Snape is a minimalistic snippets manager written in Python.
You may add snippets, list all snippets, search for a specific snippet using a keyword, and that's it.
All data are saved into a local json file(~/.snape.json
), you can modify the json file at will and optionally put that file with other dot files under version control.
Snape strive to provide a simple solution for a simple task.
Of course the name comes from Harry Potter, as mentioned by Harry potter:
He was probably the bravest man I ever knew.
I think we all need a little courage from time to time.
The installation is plain and simple, just use pip:.
pip install Snape
To show the help message, use:
Snape --help
which will display:
snape # list all snippet with descriptions.
snape [Name of snippet] # show a single snippet.
snape add [Name of snippet] # add a snippet
snape search [pattern] # search for a pattern in the library.
As an example, suppose we use requests to post a json to an API, and we want to have that code snippet saved in Snape, we run the following command in the commnadline:
[user@host ~]Snape add python post json
Here, python post json
will be the name of the snippet. Snape will now prompt you to enter your snippet, after you've dumped your snippets there, you need to add a new line and a Ctrl-D
so as to save the snippet to ~/.snape.json
My personal snippets can be found here:
The search feature will list all snippets which
There's no intention to add the ability to modify or remove a snippet, since you can easily do that with any editor you like.