This is a program done in C++ language to reserve a movie ticket by users from a list of movies which are managed by the administrator. This project focusses on creating a stable, reliable and fast automated program for managing a multiplex. The program is supposed to provide 2 types of interface based on the type of user: Administrator or Customer
If the user is a Customer, He/She will be able to: • Book tickets. • Modify previous active bookings. Here, active refers to a booking, wherein the show is yet to be screened • Cancel previous bookings.
If the user is an Administrator, He/She will be able to: • Modify Movies Which includes being able to: • Creating a new movie. • Adding a new movie to a list of movies • See movies that are currently being shown. • Altering movies' details. • Remove a movie from now showing.
• Change GUI settings. • Background colour, font, etc.
The user also gets an option to sign out, and signing out from either of their accounts leads us back to the main screen where the console waits for the next user to login.