├── inventory
│ └── hosts_vars
│ └── hosts.ini
├── roles
│ └── docker
│ └── tasks
│ └── main.yml
└── site.yml
# without sudo password
$ ansible-playbook --inventory ./inventory/hosts_vars/hosts.ini site.yml
# with sudo password
$ ansible-playbook --inventory ./inventory/hosts_vars/hosts.ini site.yml --ask-become-pass
#define tags in playbooks site.yml
- {role: mysql, tags: ['db']}
- {role: mongo, tags: ['db']}
- {role: docker, tags: ['docker']}
#tag based roles
ansible-playbook --inventory ./inventory/hosts_vars/hosts.ini site.yml --tags docker ... #<any tag>
# Generate SSH Key
$ ssh-keygen
> ... (add path and name of key and all)
# copy .pub to target authorized_keys
$ ssh-copy-id -i <path_to_new_generated_key.pub> uname@<ip>
# ADD ssh key in ansible hosts file
# Example
[hosts-name] ansible_ssh_private_key_file=<path_to_privet-key>
# Ezz ;)))