A power full telegram auto copy or forwarding bot. This Telegram bot can clone medias from any Channel to your own Channel
This a Premium forward bot. Telegram : Join this here
☛ Supported media: Document, Video, Audio, Photo, and Voice
Features :
☛ Anonymous cloning from any chats.
☛ Supports private and public chats.
☛ Bot won't copy duplicate files:
☛ The bot will check the file indexes in the target chat at first ( Can be canceled)
☛ Duplicate files found in the target chat can be purged on completion.
☛ Bot will save the index of the same to a CSV file for future references.
☛ If target chat is used for the second time, bot will load the index from CSV.
☛ This will be used to avoid repeated checking of target chat.
☛ The newly cloned file index is also updated in the CSV.
☛ Once indexing is done successfully, bot won't clone duplicate files.
☛ It is recommended to complete the target chat when in the first time usage.
☛ All the stored CSV indexes can be removed by selecting the 'Reset' button.
☛ Supports all types of chat information to configure.
Id, Username, Invite links: -100 not required in Ids.
☛ Supports selection of media types included.
☛ Real-time checking of chat ids as self.
☛ Bot doesn't need to be a member of chats.
☛ Session user doesn't need to be an admin of the source.
☛ Clone media with or without the caption.
☛ Supports clone from-to message-ids.
☛ The filename can be set as the caption.
☛ Authorized Users to the bot
☛ Duplicate file clone filter
☛ Fast and slow modes of operation.
☛ No commands are needed to configure.
☛ Real-time updating of msg ids with the chat inputs.
☛ Visual update of the process graphically.
☛ UI - button and database-based design.
☛ Informative UI with all updates.
☛ Session protection:
Session user can Terminate the bot execution by clicking the button. This feature is included to avoid unauthorized usage of anyone's session is being used anonymously. Some of the string session generating bots are doing as. When the bot is deployed, the bot will immediately respond to the same by sending a message in the session user's account. By clicking the button and blocking the bot will lead to the deployment of the string again in the bot. Don't ever generate a user session string by bots!
Requirements: [ String session user ]
☛ Must be a member of source chat.
☛ Must be an admin to be the target chat.