只是通过PKGBUILD脚本定制arch linux的包–>>clrmamepro-zh
4.034 fixed: due to a cache flag error, in non-merged mode, cmpro took merge attribute information for names into account which is wrong fixed: setinfo, falsely hide empty parent set and its clones in tree when parent is empty but clones got content fixed: scanner, falsely list empty parents set in full merged mode as wrong named when parent is empty fixed: scanner, falsely list empty parent set in full merged, multi-software list mode as missing when set exists in various software lists fixed: miss list generator falsely lists sampleonly sets when they only reference parent samples fixed: scanner, falsely show wrong case set messages when missing option is turned off misc: allow romclones to be sampleparents misc: switched to visual studio 2017 (also for updater)
misc: updated zipArchive lib to 4.6.5, 7z sdk to 18.01
18.03.02版本來源 https://www.emulab.it/forum/index.php?topic=4230.0
這個中文化的由來: 就在今天早上lo585983的老婆拿著他生前使用的電腦裡的隨身碟,哭著跟我說你幫我看看,當我打開一看實在是看不出端倪. 後,我這個好友的老婆指著檔案最後修改日期........... 是lo585983過世前一個禮拜,連我都忍不住的眼淚飆了出來......... 當她對著電腦哭了幾分鐘後忽然跑來拉著我說,快!!! 來把他要做的事做完!!!
接下來我便下載了最新的版本照著lo585983已翻譯的版本中文化了這些.(lo585983在過世前還是想著論壇的大家,想著要給你們全世界) PS:當你們下載來用時請記住這是lo585983拼著最後的生命完成的(我幾乎只是複製貼上)(請珍惜使用) 我今天也沒心情再更新甚麼東西了(出門散散心)
文件名称:cmp4034_32-cht.7z 文件大小:3.08 M 文件地址:http://f.ppxclub.com/plugin.php?id=phpdisk_mini:view&file_id=13026 文件名称:cmp4034_64-cht.7z 文件大小:3.98 M 文件地址:http://f.ppxclub.com/plugin.php?id=phpdisk_mini:view&file_id=13027 文件名称:cmp4034_xp-cht.7z 文件大小:3.09 M 文件地址:http://f.ppxclub.com/plugin.php?id=phpdisk_mini:view&file_id=13028