A simplified and scalable school management system built using Java Spring Boot.
is a RESTful API designed for managing student information. It allows users to add, update, retrieve, and delete student records. The system follows a layered architecture (Controller, Service, Repository, and Model) to separate concerns and facilitate maintenance.
- Java 11: The programming language used for this project.
- Spring Boot: For building the RESTful API with the following modules:
- Spring MVC
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Web
- Maven: For dependency management and project building.
- MySQL: For database storage.
- Lombok: To reduce boilerplate code for Java objects.
- Controller: Handles HTTP requests.
- Service: Contains business logic.
- Repository: Manages database operations.
- Model: Defines the data structure.
├───.idea # IntelliJ configuration files
├───SchoolSystem # Root directory of the project
│ └───src
│ └───main
│ └───java
│ └───com
│ └───simplogics
│ └───SchoolSystem
│ ├───Configs # Configuration files
│ ├───Control # REST controllers
│ ├───Model # Domain models (entities)
│ ├───Repository # Data access layer
│ └───Service # Business logic layer
└───pom.xml # Maven configuration file
- POST /students - Add a new student
- PUT /students - Update an existing student
- GET /students/{id} - Retrieve a student by ID
- GET /students - Retrieve all students
- DELETE /students/{id} - Delete a student by ID
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 16,
"grade": "10th"
"id": 1,
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 16,
"grade": "10th"
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/xreedev/SchoolSystem.git
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd SchoolSystem
Build the Project:
mvn clean install
Run the Application:
mvn spring-boot:run
Access the API: Open Postman or your browser and interact with the API at