- Build all (Runs go build for x64 arch)
- (F7):
- (F7):
- Build for arm and upload to RPi (builds then copies both solarcmd exe and config files to pi-solar.local:bin/)
build/build_all.sh arm -f
- Unit tests with external server (Runs goconvey test server)
- (F8):
- (F8):
- Terminal task (test server):
- (Ctrl-Alt-T)
- Manully run unit tests (Runs go test in each package directory that contains tests)
- Run solarcmd in debugger:
- (F5): Select "Launch Go" first
Make sure the path SolarMonitorController/src/ is appended to the GOPATH env. variable.
This is the structure of a go repository:
- src <--- all source code goes here, each subdir for a separate package
- cmd <--- executable projects (source code)
- pkg <--- local packages (source code)
- logger
- devices
- db
- pkg <--- contains static libraries for built packages (used by other package and/or executable scripts)
- bin <--- contains executables (fully self-contained binaries, no external dependencies)
$ go get "github.com/go-gorp/gorp"
$ go get "github.com/Sirupsen/logrus"
$ go get "github.com/x-cray/logrus-prefixed-formatter"
$ go get "github.com/facebookgo/stack"
$ go get "github.com/spagettikod/gotracer"
$ go get "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
Optional packages:
Test server: go get github.com/smartystreets/goconvey
JUnit generator (for Jenkins): go get -u github.com/jstemmer/go-junit-report
./build/build_all.sh arm -f
(Build arm & upload to pi-solar.local:~/bin. Also copies solarcmd.config.json configuration file.)./build/build_all.sh
(Build amd64)
$ go run src/scripts/solar_acquire_data.go
$ cd src/scripts
$ go install
Binary will now appear in SolarMonitor/src/pi/scripts/solar/bin. It can be copied to another machine and run directly (without any go code, packages, etc).
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build src/scripts/solar_acquire_data.go
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build src/scripts/solar_update_web_service.go
The cross-compiled arm binaries can be copied to the RPi.