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CS4248 G14 Machine Reading Comprehension on SQuAD


Training Data: data/raw/train-v1.1.json
Test Data: data/raw/dev-v1.1.json

Data Preprocessing

We preprocessed the data json files by separating context, question, question id, answer and answer span into individual file. This preprocessing is applied to both train-v1.1.json and dev-v1.1.json.

To use our preprocessing script, we will need to specify some parameters as shown below:

python src/ --file_path "data/raw/train-v1.1.json" --train
python src/ --file_path "data/raw/dev-v1.1.json" --test
python src/ --file_path "data/raw/train-v1.1.json" --train_val

The third line illustrates how we can further split the training data into train set and validation set. This is essential for our ensemble learning with unequal weightage.

Note that these proprocessed files can also be found in data/curated

Experiment Results

The table below reports the Exact and F1 scores evaluted from the official SQuAD evaluation script

Model Exact F1
BASELINE BERT-SQuAD 57.79564806054872 72.18288133527203
RoBERTa 81.20151371807 88.41621816924753
XLNet 75.34531693472091 84.06374401013184
biLSTM 74.41882991088725 82.48893567082695
ENSEMBLE Equal - Maximum 78.89309366130558 86.70557785319596
Equal - Multiplicative 82.19489120151371 88.9101732833653
Unequal - Optuna 81.47587511825922 88.20920854244099
Unequal - CAWPE (fixed) 82.42194891201514 88.96254477083748
Unequal - CAWPE (auto) 82.69631031220435 89.11858601649928

To run the evaluation script with model predictions pred.json, simply run the command below:

python src/ data/raw/dev-v1.1.json output/pred.json

Note that pred.json can be replaced with any output json files containing the predictions of your target model found in output/
Use of modified evaluation script will handle any encoding/key-value errors

Baseline Models


# training: Using pretrained weights

# testing:
python src/baseline/bert/ --test --question_input "data/curated/test_data/question" --context_input "data/curated/test_data/context" --output_file "output/bert_squad_pred.json"

2. RoBERTa

# training:
python src/baseline/ --train --data_path "data/curated/training_data" --model_path "model/"

# testing:
python src/baseline/ --test --data_path "data/curated/test_data" --model_path "model/" --output_path "output/roberta_pred.json"

3. XLNet

# training:
python src/baseline/ --train --data_path "data/curated/training_data" --model_path "model/"

# testing:
python src/baseline/ --test --data_path "data/curated/test_data" --model_path "model/" --output_path "output/xlnet_pred_top.json"

4. biLSTM

  • Script: src/baseline/
  • Model: biLSTM-BERT
# training:
python src/baseline/ --train --train_path "data/curated/training_data" --model_path "model/"

# testing
python src/baseline/ --test --test_path "data/curated/test_data" --model_path "model/" --output_path "output/bilstm_pred.json" --score_path "intermediate/bilstm_scores.json"

Ensemble Models

Equal Weightage

1. Maximum Score
This ensemble learning method will find common start and end indices for models participating in ensemble. We then extract the maximum score for each of these common indices, and output the best answer with the highest score calculated by adding the final start and end scores together.

2. Multiplicative Score
Similar to maximum score, but instead of extracting the max score for common indices, we multiply their scores together.

Run the following to get predictions from our ensemble models:

# for maximum score
python src/ensemble/\
        --data_path "data/curated/test_data"\
        --roberta_path "model/"\
        --xlnet_path "model/"\
        --output_path "output/ensemble_max_pred.json"

# for multiplicative score
python src/ensemble/\
        --data_path "data/curated/test_data"\
        --roberta_path "model/"\
        --xlnet_path "model/"\
        --output_path "output/ensemble_mul_pred.json"

Unequal Weightage

3. Weighting based on Optuna
In this approach, we will deploy the Optuna framework for hyperparameter optimsation.

  • Preprocessing: The training data train-v1.1.json will be split into train set and validation set (80:20), which can be obtained by running the third line illustrated under Data Preprocessing section.
  • Part A: The base models mentioned above will be trained using the train set.
  • Part B: We then get candidates indices and their scores for the validation set and use Optuna framework to obtain the optimal weights by trial and error. (src/ensemble_optuna.ipynb)
  • Part C: Lastly, we get candidates indices and their scores for the test set, and combine the scores for the common indices using weights determined in Part B.
# Part A: Training on train set (80% of train-v1.1.json)
python src/ensemble/ --train --roberta --data_path "data/curated/ensemble_data/train" --xlnet_path "model/" --roberta_path "model/" --xlnet_dict "intermediate/xlnet.json" --roberta_dict "output/roberta.json"
python src/ensemble/ --train --xlnet --data_path "data/curated/ensemble_data/train" --xlnet_path "model/" --roberta_path "model/" --xlnet_dict "intermediate/xlnet.json" --roberta_dict "output/roberta.json"

