I'm Fariz a BackEnd Engineer and I am a young person who aspires to become a programmer. I have been self-taught learning programming for 3 years!. after being self-taught, I finally succeeded in becoming a BackEnd Engineer at Blue Bird Group!
📫 Reach me out!
- 📫 How to reach me: muhamadfarizwisnupranada@gmail.com.
- 😄 Pronouns: Fariz.
- 🎓 I - graduated from sriwijaya state polytechnic majoring in computer engineering
- ⚡ Fun fact: I like Japanese culture, I'm also an otaku who really likes anime
- ❤️ i love Sakura Miyawaki, Sakura Endo, and aruno nakanishi!
- 💻 i am focused on web development and BackEnd Development
- 💻 I have learned HTML, CSS, C ++, python, javascript, Golang, and framework that I've studied is laravel,Sass,Vanilla Javascript ,Bootstrap, Gin-Gonic, also experience using gRPC for development microservices.
More stuff about me
I am a programmer, so far I have been self-taught through the internet. But I also joined the coding community in my city.
I love sharing knowledge and putting tutorials, courses and posts together for helping other developers, and i also have a youtube channel!
With hard work studying every day, I want to become a Golang developer, and work in a technology company In Japan.
Hard work will not betray the results!