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Weekly CI CC - Alpine Linux C++23 #6

Weekly CI CC - Alpine Linux C++23

Weekly CI CC - Alpine Linux C++23 #6

# Copyright (C) Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
# CC CompilationCheck: test various clang and gcc versions
# Build under various Alpine Linux versions with clang and gcc, and
# also test building with C++20, C++23 and LTO.
# And also uses a subdirectory "upx with space" that contains whitespace in order
# to detect possible quoting issues.
# info: Alpine Linux 3.9 (released Jan 2019) has clang-5, cmake-3.13.0
# and gcc-8, which nicely matches our minimal build requirements
name: 'Weekly CI CC - Alpine Linux C++23'
schedule: [cron: '00 2 * * 3'] # run weekly Wednesday 02:00 UTC
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
job-alpine-cmake: # uses cmake + make
if: github.repository_owner == 'upx'
fail-fast: false
- { container: 'alpine:3.9' , use_cxx20: 0, use_cxx2b: 0, use_lto: 0 } # Jan 2019: C++17; clang-5 & gcc-8
- { container: 'alpine:3.10', use_cxx20: 0, use_cxx2b: 0, use_lto: 0 }
- { container: 'alpine:3.11', use_cxx20: 0, use_cxx2b: 0, use_lto: 0 }
- { container: 'alpine:3.12', use_cxx20: 0, use_cxx2b: 0, use_lto: 0 }
- { container: 'alpine:3.13', use_cxx20: 1, use_cxx2b: 0, use_lto: 0 } # Jan 2021: C++20; clang-10 & gcc-10
- { container: 'alpine:3.14', use_cxx20: 1, use_cxx2b: 0, use_lto: 0 }
- { container: 'alpine:3.15', use_cxx20: 1, use_cxx2b: 0, use_lto: 1 } # Nov 2021: LTO; clang-12 & gcc-10 & binutils-2.37
- { container: 'alpine:3.16', use_cxx20: 1, use_cxx2b: 1, use_lto: 1 } # May 2022: C++2b; clang-13 & gcc-11
- { container: 'alpine:3.17', use_cxx20: 1, use_cxx2b: 1, use_lto: 1 }
- { container: 'alpine:3.18', use_cxx20: 1, use_cxx2b: 1, use_lto: 1 }
- { container: 'alpine:edge', use_cxx20: 1, use_cxx2b: 1, use_lto: 1 }
- { container: 'i386/alpine:edge', use_cxx20: 1, use_cxx2b: 1, use_lto: 1 }
# more 32-bit i386 versions, just for testing
# { container: 'i386/alpine:3.9' } # clang-5, gcc-8; BROKEN: clang -m32 problem
- { container: 'i386/alpine:3.10' } # clang-8, gcc-8
- { container: 'i386/alpine:3.11' } # clang-9, gcc-9
- { container: 'i386/alpine:3.12' } # clang-10, gcc-9
- { container: 'i386/alpine:3.13' } # clang-10, gcc-10
- { container: 'i386/alpine:3.14' } # clang-11, gcc-10
- { container: 'i386/alpine:3.15' } # clang-12, gcc-10
- { container: 'i386/alpine:3.16' } # clang-13, gcc-11
- { container: 'i386/alpine:3.17' } # clang-15, gcc-12
- { container: 'i386/alpine:3.18' } # clang-16, gcc-12
name: ${{ format('container {0}', matrix.container) }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: ${{ matrix.container }}
- name: ${{ format('Install packages {0}', matrix.container) }}
run: |
apk update && apk upgrade && apk add clang cmake g++ git make
case ${{ matrix.container }} in
# clang-dev is needed on Alpine versions <= 3.11 for clang headers like <emmintrin.h>
*:3.[0-9] | *:3.1[0-1]) apk add clang-dev ;;
case ${{ matrix.container }}-${{ matrix.use_lto }} in
# llvm-dev is needed on Alpine versions <= 3.18 for -flto
*:3.[0-9]-1 | *:3.1[0-8]-1) apk add llvm-dev ;;
# set environment vars
x="$(apk list -I "$(apk info -Wq "$(which clang)")")"; echo "clang_package=${x%% *}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
x="$(apk list -I "$(apk info -Wq "$(which gcc)")")"; echo "gcc_package=${x%% *}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
N=$(echo "upx-${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}-weekly-ci-alpine-${{ matrix.container }}" | sed 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_.-]/-/g')
echo "artifact_name=$N" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# create user upx:upx 2000:2000 for file system tests below ("sudo")
adduser upx -u 2000 -D && cd /home/upx && chmod 00700 . && chown -R upx:upx .
