another seatalk nmea multiplexer arduino base
It is implementation of multiplexer for seatalk <=> nmea and additional commands. It runs on nano or uno (small amount of ram) and as a bi-directional voltage buffer I use old autopilot :) Additional librarys: Alt9SoftSerial for receiving SoftwareSerial9 for transmiting
it translate command from seatalk to nmea 0x00 - depth 0x30 - lamp 0x52 - sog 0x53 - cog 0x56 - RMC date from gps 0x58 - lat and lon 0x84 - compass heading, autopilot status, rudder 0x9c - heading (flux) allso it's a wind instrument :) as A0 wind direction, wind speed TODO
it translate $xxRMB to seatalk $00UNO,x x[ ? - help q - wind sensor burst for testing a - autopilot auto s - autopilot standby t - autopilot track mode d - autopilot key press display w - autopilot vind wane mode
- +1
- -1 l[0-3] - lamp ] $STUNO,0xaa,0xbb,, (send command as it is to seatalk)
Hardware: My setup from scraps :) old autohelp 5000+ as a voltage level buffer uart 5v on arduino seatalk ~13v arduino nano connected to IC on autohelm 5000+ to get data in UART console 9bit read/write to seatalk bus orangepizero main brain of operation running armbian on it mqtt broaker, kplex, tcp_toFrom_mqtt, http server power supply usb car charger aditional capacitors :P