Project created for university assignment for the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute of Sofia University. Used electronjs for building the app with mapboxjs for visualisating the map itself, also I made a webscraper for wikipedia table elements to colect data and save it into JSON file with all the needed formatting which then it populate the map.
- ELectron Js for building it as a desktop app.
- Webscraper made with Python (using beatifoulSoup4) to exctract data from wikipedia tables and save it to JSON file with all the needed formatting /Check the webScraper folder
- MapboxJs satellite map used to display the map itself.All the 'anchor' icons represent a base because the antarctic bases are with status of a ships.
- When clicking on the icon for the base it will display a pop-up with name of the station and link to wikipedia page for it.
- clone/download the repository then run the following commands in the root folder
- run 'npm install' command to install all dependencies
- run 'npm start' to launch the app and test it
- run 'npm make' to build the app for distribution/packaging
Do not use this map for navigation because data extracted from wikipedia could be incorrect/incomplete