# Part B: Obtaining candidates for validation set (20% of train-v1.1.json)
python src/ensemble/ --get_candidates --xlnet --data_path "data/curated/ensemble_data/val" --xlnet_path "model/" --roberta_path "model/" --xlnet_dict "intermediate/xlnet_val.json" --roberta_dict "intermediate/roberta_val.json"
python src/ensemble/ --get_candidates --roberta --data_path "data/curated/ensemble_data/val" --xlnet_path "model/" --roberta_path "model/" --xlnet_dict "intermediate/xlnet_val.json" --roberta_dict "intermediate/roberta_val.json"

# Part C: Obtaining candidates for test set and perform weighting based on Optuna weights
python src/ensemble/ --get_candidates --xlnet --data_path "data/curated/test_data" --xlnet_path "model/" --roberta_path "model/" --xlnet_dict "intermediate/xlnet_test.json" --roberta_dict "intermediate/roberta_test.json"
python src/ensemble/ --get_candidates --roberta --data_path "data/curated/test_data" --xlnet_path "model/" --roberta_path "model/" --xlnet_dict "intermediate/xlnet_test.json" --roberta_dict "intermediate/roberta_test.json"
python src/ensemble/ --test --xlnet_dict "intermediate/xlnet_test.json" --roberta_dict "intermediate/roberta_test.json" --output_path "output/ensemble_optuna_pred.json" --xlnet_weight 0.41 --roberta_weight 0.59

Note that training of both models (as well as getting candidates) cannot be performed at the same time due to the limitation of the cluster, hence running them separately is required. Note that Optuna trials are performed in ensemble_optuna.ipynb

4. Weighting based on CAWPE
In this approach, we follow the unequal weighting scheme as proposed in the cross-validation accuracy weighted probabilistic ensemble (CAWPE). We used k-fold CV to obtain an averaged accuracy metric, which are then exponentiated by a chosen alpha value to magnify differences in competence of each model.

# perform kfold for participating baseline models
python src/baseline/ --train_kf --data_path "data/curated/training_data" --model_path "model/" --metric_path "intermediate/roberta_kf_scores.json"
python src/baseline/ --train_kf --data_path "data/curated/training_data" --model_path "model/" --metric_path "intermediate/xlnet_kf_scores.json"

# perform weighitng based on kfold average accuracy
python src/ensemble/ --test --xlnet_dict "intermediate/xlnet_test.json" --roberta_dict "intermediate/roberta_test.json" --xlnet_acc "intermediate/xlnet_kf_scores.json" --roberta_acc "intermediate/roberta_kf_scores.json" --output_path "output"

Directory Structure

To navigate around this repository, you can refer to the directory tree below:

├── data
|    ├── raw
|    |    ├── dev-v1.1.json
|    |    └── train-v1.1.json
|    └── curated
|         ├── ensemble_data
|         |    ├── train
|         |    |    ├── answer
|         |    |    ├── answer_span
|         |    |    ├── context
|         |    |    ├── question
|         |    |    └── question_id
|         |    └── val
|         |         ├── answer
|         |         ├── answer_span
|         |         ├── context
|         |         ├── question
|         |         └── question_id
|         ├── test_data
|         |    ├── answer
|         |    ├── answer_span
|         |    ├── context
|         |    ├── question
|         |    └── question_id
|         └── training_data
|              ├── answer
|              ├── answer_span
|              ├── context
|              ├── question
|              └── question_id
├── intermediate
|    ├── xlnet_val.json
|    ├── xlnet_test.json
|    ├── roberta_val.json
|    ├── roberta_test.json
|    ├── xlnet_kf_scores.json
|    └── roberta_kf_scores.json
├── model
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    └──
├── output
|    ├── bert_pred.json
|    ├── bilstm_pred.json
|    ├── ensemble_max_pred.json
|    ├── ensemble_mul_pred.json
|    ├── ensemble_optuna_pred.json
|    ├── unequal_weight_fixed_pred.json
|    ├── unequal_weight_auto_pred.json
|    ├── roberta_pred.json
|    └── xlnet_pred.json
├── src
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    ├──
|    ├── baseline
|    |    ├──
|    |    ├──
|    |    ├──
|    |    └── bert
|    |          └──
|    └── ensemble
|         ├──
|         ├── ensemble_optuna.ipynb
|         ├──
|         └──

Folder Contents:

  1. data/ : This folder consists of all the raw and processed data for training and evaluation
  2. intermediate/ : This folder consists of all the intermediate outputs that are generated.
  3. model/ : This folder consists of all model weights for our models (baseline) mentioned above
  4. output/ : This folder consists of all the predictions output by each model (baseline and ensemble) mentioned above
  5. src/ : This folder consists of the code needed for this entire project - preprocessing, individual models, ensemble models, and official evaluation script from SQuAD.


  1. Hugging Face Preprocessing for Modeling


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