- name: ${{ format('Check out UPX {0} source code', github.ref_name) }}
run: |
git clone --branch "$GITHUB_REF_NAME" --depth 1 "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" "upx with space"
git -C "upx with space" submodule update --init
# build with default C11 and C++17
- name: ${{ format('Build clang Release with {0}', env.clang_package) }}
run: 'make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=clang-static CC="clang -static" CXX="clang++ -static"'
- name: ${{ format('Build clang Debug with {0}', env.clang_package) }}
run: 'make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=clang-static CC="clang -static" CXX="clang++ -static" xtarget/debug'
- name: ${{ format('Build gcc Release with {0}', env.gcc_package) }}
run: 'make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=gcc-static CC="gcc -static" CXX="g++ -static"'
- name: ${{ format('Build gcc Debug with {0}', env.gcc_package) }}
run: 'make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=gcc-static CC="gcc -static" CXX="g++ -static" xtarget/debug'
# build with C17 and C++20
- name: ${{ format('Build clang C++20 Release with {0}', env.clang_package) }}
if: matrix.use_cxx20
run: |
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=clang-static-cxx20 CC="clang -static -std=gnu17" CXX="clang++ -static -std=gnu++20"
- name: ${{ format('Build clang C++20 Debug with {0}', env.clang_package) }}
if: matrix.use_cxx20
run: |
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=clang-static-cxx20 CC="clang -static -std=gnu17" CXX="clang++ -static -std=gnu++20" xtarget/debug
- name: ${{ format('Build gcc C++20 Release with {0}', env.gcc_package) }}
if: matrix.use_cxx20
run: |
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=gcc-static-cxx20 CC="gcc -static -std=gnu17" CXX="g++ -static -std=gnu++20"
- name: ${{ format('Build gcc C++20 Debug with {0}', env.gcc_package) }}
if: matrix.use_cxx20
run: |
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=gcc-static-cxx20 CC="gcc -static -std=gnu17" CXX="g++ -static -std=gnu++20" xtarget/debug
# build with C23 and C++23
- name: ${{ format('Build clang C++23 Release with {0}', env.clang_package) }}
if: matrix.use_cxx23 || matrix.use_cxx2b
run: |
a=gnu23; b=gnu++23; if test "X${{ matrix.use_cxx2b }}" = X1; then a=gnu2x; b=gnu++2b; fi
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=clang-static-cxx23 CC="clang -static -std=$a" CXX="clang++ -static -std=$b"
- name: ${{ format('Build clang C++23 Debug with {0}', env.clang_package) }}
if: matrix.use_cxx23 || matrix.use_cxx2b
run: |
a=gnu23; b=gnu++23; if test "X${{ matrix.use_cxx2b }}" = X1; then a=gnu2x; b=gnu++2b; fi
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=clang-static-cxx23 CC="clang -static -std=$a" CXX="clang++ -static -std=$b" xtarget/debug
- name: ${{ format('Build gcc C++23 Release with {0}', env.gcc_package) }}
if: matrix.use_cxx23 || matrix.use_cxx2b
run: |
a=gnu23; b=gnu++23; if test "X${{ matrix.use_cxx2b }}" = X1; then a=gnu2x; b=gnu++2b; fi
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=gcc-static-cxx23 CC="gcc -static -std=$a" CXX="g++ -static -std=$b"
- name: ${{ format('Build gcc C++23 Debug with {0}', env.gcc_package) }}
if: matrix.use_cxx23 || matrix.use_cxx2b
run: |
a=gnu23; b=gnu++23; if test "X${{ matrix.use_cxx2b }}" = X1; then a=gnu2x; b=gnu++2b; fi
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=gcc-static-cxx23 CC="gcc -static -std=$a" CXX="g++ -static -std=$b" xtarget/debug
# build with -flto
- name: ${{ format('Build clang LTO Release with {0}', env.clang_package) }}
if: matrix.use_lto
run: |
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=clang-static-cxxlto CC="clang -static -flto" CXX="clang++ -static -flto"
- name: ${{ format('Build clang LTO Debug with {0}', env.clang_package) }}
if: matrix.use_lto
run: |
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=clang-static-cxxlto CC="clang -static -flto" CXX="clang++ -static -flto" xtarget/debug
