Extract detailed information from Genes_on_Chr.R
can be used to draw the location of genes on chromosomes map quickly in PDF
format based on the input data. It will become a useful tool for drawing genes on chromosomes map
with the advantages of a simple input data format, easily modified output and very good portability. Genes_on_Chr.R
is open source, so all we ask is that you cite our most recent paper in any publications that use this script:
A tool to draw genes on chromosome based on R language.
All R
Put Genes_on_Chr.R
and data files in a same dir, then run:
Rscript Genes_on_Chr.R chr.txt gene.txt
The structure of chr.txt
(tab-delimited) data is: the first column is the chromosome number
, and the second column is t信息学he base_pair of chromosome
1 Length_1
2 Length_2
3 Length_3
... ...
The structure of gene.txt
(tab-delimited) data is: the first column is the chromosome number
, the second column is location of the gene
, and the third column is name of the gene
1 site_1 Gene_name_1
1 site_2 Gene_name_2
2 site_3 Gene_name_3
... ... ...
- Get
perl -e '$/ = ">"; while (<>) {($head, $seq) = split (/\n/, $_, 2); $len = length $seq; $head =~ /(\d+)/; print "$1\t$len\n";}' genome.fa > chr.txt
- Get
perl Search.pl list.txt GFF3.gff > gene.txt
For any questions please contact xukai_li@qq.com