v1.2.8 Gift Update
Now you can save what weapons to gift to players so they will have the same weapons/abilities upon respawning!
By inserting the word "save" anywhere after the 3rd argument, the weapon and mods you've given to any player will now save.
For example, to respawn with an Amped Smart Pistol from now on, you can type:
gift smart karma burn save
which will always give an Amped Smart Pistol to the player(s) that contains the name "karma" after they respawn.
Any loadouts will reset after map change.
To clear a player's loadout, you can type:
gift clear karma
which will clear all pre-existing loadouts for that player, if any.
gift <weaponId> <playername/imc/militia/all> [mods1] [mods2] [mods...] [mods99] [save]
gift <clear> <playername/imc/militia/all>