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Weekly CI RT - ASAN MSAN Valgrind #7

Weekly CI RT - ASAN MSAN Valgrind

Weekly CI RT - ASAN MSAN Valgrind #7

# Copyright (C) Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
# RT RunTime checks
# runs ASAN, MSAN, qemu and valgrind checkers; slow!
name: 'Weekly CI RT - ASAN MSAN Valgrind'
schedule: [cron: '00 3 * * 3'] # run weekly Wednesday 03:00 UTC
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
job-runtime-checkers: # uses cmake + make
if: github.repository_owner == 'upx'
fail-fast: false
- { container: 'alpine:3.18', release: debug, qemu: 'qemu-x86_64 -cpu Westmere' }
- { container: 'alpine:3.18', release: release, qemu: 'qemu-x86_64 -cpu Westmere' }
- { container: 'alpine:edge', release: release, qemu: 'qemu-x86_64 -cpu Westmere' }
- { container: 'i386/alpine:edge', release: release, qemu: 'qemu-i386' }
name: ${{ format('{0} {1}', matrix.container, matrix.release) }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: ${{ matrix.container }}
release: ${{ matrix.release }}
- name: ${{ format('Install packages {0} {1}', matrix.container, matrix.release) }}
run: |
apk update && apk upgrade
apk add bash clang cmake compiler-rt coreutils g++ git make qemu-i386 qemu-x86_64 tar valgrind
# this seems to be needed when running in a container (beause of UID mismatch??)
git config --global --add '*'
- name: ${{ format('Check out UPX {0} source code', github.ref_name) }}
run: |
git clone --branch "$GITHUB_REF_NAME" --depth 1 "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" .
git submodule update --init
git clone --depth=1 ../upx-testsuite
- name: 'Build clang-static'
run: |
export CC="clang -static" CXX="clang++ -static"
make UPX_XTARGET=clang-static xtarget/$release
- name: 'Build clang-asan'
if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.container, 'i386/') }} # i386: ASAN not supported
run: |
# unfortunately ASAN does not support static linking
flags="-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=pointer-compare -fsanitize=pointer-subtract -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
export CC="clang $flags" CXX="clang++ $flags"
make UPX_XTARGET=clang-asan xtarget/$release
- name: 'Build clang-msan'
if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.container, 'i386/') }} # i386: MSAN not supported
run: |
# unfortunately MSAN does not support static linking
flags="-fsanitize=memory -fsanitize=undefined -fno-omit-frame-pointer -DDOCTEST_CONFIG_DISABLE=1"
export CC="clang $flags" CXX="clang++ $flags"
make UPX_XTARGET=clang-msan xtarget/$release
- name: 'Make artifact'
run: |
N=$(echo "upx-${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}-weekly-ci-runtime-checkers-${{ matrix.container }}-${{ matrix.release }}" | sed 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_.-]/-/g')
mkdir -p "tmp/artifact/$N"
(cd build && cp -ai --parents */*/*/upx "../tmp/artifact/$N")
(cd tmp/artifact && tar --sort=name -czf "$N.tar.gz" "$N" && rm -rf "./$N")
# GitHub Actions magic: set "artifact_name" environment value for use in next step
echo "artifact_name=$N" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: ${{ format('Upload artifact {0}', env.artifact_name) }}
if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.container, 'i386/') }} # i386: missing nodejs on host
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.artifact_name }}
path: tmp/artifact
- name: 'Run basic tests clang-static'
run: 'make -C build/xtarget/clang-static/$release test'
- name: 'Run basic tests clang-asan'
if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.container, 'i386/') }} # i386: ASAN not supported
run: 'make -C build/xtarget/clang-asan/$release test'
- name: 'Run basic tests clang-msan'
if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.container, 'i386/') }} # i386: MSAN not supported
run: 'make -C build/xtarget/clang-msan/$release test'
- name: 'Run testsuite clang-asan'
if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.container, 'i386/') }} # i386: ASAN not supported
run: |
export ASAN_OPTIONS="detect_invalid_pointer_pairs=2"
env -C build/xtarget/clang-asan/$release "$PWD"/misc/testsuite/
- name: 'Run testsuite clang-msan'
if: ${{ !startsWith(matrix.container, 'i386/') }} # i386: MSAN not supported
run: |
env -C build/xtarget/clang-msan/$release "$PWD"/misc/testsuite/
- name: 'Run testsuite clang-static - QEMU'
if: ${{ matrix.qemu }}
run: |
export upx_exe_runner="${{ matrix.qemu }}"
env -C build/xtarget/clang-static/$release "$PWD"/misc/testsuite/
- name: 'Run testsuite clang-static - Valgrind'
if: true # very slow
run: |
export upx_exe_runner="valgrind --error-exitcode=1 --quiet"
# on current GitHub CI, takes about 30 minutes for release and 80 minutes for debug builds
# reduce time for debug builds to about 30 minutes
test "$release" = "debug" && export UPX_TESTSUITE_LEVEL=4
env -C build/xtarget/clang-static/$release "$PWD"/misc/testsuite/