Repository of Masters thesis CNN implementation 2024/2025
author: Lukáš Kaleta
Included Jupyter notebooks showcase the data pre-processing and use of implemented CNN model
- fault values replaced with NaN
- long off times detected and removed from dataset
- large trsl steps removed or dealed with: (see cml 496)
- right approach for standardisation
- train existing CNN(1) on open sense cml and reference RADOLAN data from Germany(2).
- calculate WAA using pycomlink function from Schleiss 2013.
- Prediction works with test loss around 0.2.
- Solved array size missmatch.
- choosing one cml, converting to torch Tensor.
- dropout rate: 0.4 is far to high, causes high learning curve ripple: set 0, later can be increased.
- learning rate lowered: 0.0001, learning is fast but convergs to high values.
- changed standardising: to min-max = 0-1, performance improved significantly!
- Added more cmls to dataset. current: 20
- sample shuffle: increases learning speed and precission.
- wet/dry 50/50 for faster learning and more accurate TPR/TNR results
- CNN threshold optimalization algorhythm, currently set to 0.5.
- improve the CNN architecture.
- period of trsl == reference wet/dry. Meaning, for each trsl point there will be wet/dry flag predicted.
- Forward and backward memory implementation will be needed.
- This approach should bring better learning performance. For longer wet/dry periods there are ocasions, where the period is wet, but trsl shows rain pattern for only fraction of the period.
Input (2 channels) → Convolution Block 1 → Convolution Block 2 → Convolution Block 3 → Convolution 5a → Convolution 5b → Flatten → Dense Layer 1 → Dropout 1 → Dense Layer 2 → Dropout 2 → Output Layer → Sigmoid Activation → Final Output (0 or 1).
- 3 convolutional blocks with increasing filter sizes.
- Final 2 convolutional layers (conv5a and conv5b) to capture more complex patterns.
- ReLU activations after each convolution.
- no pooling implemented.
- Two fully connected layers with 64 neurons.
- Dropout applied after each fully connected layer to avoid overfitting.
- Final output produced through a single neuron with Sigmoid activation (ideal for binary classification).
(1) CML wet/dry using Pytorch:
(2) Pycomlink:
(3) JPolz: CML wet/dry using Tensorflow: