Yandex Popup is a macOS admin tool written in Swift. It allows you to present customizable user interfaces to the user, offering flexible control over the appearance and behavior of window popups and notifications.
Latest version of Yandex Popup can be found on the Releases page
By default, Yandex Popup is installed in /Library/Application Utilities/Yandex Popup.
To view usage information, run the following command in Terminal:
/Library/Application\ Support/Yandex\ Popup/Yandex\\ Popup --help
Yandex Popup provides extensive customization options. You can display macOS-style windows with your own content and controls, or send notifications (including critical notifications that bypass Focus Mode). Customization is done via launch arguments.
Full list of arguments can be viewed under the cut:
Launch Arguments
--help show this help message and exit
Global parameters:
--pid-file System app pid file, path
Window parameters:
--window-reset Reset window position and size metrics, int [0/1], default is 0
--window-all-spaces Show window on all spaces, int [0/1], default is 0
--window-title Window title visibility, int [0/1], default is 1
--window-title-text Window title text, string, default is 'Yandex.Popup'
--window-controls Window controls bitmask, int [0 - none, 1 - close, 2 - minimize, 4 - fullscreen, 8 - menu], default - 15
--window-position Window semantic position, string [center, left-top, left-bottom, right-top, right-bottom], default - center
--window-position-x Window x position of left-bottom corner, int
--window-position-y Window y position of left-bottom corner, int
--window-width Window width, int
--window-height Window height, int
--window-floating Enables always-on-top floating window, int [0/1], default = 0
--window-hide-dock Disables Window dock and app switcher visibility, int [0/1], default = 0
--window-focus-element Sets Window input element focus, string [none, okbutton, actionbutton, input], default - none
Universal parameters for all windowed popups:
--popup-type Popup type, string [message, input, progress, qrcode, file, dropdown, notification], default is message
--icon-name Generic icon NSImage name, string
--icon-path Generic icon path, string
--icon-max-width Generic icon maximum width, int
--header-text Generic header text, string
--description-text Generic description text, string
--description-detect-links Enables generic description links detection, int [0/1], default = 0
--description-links-layout Generic description links layout, string, format='start#end#link|...'
--ok-button Generic OK button visibility, int [0/1], default = 1
--ok-button-text Generic OK button text, string
--action-button Generic Action Button visibility, int [0/1], default = 0
--action-button-actions Generic Action button actions set, string, format='launch#app name|open#file path|open_url#url|exit|exit_err'
--action-button-text Generic Action button text, string
Input popup parameters:
--input-text Input view initial text, string
--input-placeholder Input view placeholder text, string
--input-secure Input view secure input, int [0/1], default = 0
File input popup parameters:
--file-mode FileInput view mode, String [report_path, copy, move], default is report_path
--file-extension FileInput view file extension filter, String
--file-destination FileInput view file destination path, String
--file-replace FileInput view replace destination file, Int [0/1], default = 0
--file-type FileInput view browse mode, String [file, directory], default = file
Progress popup input parameters:
--progress-type Progress view type, String [bar, spinner, completed], default = bar
QR-code popup parameters:
--qrcode-string Qrcode view string, String
--qrcode-label Qrcode label status, int [0/1], default = 1
--qrcode-label-text Qrcode label text, string
--qrcode-label-text-size Qrcode label text size, int [1-inf], default = 20
Dropdown popup parameters:
--dropdown-items Comma-separated drop-down menu items, string, e.g.: --dropdown-items='item1, item2, item3'
--dropdown-default Drop-down menu item chosen by default, string, if not specified will use the first item from the list
Notification parameters:
--notification-type Notification type, string [alert, action]
--notification-title-text Notification title, string
--notification-subtitle-text Notification subtitle, string
--notification-body-text Notification title, string
--notification-button Show notification button, int [0/1]
--notification-button-text Notification button text, string
--notification-action Notification action type, string [launch, open, open_url]
--notification-action-target Notification action target, string
--notification-critical Ignore Focus/DnD mode, int [0/1]
--notification-thread-id Group notifications by threadId, string (default: random)
--notification-fallback-mode Notification fallback mode if permission not granted, string [disabled, allowed, forced], default = disabled
--notification-error-on-permission Notification permission error exit code pass mode [0/1], default = 1
--notification-fallback-position-origin Notification fallback position origin point, string [top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left], default = top-right
--notification-fallback-padding-x Notification fallback X-axis padding int, default = 20
--notification-fallback-padding-y Notification fallback Y-axis padding int, default = 20
NOTE: You can also store arguments in a JSON file and pass it via the YA_POPUP_CONF_FILE environment variable.
/Library/Application\ Support/Yandex\ Popup/Yandex\\ Popup \
--window-controls=0 \
--window-title=0 \
--window-height=100 \
--window-width=500 \
--popup-type=message \
--icon-name=NSInfo \
--header-text="Daily fact" \
--description-text="Maine is the only state that has a one-syllable name."
/Library/Application\ Support/Yandex\ Popup/Yandex\\ Popup \
--popup-type=notification \
--notification-type=action \
--notification-title-text='Hey!' \
--notification-body-text="Want to see something cool?" \
--notification-action="open_url" \
--notification-action-target='' \
--notification-button-text='Show me!'
/Library/Application\ Support/Yandex\ Popup/Yandex\\ Popup \
--window-title=0 \
--window-width=450 \
--window-controls=0 \
--window-hide-dock=1 \
--window-floating=1 \
--popup-type=progress \
--progress-type=bar \
--icon-name="NSAdvanced" \
--header-text="Setting things up" \
--description-text="Please wait for configuration to apply. It will take just a few more minutes." \
/Library/Application\ Support/Yandex\ Popup/Yandex\\ Popup \
--window-title=0 \
--window-width=450 \
--window-controls=0 \
--window-hide-dock=1 \
--window-floating=1 \
--popup-type=file \
--file-mode=report_path \
--file-extension="log" \
--header-text="Send logs" \
--description-text="Choose log file to send to Support Team" \
--icon-name="NSFolder" \
--ok-button=1 \
--ok-button-text="Send" \
--action-button=1 \
--action-button-text="Cancel" \
You can rebrand Yandex Popup by changing its name, bundle ID, and default icon. This requires building and signing the app manually. For that you will need:
- Apple Developer account
- Provisioning Profile for the app
- Xcode and Command Line Tools
- Developer ID Application signing identity to sign the app
- Developer ID Installer signing identity to sign the installer package (optional)
- Login into you Apple Developer account at
- Register a new app with a unique Bundle Identifier.
- Create and download a Provisioning Profile for the newly registered app.
- Make sure that all the necessary signing identities are added to your Login Keychain
- Get the source code:
git clone
- If you wish to change the default icons, just replace them in Yandex.Popup/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ directory (ensure proper naming and format)
- Run the script, which will guide you through the build process.