Inmemory is a small Redis-like library for storing information in the application itself, without using third-party services. The data is stored in key-value format, as in Redis or HashMap.
Uses Tokio library
use inmemory::Manager;
async fn main() {
let memory = Manager::new()
// One MB memory limit
.limit(1024 * 1024) // it is not necessary to specify
// The GC will check the memory once at a given time in seconds.
.interval(60 * 60) // it is not necessary to specify
// Starting the GC and returning the Memory object
// Add memory to the service.
// The following are specified: key, data and lifetime.
let _result = memory.add(0, String::from("Some data"), 60* 60).await;
// Getting data from the service, the key is specified.
let _result = memory.get(0).await;
// Manual activation of GC to check "dead" values at any convenient time.
// It works even if GC is disabled.
let _result = memory.clear().await;
The garbage collector is made as simple as possible, without any algorithms - the check is carried out once at the specified time in interval_sec. If you specify 0 or not at all, the collector will not work and the memory will have to be cleaned exclusively manually.