Tools to create and manage BEAMnrc input files and executions
MakeNCopiesOfBEAMINP ->
Creates subcopies of a file. Each new input has their own random number seed. Each new input has a unique(?) index on the end. For creating matching .egsinp files that can be excuted with simple parallelism
ChangeFileIndexString ->
Really just creates a string with the requested index.
ChangeRNGInFourthLineText ->
Changes the RNG in the text of a BEAM input file (.egsinp).
GetFileNumberIndex ->
Just extracts the index for an indexed filename. Example: GetFileNumberIndexp["RatsNest_044,egsinp"] returns the string "044"
SetBEAMINPFileToFirstPass ->
Changes the restart/firstpass flag to "0" (indicating that any previous histories should be deleted.)
SetBEAMINPFileToRestart ->
Changes the restart/firstpass flag to "1" (indicating that any new histories should be added to an existing egsphsp file.)
CreateBEAMBatchFile -> (For Windows) Uses the windows command "start". Allows the user to select priority and "Wait" or "B"ackground.
SetBEAMINPNumberHistories -> Changes the number of histories in the .egsinp file to the requested number.