Feb 2022: Took a look again at this project, this should just be used for learning as the code is terrible both on the front and backend. I'll probably come back again to improve everything since I've made this at the start of my learning phase when trying to make a MEVN project. I've redeployed it again here: https://exocial.onrender.com/
Preview here: https://exocial.onrender.com/
A vue social network web app with a responsive UI Built using Vue && Tailwind for the frontend and MongoDB, Express, Node for the backend
Node / Nodemon
Mongoose / MongoDB
Then as seen in the config.js file mongoUri: process.env.MONGO_URI,
, the database uri is access through the environment variables so in order to set it up
use the cmd export MONGO_URI=<your_uri>
replacing your_uri with yours...
the same for the jwt secret key export SECRET_KEY=<your_key>
Create a .env file in the root folder, put in your MONGO_URI
(you can get this from MongoAtlass) and SECRET_KEY
as follows:
MONGO_URI = <your_mongo_uri>
SECRET_KEY = <choose_a_secret_string>
MONGO_URI = 'mongodb+srv://username:password@clusterize.hyupy.mongodb.net/database?retryWrites=true&w=majority'
• For production / deployment
add to the .env
NODE_ENV = 'production'
• Development
Starting off, you should of course: npm install
Then enter the run command: npm run dev
, this will run both the server and client servers at the same time using the npm package concurrently
Or you can run them independently by going npm run server
in the root folder and npm run dev
in client/
• Production
Build and run everything:
npm run build && npm start
## Todos:
Migrate current methods to vuex/pinia micro-servicesLazy loading postsEdit postsCheck follow(ers/ings) listsImplement comments system for postsImplement notifications systemIntegrate sockets system for follows + likes with live notifsImplement a chatting systemWork on SEO and general metadata stuff