Experimental gmod module hooking into voice system. Also contains a VSCode Remote container setup for developing GMod modules for Linux SRCDS, if that's your thing.
Requires garrysmod_common in same folder.
Credits to Autogain author (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=189527) and Metastruct
require "voicehook"
concommand.Add("recordme", function(ply)
timer.Simple(2, function()
-- there is now voicedata file in garrysmod/data/<ply:EntIndex()>.dat
-- which you can play with ffplay -f s16le -ar 44k 1.dat
Premake premake5 gmake2 --gmcommon=garrysmod_common --autoinstall=../../../srcds/garrysmod/lua/bin/
Install GMod srcds (in dev container) /opt/steamcmd/steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir /workspaces/gm_voicehook/srcds +app_update 4020 validate +quit
Run GMod srcds (in dev container) ../../../srcds/srcds_run +maxplayers 20 -console +gamemode sandbox +map gm_construct +sv_lan 1