- name: ${{ format('Build gcc LTO Release with {0}', env.gcc_package) }}
if: matrix.use_lto
run: |
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=gcc-static-cxxlto CC="gcc -static -flto" CXX="g++ -static -flto"
- name: ${{ format('Build gcc LTO Debug with {0}', env.gcc_package) }}
if: matrix.use_lto
run: |
make -C "upx with space" UPX_XTARGET=gcc-static-cxxlto CC="gcc -static -flto" CXX="g++ -static -flto" xtarget/debug
- { name: 'Strip release binaries', run: 'strip -p --strip-unneeded "upx with space"/build/*/*/release/upx' }
- name: ${{ format('Upload artifact {0}', env.artifact_name) }}
if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.container, 'i386/') }} # i386: missing nodejs on host
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.artifact_name }}
path: 'upx with space*/build/*/*/*/upx'
- name: 'Run install tests'
run: |
(cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/clang-static/debug && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with cmake" cmake --install .)
(cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/clang-static/debug && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with make" make install)
(cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/clang-static/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with cmake" cmake --install .)
(cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/clang-static/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with make" make install)
(cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/gcc-static/debug && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with cmake" cmake --install .)
(cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/gcc-static/debug && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with make" make install)
(cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/gcc-static/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with cmake" cmake --install .)
(cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/gcc-static/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with make" make install)
- { name: 'Run basic tests clang Debug', run: 'make -C "upx with space"/build/xtarget/clang-static/debug test' }
- { name: 'Run basic tests clang Release', run: 'make -C "upx with space"/build/xtarget/clang-static/release test' }
- { name: 'Run basic tests gcc Debug', run: 'make -C "upx with space"/build/xtarget/gcc-static/debug test' }
- { name: 'Run basic tests gcc Release', run: 'make -C "upx with space"/build/xtarget/gcc-static/release test' }
- name: 'Run basic tests C++20, C++23 and LTO'
if: matrix.use_cxx20 || matrix.use_cxx23 || matrix.use_cxx2b || matrix.use_lto
run: |
for dir in "upx with space"/build/xtarget/*-cxx*/*; do
echo "===== $dir"
make -C "$dir" test
- name: 'Run file system test suite (busybox)'
run: |
apk add bash sudo
testsuite="$(readlink -fn "upx with space"/misc/testsuite/"
cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/gcc-static/release
# IMPORTANT: do NOT run as user root!
chmod a+w . && sudo -u upx bash "$testsuite"
# test suite
- name: ${{ format('Run test suite level {0}', env.UPX_TESTSUITE_LEVEL) }}
run: |
# testsuite needs bash and working "readlink -en" and "sha256sum -b"
apk add bash coreutils
# use a directory that contains whitespace to detect possible quoting issues
git clone --depth=1 "upx-testsuite with space"
export upx_testsuite_SRCDIR="$(readlink -fn "upx-testsuite with space")"
testsuite_1="$(readlink -fn "upx with space"/misc/testsuite/"
(cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/gcc-static/release && upx_exe=./upx bash "$testsuite_1")
- name: 'Run file system test suite (coreutils)'
run: |
apk add bash coreutils sudo
testsuite="$(readlink -fn "upx with space"/misc/testsuite/"
cd "upx with space"/build/xtarget/gcc-static/release
# IMPORTANT: do NOT run as user root!
chmod a+w . && sudo -u upx bash "$testsuite"