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Weekly CI BS - By Hand #7

Weekly CI BS - By Hand

Weekly CI BS - By Hand #7

# Copyright (C) Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
# BS BuildSystem: build "by hand" using a POSIX-compliant shell
name: 'Weekly CI BS - By Hand'
schedule: [cron: '00 1 * * 3'] # run weekly Wednesday 01:00 UTC
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
job-by-hand-alpine-linux-gcc: # uses a POSIX-compliant shell
# ...and also uses a subdirectory "upx with space" in order to detect possible quoting issues
# ...and also uses ccache as we are running the same build-script again and again
if: github.repository_owner == 'upx'
strategy: { matrix: { container: ['alpine:3.9','alpine:3.18','alpine:edge','i386/alpine:edge'] } }
name: ${{ format('by-hand gcc {0}', matrix.container) }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: ${{ matrix.container }}
- name: ${{ format('Install packages {0}', matrix.container) }}
run: |
# install ccache, g++, git and various POSIX shells
shells="bash dash loksh mksh zsh"
case ${{ matrix.container }} in
*:3.18 | *:edge) shells="$shells oksh yash" ;;
echo "installing shells: $shells"
apk update && apk upgrade && apk add ccache g++ git $shells
# enable ccache and some warnings
xflags="-static -Wall -Wextra -Werror"
echo -e "CC=ccache gcc $xflags\nCXX=ccache g++ -std=gnu++17 $xflags" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# this seems to be needed when running in a container (beause of UID mismatch??)
git config --global --add '*'
# create user upx:upx 2000:2000 for file system tests below ("sudo")
adduser upx -u 2000 -D && cd /home/upx && chmod 00700 . && chown -R upx:upx .
- name: ${{ format('Check out UPX {0} source code', github.ref_name) }}
run: |
git clone --branch "$GITHUB_REF_NAME" --depth 1 "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" "upx with space"
git -C "upx with space" submodule update --init
- name: 'Build by-hand with /bin/sh'
run: '/bin/sh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with bash'
run: 'bash "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with bash --posix'
run: 'bash --posix "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with busybox ash'
run: 'busybox ash "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with busybox sh'
run: 'busybox sh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with dash'
run: 'dash "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with loksh'
run: 'ksh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with loksh -o posix'
run: 'ksh -o posix "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with loksh -o sh'
run: 'ksh -o sh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with mksh'
run: 'mksh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with mksh -o posix'
run: 'mksh -o posix "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with mksh -o sh'
run: 'mksh -o sh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with oksh'
if: endsWith(matrix.container, ':3.18') || endsWith(matrix.container, ':edge')
run: 'oksh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with oksh -o posix'
if: endsWith(matrix.container, ':3.18') || endsWith(matrix.container, ':edge')
run: 'oksh -o posix "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with oksh -o sh'
if: endsWith(matrix.container, ':3.18') || endsWith(matrix.container, ':edge')
run: 'oksh -o sh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with yash'
if: endsWith(matrix.container, ':3.18') || endsWith(matrix.container, ':edge')
run: 'yash "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with zsh'
run: 'zsh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with zsh --emulate ksh'
run: 'zsh --emulate ksh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with zsh --emulate sh'
run: 'zsh --emulate sh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Show ccache stats'
run: |
ccache -s
ccache -p
- name: 'Run file system test suite (busybox)'
run: |
apk add bash sudo
testsuite="$(readlink -fn "upx with space"/misc/testsuite/"
cd "upx with space"/build/by-hand
# IMPORTANT: do NOT run as user root!
chmod a+w . && sudo -u upx bash "$testsuite"
- name: 'Run file system test suite (coreutils)'
run: |
apk add bash coreutils sudo
testsuite="$(readlink -fn "upx with space"/misc/testsuite/"
cd "upx with space"/build/by-hand
# IMPORTANT: do NOT run as user root!
chmod a+w . && sudo -u upx bash "$testsuite"
job-by-hand-macos-clang: # uses a POSIX-compliant shell
# ...and also uses a subdirectory "upx with space" in order to detect possible quoting issues
if: github.repository_owner == 'upx'
fail-fast: false
- { os: macos-11, run_fs_test: false } # macos-11 does not have "readlink -f"
- { os: macos-12, run_fs_test: true }
- { os: macos-13, run_fs_test: true }
name: ${{ format('by-hand clang {0}', matrix.os) }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: 'Install brew packages'
run: |
# install ccache
if ! command -v ccache > /dev/null; then
# only run "brew update" if needed
if ! brew install ccache; then brew update && brew install ccache; fi
xflags="-Wall -Wextra -Werror"
echo -e "CC=ccache clang $xflags\nCXX=ccache clang++ -std=gnu++17 $xflags" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: ${{ format('Check out UPX {0} source code', github.ref_name) }}
run: |
git clone --branch "$GITHUB_REF_NAME" --depth 1 "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" "upx with space"
git -C "upx with space" submodule update --init
- name: 'Build by-hand with /bin/sh'
run: 'top_srcdir="$PWD/upx with space" /bin/sh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with bash'
run: 'top_srcdir="$PWD/upx with space" bash "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Build by-hand with zsh'
run: 'top_srcdir="$PWD/upx with space" zsh "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"'
- name: 'Run file system test suite'
if: ${{ matrix.run_fs_test }}
run: |
testsuite="$(readlink -fn "upx with space"/misc/testsuite/"
cd "upx with space"/build/by-hand
bash "$testsuite"
job-by-hand-windows-gcc: # uses a POSIX-compliant shell
# ...and also uses a subdirectory "upx with space" in order to detect possible quoting issues
if: github.repository_owner == 'upx'
fail-fast: false
- { os: windows-2019 }
- { os: windows-2022 }
name: ${{ format('by-hand gcc {0}', matrix.os) }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: ${{ format('Check out UPX {0} source code', github.ref_name) }}
shell: bash
run: |
git clone --branch "$GITHUB_REF_NAME" --depth 1 "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" "upx with space"
git -C "upx with space" submodule update --init
- name: 'Build by-hand with bash'
shell: bash
run: |
xflags="-static -Wall -Wextra -Werror"
CC="gcc $xflags" CXX="g++ -std=gnu++17 $xflags" bash "./upx with space/misc/scripts/"