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Tatar Xavatar edited this page Sep 15, 2019 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the yiimp_install_scrypt wiki!

Solution : In most of the cases, error in file coin.conf

Error Payout : error -1: json value is not a boolean as expected
Solution : Edit /var/web/yaamp/core/backend/payment.php and On line 57 you will need to add : $coin->symbol == 'XXX'

Question : I would like to run one port for each coin on the same algo
Answer : It's very easy to have some port on the same algo. Example with scrypt, just copy scrypt.conf to scrypt2.conf, change the port, and start the stratum with scrypt2 and modify the port on the blocknotify line of coin.conf But the modified algo doesn't appear on yiimp with the good port, it requires a lot of modification of yiimp to do that. There may be a tutorial but I have not found it.

Question : How to stop a coin daemon ?
Answer : 3 way =>

  • in yiimp => coin console => stop
  • if u have daemon-cli => sudo ./daemon-cli stop
  • if u dont have daemon-cli => sudo ./daemon stop replace daemon by the name of daemoncoin

Question : How to leave a screen ?
Answer : CTRL + A (press once) then CTRL + D (press once)

Question : Error YIIMP : Blank page to access admin panel
Answer : First Solution :

  • Enter the Public IP of the system you will use to access the admin panel (NOT IP of your VPS) in file : /var/web/serverconfig.php (line = YAAMP_ADMIN_IP)
  • Verify the url :
  • Look /var/log/debug.log if error msg
  • Look /var/log/nginx/ if error msg

Second Solution :

  • Change file /var/web/yaamp/modules/site/SiteController.php to original from GitHub (
  • If you change the file SiteController.php to original from GitHub, you must use "AdminRights" to access admin panel (like this :

If you want change the name to access "admin panel", you must :

  • Edit the file /var/web/yaamp/modules/site/SiteController.php => line 11
  • Replace "public function actionAdminRights()" by "public function actionXXXXXXXX()" like this for example : "public function actionadmpanel()"
  • So now, the url to access admin panel is :

Error List :

  • Check : /var/log/debug.log
  • Error => CWebApp: Unable to resolve the request "xxxxxxxx" => Error in the url
  • Add "site" =>
  • Error => The system is unable to find the requested action "xxxxxxxx" => * Error in the name of admin panel
  • Look /var/web/yaamp/modules/site/SiteController.php => line 11 and verify the name after "public function actionYYYYYYYY"
  • Error => admin connect failure from => Your IP is not authorized
  • Enter the Public IP of the system you will use to access the admin panel (NOT IP of your VPS) in file : /var/web/serverconfig.php (line = YAAMP_ADMIN_IP)
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