This is Uzbek Xinux community (nix users mostly) member's effort on packaging & patching Kerio Control VPN & providing ready to use modules for NixOS users.
This package is currently ongoing heavy development due to incompatibility with the Linux distribution (as we speaking, @shakhzodkudratov is waiting for an email from Kerio on the issue).
This project effort provides you both Kerio Control VPN as a package and ready to use nix modules. In order to get started, you need to add this flake to your own config:
If you want to use the package one time, you can easily call the package via nix run
# Start the kerio control vpn service binary
nix run github:xinux-org/kerio
If you're going to add this package to your own configuration, we provide e-imzo
binary for only x86_64 arch as Kerio only supports it:
In order to make use of this project's modules, you must have your own nix configuration flake! Afterwards, you can get started by adding this project to your own configuration flake like this:
# In your configuration repo flake.nix
inputs.kerio.url = "github:xinux-org/kerio";
# Or
inputs = {
# Kerio project flake
kerio.url = "github:xinux-org/kerio";
Afterwards, you need to import the module and use it! You can import the module literally anywhere of your configuration as shown in example below:
# flake.nix -> nixosConfigurations as an example:
outputs =
{ self
, nixpkgs
, nixpkgs-unstable
, kerio # <-- don't forget
, ...
} @ inputs:
nixosConfigurations = {
"Example" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
specialArgs = { inherit inputs outputs; };
modules = [
# ./nixos/example/configuration.nix anywhere of your configuration
services.kerio-kvc = {
enable = true;
config = {
domain = "";
user = "example";
password = "/path/to/pass/file"; # file should contain only password = true;
# or
services.kerio-kvc = {
enable = true;
config = {
domain = "";
port = 666;
user = "example";
password = "/path/to/pass/file"; # file should contain only password
fingerprint = {
auto = false;
data = "/path/to/fprint/file"; # file should contain only fingerprint
# or... if you have secrets manager in your machine
sops.secrets = {
# let's say, you stored secret for kerio at kerio/*
"kerio/password" = {
owner =;
"kerio/fingerprint" = {
owner =;
services.kerio-kvc = {
enable = true;
config = {
domain = "";
user = "example";
password = config.sops.secrets."kerio/password".path;
fingerprint = {
auto = false;
data = config.sops.secrets."kerio/fingerprint".path;
or if you broke your configurations into parts (modules), you can write your own mini-module like this:
# ./anywhere/modules/nixos/e-imzo.nix
{ inputs, ... }: {
imports = [inputs.kerio.nixosModules.kerio];
services.kerio-kvc = {
You can refer to available options section for more available features/options/settings~!
Please, refer to the example nix showcase below for more information:
# Here are available options
services.e-imzo = {
# Enable Toggle
# => Mandatory
enable = true;
config = {
# Domain or IP pointing to Kerio server
# => Mandatory
domain = "";
# Port of Kerio server
# => Optional (default: 4090)
port = 1234;
# User registerd in Kerio system
# => Mandatory
user = "";
# Password file containing only password
# of registered user in Kerio system
# => Mandatory
password = "/path/to/pass/file";
fingerprint = {
# Enable auto fingerprint detection
# from Kerio server system
# => Mandatory
auto = true;
# Path to file containing only Fingerprint
# data provided by Kerio system
# => Optional if auto is true!
data = "/path/to/file";
# User for launching service
# => Optional
user = "negir";
# Group of user for launching service
# => Optional
group = "negirlar";
# Kerio custom package
# => Optional
package = pkgs.<?>;
To whoever participated in packaging this software.
- Orzklv - Maintainer
- Shakhzod Kudratov - Active tester & debugger
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.