Provide a simple, flexible, extensible, powerful and structured logger based on the level, which has done the better balance between the flexibility and the performance. It is inspired by log15, logrus, go-kit and zerolog, which collects the log message with the key-value contexts, encodes them into the buffer, then writes the encoded log from the buffer into the underlying writer.
- Support
. - Compatible with the stdlib
. - The better performance, see Benchmark.
- Lazy evaluation of expensive operations.
- Avoid to allocate the memory on heap as far as possible.
- Encode in real time or pre-encode the key-value contexts into the buffer cache.
- Simple, Flexible, Extensible, Powerful and Structured.
- Support to customize the log encoder and writer.
- Provide the simple and easy-used api interface.
package main
import (
var logfile string
var loglevel string
func logError(err error, msg string, kvs ...interface{}) {
if err == nil {
log.Level(log.LvlError, 1).Kvs(kvs...).Kv("err", err).Printf(msg)
func main() {
// Parse the CLI options.
flag.StringVar(&logfile, "logfile", "", "The log file path, default to stderr.")
flag.StringVar(&loglevel, "loglevel", "info", "The log level, such as debug, info, etc.")
// Configure the logger.
writer := log.FileWriter(logfile, "100M", 100)
defer writer.Close()
// Emit the log.
log.Debug().Kv("key1", "value1").Print("msg1") // no log output.
log.Info().Kv("key2", "value2").Print("msg2")
log.Level(log.LvlInfo, 0).Kv("key3", "value3").Printf("msg3")
logError(nil, "msg4", "key4", "value4", "key5", 555, "key6", "value6")
logError(errors.New("error"), "msg7", "key8", 888, "key9", "value9")
// For Clild Logger
child1Logger := log.WithName("child1")
child2Logger := child1Logger.WithName("child2")
child1Logger.Info().Kv("ckey1", "cvalue1").Print("msg8")
child2Logger.Info().Kv("ckey2", "cvalue2").Printf("msg9")
// $ go run main.go
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:04:44.8609884+08:00","lvl":"info","caller":"main.go:34:main","key2":"value2","msg":"msg2"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:04:44.8660577+08:00","lvl":"info","caller":"main.go:35:main","key3":"value3","msg":"msg3"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:04:44.8671207+08:00","lvl":"error","caller":"main.go:37:main","key8":888,"key9":"value9","err":"error","msg":"msg7"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:04:44.8671207+08:00","lvl":"info","logger":"child1","caller":"main.go:42:main","ckey1":"cvalue1","msg":"msg8"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:04:44.8678731+08:00","lvl":"info","logger":"child1.child2","caller":"main.go:43:main","ckey2":"cvalue2","msg":"msg9"}
// logr.go
package main
import (
// NewLogSink returns a logr sink based on the key-value logger.
func NewLogSink(logger log.Logger) logr.LogSink {
return &logSink{logger: logger}
const maxLevel = log.LvlWarn - log.LvlInfo - 1
type logSink struct {
logger log.Logger
func (l *logSink) Init(info logr.RuntimeInfo) {
l.logger = l.logger.WithDepth(info.CallDepth + 1)
func (l *logSink) Enabled(level int) bool {
if level > maxLevel {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid level '%d': only allow [0, %d]", level, maxLevel))
return l.logger.Enabled(log.LvlInfo + level)
func (l *logSink) Info(level int, msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
if level > maxLevel {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid level '%d': only allow [0, %d]", level, maxLevel))
l.logger.Level(log.LvlInfo+level, l.logger.Depth()+1).Kvs(keysAndValues...).Printf(msg)
func (l *logSink) Error(err error, msg string, keysAndValues ...interface{}) {
l.logger.Error().Kvs(keysAndValues...).Kv("err", err).Printf(msg)
func (l *logSink) WithName(name string) logr.LogSink {
return &logSink{l.logger.WithName(name)}
func (l *logSink) WithValues(keysAndValues ...interface{}) logr.LogSink {
return &logSink{l.logger.WithContexts(keysAndValues...)}
func (l *logSink) WithCallDepth(depth int) logr.LogSink {
return &logSink{l.logger.WithDepth(depth + 2)}
// main.go
package main
import (
func logIfErr(logger logr.Logger, err error, msg string, kvs ...interface{}) {
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, msg, kvs...)
func main() {
_logger := log.New("test").
