customData): positions were reset after a goal. triggered individually.
        • onGameStop(byId, customData): game was stopped by player(byId).
        • onPingData(array, customData): ping values for all players was received. may only be triggered by host.
        • onPingChange(instantPing, averagePing, maxPing, customData): instant/average/max ping values for the current player were just calculated. client-only.
        • onHandicapChange(value, customData): handicap was set to (value). triggered individually.
        • onBansClear(customData): all bans were cleared. host-only.
        • onBanClear(id, customData): the ban of a player(id) was cleared. host-only.
        • onRoomRecaptchaModeChange(on, customData): room's recaptcha mode was set to (on). host-only.
        • onRoomTokenChange(token, customData): room's token was set to (token). host-only.
        • onRoomRecordingChange(value, customData): recording started(value=true) or stopped(value is ArrayBuffer). triggered individually.
        • onRoomPropertiesChange(props, customData): room's properties(props) were changed. host-only.
        • onCollisionDiscVsDisc(discId1, discPlayerId1, discId2, discPlayerId2, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId1, playerId1) and disc(discId2, playerId2). triggered individually.
        • onCollisionDiscVsSegment(discId, discPlayerId, segmentId, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and segment(segmentId). triggered individually.
        • onCollisionDiscVsPlane(discId, discPlayerId, planeId, customData): a collision happened between disc(discId, discPlayerId) and plane(planeId). triggered individually.
        • onCustomEvent(type, data, byId, customData): a custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onBinaryCustomEvent(type, data, byId, customData): a binary custom event(type, data) was triggered by player(byId). custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onIdentityEvent(id, data, byId, customData): a player(id) has identified itself as data. custom-(host,client)s-only.
        • onPluginActiveChange(plugin, customData): a plugin was activated/deactivated. triggered individually.
        • onConfigUpdate(oldRoomConfigObj, newRoomConfigObj, customData): an old roomConfig object(oldRoomConfigObj) was replaced by a new roomConfig object(newRoomConfigObj).
        • onRendererUpdate(oldRendererObj, newRendererObj, customData): an old renderer object(oldRendererObj) was replaced by a new renderer object(newRendererObj).
        • onPluginUpdate(oldPluginObj, newPluginObj, customData): an old plugin object(oldPluginObj) was replaced by a new plugin object(newPluginObj).
        • onLibraryUpdate(oldLibraryObj, newLibraryObj, customData): an old library object(oldLibraryObj) was replaced by a new library object(newLibraryObj).
        • onLanguageChange(abbr, customData): API's language abbreviation was changed to abbr.
        • onVariableValueChange(addonObject, variableName, oldValue, newValue, customData): Value of the variable inside addonObject named variableName was changed from oldValue to newValue.
  • Impl: Implementation of Haxball's inner classes. All important classes are exported and more detailed explanations will hopefully be available soon. Names might be fixed later. These classes are enough to run your own Haxball website.

    • Core: Most important core classes used inside Haxball.

      • Point: The Point class that is used internally inside the game's physics engine.
      • TeamColors: The class that defines the colors of a team.
      • Team: The class that defines the properties of a team.
    • Stream: These classes are used to read/write data from/to replay files and/or network/WebRTC stream.

      • Reader: StreamReader class
      • Writer: StreamWriter class

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  • Make a fork of this repository
  • Clone to you machine and entry on respective paste
  • Create a branch with your resource: git checkout -b my-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -m 'feat: My new feature'
  • Push your branch: git push origin my-feature
  • A green button will appear at the beginning of this repository
  • Click to open and fill in the pull request information

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๐Ÿค— Contributors

- Initial testing environment by mertushka
- %99 of the bot API features by abc
- Headless script example fixed by Luks
- Lots of testing and various plugins by 0x00
- Lots of testing and various plugins by JerryOldson
- Lots of testing and Portuguese language translation by Juze
- Some links fixed by ChasmSolacer
- Autoplay bot examples improved by K0nfy
- Docs formatted by uzaylฤฑ
We will continue to add all contributors to this list.

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๐Ÿ” License

MIT License, Copyright ยฉ 2022-2023 abc

Absolutely no rights reserved. Do whatever you want with the codes.

We do not take any responsibility on potential harm caused by this code. Use at your own risk, and be creative. :)

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The most powerful and lightweight API that allows you to develop your original Haxball( host, client, and standalone applications both on node.js and browser environments and also includes every possible hack and functionality that you can imagine.








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