Dfam TE Tools includes RepeatMasker, RepeatModeler, and coseg. This container is an easy way to get a minimal yet fully functional installation of RepeatMasker and RepeatModeler and is additionally useful for testing or reproducibility purposes.
You should consider using the Dfam TE Tools container if:
- You or your computing environment already use docker or singularity
- You are uncomfortable compiling dependencies by hand or have had problems doing so
- You do not need to use any of the other tools (e.g. RMBlast, HMMER) for anything besides RepeatMasker and RepeatModeler
You should install RepeatMasker and/or RepeatModeler manually if:
- You do not have the necessary system permissions to install and/or run docker or singularity
- You need to install a different version of a dependency
- You need to compile a dependency in a specific way
- You need to use RepeatMasker as part of another pipeline
- You need to use AB-BLAST or Cross-Match. Either AB-BLAST or Cross-Match can probably be used with this container, but it is inconvenient and not tested.
- A 64-bit Linux operating system. Other platforms (e.g. macOS) might work with extra effort but are not tested.
installed with permissions to run containers. Fordocker
, this usually means being in thedocker
group or running the container as theroot
We provide a wrapper script, dfam-tetools.sh
, which does most of the work automatically.
The wrapper script does the following:
- Runs the container from Docker Hub. This can be overridden with the
flag if you want to use a different version than the default or if you have a specific.sif
file for singularity. - Uses
if it is available,docker
otherwise. You can change this default with--docker
flags. - Runs the container as the current user, in the current working directory
$ curl -sSLO https://github.com/Dfam-consortium/TETools/raw/master/dfam-tetools.sh
$ chmod +x dfam-tetools.sh
$ ./dfam-tetools.sh
Inside the container, the included tools are now available:
$ BuildDatabase -name genome1 genome1.fa
$ RepeatModeler -database genome1 [-LTRStruct] [-pa 8]
$ RepeatMasker genome1.fa [-lib library.fa] [-pa 8]
$ runcoseg.pl -d -m 50 -c ALU.cons -s ALU.seqs -i ALU.ins
The container can also be run manually, bypassing the wrapper script:
docker run -it --rm dfam/tetools:latest
singularity run docker://dfam/tetools:latest
When running the container manually, you will also need to set the UID/GID,
directories to mount, and so on according to your specific situation. By
default singularity mounts the current directory and your HOME
docker does neither.
If you wish to use RepBase RepeatMasker Edition with the container, you will need to perform some additional setup. These commands should be read as a container-specific extension to the instructions at http://www.repeatmasker.org/RMDownload.html. These commands assume that RepBaseRepeatMaskerEdition-######.tar.gz is accessible inside the container.
Once inside the container:
# Navigate to an appropriate directory that is persistent outside the container
$ cd /work
# Make a copy of RepeatMasker's Libraries directory here
$ cp -r /opt/RepeatMasker/Libraries/ ./
# Extract RepBase (the .tar.gz file unpacks files into Libraries/)
$ tar -x -f /work/path/to/RepBaseRepeatMaskerEdition-#######.tar.gz
# Run the 'addRepBase.pl' script (part of the RepeatMasker package) to merge the databases,
# specifying the custom Libraries directory.
$ addRepBase.pl -libdir Libraries/
# Run RepeatMasker with the LIBDIR environment variable set
$ export LIBDIR=/path/to/Libraries
$ RepeatMasker genome.fa
In future runs you can reuse the same Libraries/
directory by setting LIBDIR
again. Each time you update RepeatMasker, including a new version of the TETools
container, you should re-create your custom Libraries directory if you use one.
You'll need:
, with permissions to build containerssingularity
(optional) - if building a singularity container
# Download dependencies
$ ./getsrc.sh
# Build a docker container
$ docker build -t org/name:tag .
# (optional) build a singularity container
$ singularity build dfam-tetools.sif dfam-tetools.def
The following software is included in the Dfam TE Tools container (version 1.2
RepeatModeler | 2.0.1 | http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/ |
RepeatMasker | 4.1.1 | http://www.repeatmasker.org/RMDownload.html |
coseg | 0.2.2 | http://www.repeatmasker.org/COSEGDownload.html |
RMBlast | 2.10.0 | http://www.repeatmasker.org/RMBlast.html |
HMMER | 3.3 | http://hmmer.org/ |
TRF | 4.09.1 | https://github.com/Benson-Genomics-Lab/TRF |
RepeatScout | 1.0.6 | http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatScout-1.0.6.tar.gz |
RECON | 1.08 | http://www.repeatmasker.org/RepeatModeler/RECON-1.08.tar.gz |
cd-hit | 4.8.1 | https://github.com/weizhongli/cdhit |
genometools | 1.6.0 | https://github.com/genometools/genometools |
LTR_retriever | 2.9.0 | https://github.com/oushujun/LTR_retriever/ |
MAFFT | 7.471 | https://mafft.cbrc.jp/alignment/software/ |
NINJA | 0.97-cluster_only | https://github.com/TravisWheelerLab/NINJA |
The Dfam TE Tools container project (the Dockerfile
and associated build and
run scripts) is licensed under the CC 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
The software packages included in the container have their own associated
license terms; see the individual software packages for details.