WithHooks(log.Caller("caller")). // Add the caller context
WithLevel(log.LvlInfo + 3) // Only output the logs that V is not less than 3
logger := logr.New(NewLogSink(_logger))
logger.Info("msg1", "k11", "v11", "k12", "v12") // The log is not be output.
logger.Error(errors.New("error"), "msg2", "k2", "v2")
logger = logger.V(6) // V must be between 0 and 19, that's, [0, 19].
logger.Info("msg3", "k3", "v3")
logger.Error(errors.New("error"), "msg4", "k4", "v4")
logger = logger.WithName("name")
logger.Info("msg5", "k5", "v5")
logger.Error(errors.New("error"), "msg6", "k6", "v6")
logger = logger.WithValues("k0", "v0")
logger.Info("msg7", "k7", "v7")
logger.Error(errors.New("error"), "msg8", "k8", "v8")
logger = logger.WithCallDepth(1)
logIfErr(logger, errors.New("error"), "msg9", "k9", "v9")
logIfErr(logger, nil, "msg10", "k10", "v10")
// $ go run logr.go main.go
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:16:10.1478129+08:00","lvl":"error","logger":"test","caller":"main.go:23:main","k2":"v2","err":"error","msg":"msg2"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:16:10.1535681+08:00","lvl":"info6","logger":"test","k3":"v3","msg":"msg3"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:16:10.1541601+08:00","lvl":"error","logger":"test","caller":"main.go:27:main","k4":"v4","err":"error","msg":"msg4"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:16:10.1546859+08:00","lvl":"info6","logger":"","k5":"v5","msg":"msg5"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:16:10.1546859+08:00","lvl":"error","logger":"","caller":"main.go:31:main","k6":"v6","err":"error","msg":"msg6"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:16:10.1552482+08:00","lvl":"info6","logger":"","k0":"v0","k7":"v7","msg":"msg7"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:16:10.1552482+08:00","lvl":"error","logger":"","k0":"v0","caller":"main.go:35:main","k8":"v8","err":"error","msg":"msg8"}
// {"t":"2021-12-17T00:16:10.1558789+08:00","lvl":"error","logger":"","k0":"v0","caller":"main.go:38:main","k9":"v9","err":"error","msg":"msg9"}
type Encoder interface {
// Start starts to encode the log record into the buffer dst.
Start(dst []byte, loggerName string, level int) []byte
// Encode encodes the key-value with the stack depth into the buffer dst.
Encode(dst []byte, key string, value interface{}) []byte
// End ends to encode the log record with the message into the buffer dst.
End(dst []byte, msg string) []byte
This pakcage has implemented the JSON encoder JSONEncoder
, but you can customize yourself, such as TextEncoder
The logger uses the stdlib io.Writer
interface as the log writer.
In order to support to write the leveled log, you can provide a LevelWriter
to the log engine, which prefers to try to use LevelWriter
to write the log into it.
type LevelWriter interface {
WriteLevel(level int, data []byte) (n int, err error)
The package provides an additional writer based on the file, that's, FileWriter
The logger engine provides the sampler policy for each logger to filter the log message by the logger name and level during the program is running.
type Sampler interface {
// Sample reports whether the log message should be sampled.
// If the log message should be sampled, return true. Or, return false,
// that's, the log message will be discarded.
Sample(loggerName string, level int) bool
Notice: in order to switch the level of all the loggers once, you maybe use the global level function SetGlobalLevel
, such as SetGlobalLevel(LvlError)
, which will disable all the log messages whose level is lower than LvlError
The logger provides the hook Hook
to support the Lazy evaluation.
type Hook interface {
Run(logger Logger, loggerName string, level int, depth int)
The package provides a dynamic key-value context Caller
to calculate the file and line where the caller is.
package main
import ""
func main() {
logger := log.New("root").WithHooks(log.Caller("caller"))
logger.Info().Kv("key", "value").Printf("msg")
// $ go run main.go
// {"t":"2021-12-12T15:09:41.6890462+08:00","lvl":"info","logger":"root","caller":"main.go:7:main","key":"value","msg":"msg"}
Not only the lazy evaluation, but the hook is also used to do others, such as the counter of the level logs.
The log framework itself has no any performance costs and the key of the bottleneck is the encoder.
HP Laptop 14s-dr2014TU
go: 1.17.3
goos: windows
goarch: amd64
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
Benchmark Package:
Function | ops | ns/op | bytes/opt | allocs/op |
BenchmarkJSONEncoderDisabled-8 | 325, 556, 422 | 3.649 | 0 | 0 |
BenchmarkJSONEncoderEmpty-8 | 71, 245, 855 | 17.71 | 0 | 0 |
BenchmarkJSONEncoderInfo-8 | 64, 453, 407 | 17.84 | 0 | 0 |
BenchmarkJSONEncoderWith8Contexts-8 | 63, 589, 971 | 17.87 | 0 | 0 |
BenchmarkJSONEncoderWith8KeyValues-8 | 9, 351, 409 | 121.9 | 128 | 8 |
BenchmarkJSONEncoderWithOptimized8KVs-8 | 14, 620, 470 | 78.71 | 0 | 0 |