- Study notes from Data Science with Python track of Datacamp
- 96 hrs
- 25 Courses
- 6 Projects
- Dictionary and advanced Numpy (conditonal statements and loop)
- Manipulating in Pandas
- Joining Data with Python and SQL
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Cleaning data with python
- Date and time in Python
- Record Linkage
- Write functions with Python
- Toolbox in Python: Write functions, Lambda, List comprehension and generators
- Exploratory data analysis in Python
- Analyzing police activity with Pandas
- Introduction to Statistics in Python
- Introduction to Regression with statsmodels in Python(ols & SLR)
- Sampling in Python
- Hypothesis testing in Python
- Supervised learning with scikit-learning
- Unsupervised learning in Python
- Machine learning with Tree-based models in Python