Today the internet is flooded with a large number of projects of all kinds that are shared in the form of repositories on platforms like Github. Due to this large amount, many projects fall into oblivion. TecnoAgora aims to create a space where repositories can be shared in order to make them known and to encourage the collaboration of interested users.
Any repository? No. The aim of TecnoAgora is to be a reference portal that facilitates the discovery of those projects that aim to improve the situation of groups or people that require it.
At the moment TecnoAgora is managed by only one person, but the aim of this project is to create a mutual and collaborative support network where everyone who wants to can improve the platform in one way or another.
Easy, sharing projects in the TecnoAgora's web or improving it by coding making pull requests.
Can I share Open Source technology projects that are not directly or indirectly related to programming?
One of TecnoAgora's objectives is to encourage the participation of its users in the projects they share. If you think that the project you have found allows the collaboration of any person and in any format, then there will be no problem.
You can read the FAQS here.
For any doubt or problem you can use the contact form that you will find here.
- tinygraphs for profile pictures
- icons8 for the star icon used to award projects