UPBGEMultiplayerOnline is a base for creating online multiplayer games using 100% custom-made code. It's a free and open-source project with Python, designed and tested on UPBGE 0.2.4x (Blender Game Engine - BGE).
This project provides a solid foundation for developing online multiplayer games. If you're new to UPBGE or looking to create a multiplayer game from scratch, you can use this repository as a starting point.
- Online multiplayer functionality
- Custom-made Python code for game development
- Free to use and modify
- Compatibility with UPBGE 0.2.4x
The project is developed and maintained by Henrique Rodrigues Pereira. You can find more about the author and their work on the following platforms:
- GitHub:
- YouTube: 🎥 RIick013's Channel
- Instagram: 📷 Henrique Rodrigues
IMPORTANT: Feel free to study or create a project using this code, but please remember to give proper credit to the original author, as this is a project that has been developed over the years.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
[Uniday Studio, Golden Games, Priston Unreal Project]
Thanks to all the users and contributors who have supported and contributed to this project! Your help is greatly appreciated. 🙏