A framework for defining Battlesnake-compatible rulesets and board positions in Elixir.
Battlesnake is an online competitive take on the classic game of
Snake. Snek
provides some structure and tooling that developers can use
toward creating Battlesnake AIs in Elixir.
This project is not affiliated with or sponsored by Battlesnake.
This is an early work in progress, and should be considered experimental, incomplete, and unstable until v1.0.0, following Semantic Versioning.
All notable changes will be recorded in the changelog.
Add snek
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:snek, "~> 0.4.0"}
Documentation can be found here at Hex.pm or generated from the
source code using mix docs
The following example simulates a couple of game turns using the Standard ruleset, for a two-player game, on a standard medium (11x11) board size.
alias Snek.Ruleset.Standard
alias Snek.Board
# Two-player game
snake_ids = MapSet.new(["snek1", "snek2"])
# Initialize the game
{:ok, turn0} = Standard.init(Board.Size.medium, snake_ids)
# The ruleset emits `Snek.Board` states that you can analyze in various ways:
Board.empty?(turn0) # => false
Board.alive_snakes_remaining(turn0) # => 2
# Apply moves for two turns
turn1 = Standard.next(turn0, %{"snek1" => :left, "snek2" => :up})
turn2 = Standard.next(turn1, %{"snek1" => :down, "snek2" => :right})
# Is the game over? (See if you can figure out *why* the game isn't over!)
Standard.done?(turn2) # => false
All rulesets implement the same callbacks, so you can perform dynamic dispatch.
In the following example, the ruleset
variable could be set to any ruleset
module name:
ruleset = Snek.Ruleset.Solo
{:ok, turn0} = ruleset.init(Board.Size.medium, snake_ids)
If you have any questions, or just wish to geek out and chat about Battlesnake or Elixir or programming in general, feel free to reach out! I love talking with people and sharing tips and tricks.
You can reach me at xtagon@gmail.com, or catch me in
Battlesnake Discord (username: @xtagon
The following Mix tasks are available to assist in development:
mix docs
mix test
mix coveralls
mix credo --strict
mix bench
mix profile
This project is released under the terms of the MIT License.