A basic Wireshark dissector for the Ether Dream Laser DAC Protocol
Current no packet reassembly is done, so 'write data' commands with data spanning more than one packet are not interpreted as a single command. Doing so is probably not worthwhile. As a result it is not always possible to identify malformed packets except by manual inspection.
See the Wireshark documentation for installation of LUA plugins: https://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsug_html_chunked/ChPluginFolders.html
The EtherDream DAC protocol is documented here: https://ether-dream.com/protocol.html
DACs broadcast their identity and status on UDP port 7654.
Controllers connect to the DAC on TCP port 7765.
- The version request command ('v') is not currently documented, but is implemented by the EtherDream Diagnostic tool
- The documentation page currently includes a self-contradictory statement about byte order: multi-byte values are all sent LSB-first