Reproduce the following GAN-related methods:
pix2pix (Image-to-image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks)
InfoGAN (InfoGAN: Interpretable Representation Learning by Information Maximizing GAN)
Conditional GAN
DiscoGAN (Learning to Discover Cross-Domain Relations with Generative Adversarial Networks)
Please see the docstring in each script for detailed usage and pretrained models.
Reproduce DCGAN following the setup in dcgan.torch.
- Generated samples
- Vector arithmetic: smiling woman - neutral woman + neutral man = smiling man
Image-to-Image following the setup in pix2pix.
For example, with the cityscapes dataset, it learns to generate semantic segmentation map of urban scene:
This is a visualization from tensorboard. Left to right: original, ground truth, model output.
Reproduce the mnist experiement in InfoGAN. It assumes 10 latent variables corresponding to a categorical distribution, 2 latent variables corresponding to a uniform distribution. It then maximizes mutual information between these latent variables and the image, and learns interpretable latent representation.
- Left: 10 latent variables corresponding to 10 digits.
- Middle: 1 continuous latent variable controlled the rotation.
- Right: another continuous latent variable controlled the thickness.
Train a simple GAN on mnist, conditioned on the class labels.
Reproduce Wasserstein GAN by some small modifications on
Reproduce DiscoGAN on CelebA.